
Friday, July 20, 2007

George G. Lambertson family - 1860 Mason Co. KY & 1870 New York City

The mysterious George G. LAMBERTSON and family was found in the 1860 census of Mason Co., KY. George was listed as age 28, born in New Jersey, and his occupation was that of M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Minister. He appears with his wife Harriet, age 26, born Ohio; and two children : Isolina aged 2 and George L. aged 10 months.

In the 1870 census of Reily Twp., Butler Co., OH, Harriet LAMBERTSON is living with her brother Daniel JONES and his family. Only daughter Isolina is listed, so I presume that George L. died sometime between 1860 and 1870.

George G. LAMBERTSON appears in the 1870 census of 16th Ward of New York City as a Botanical doctor, aged 37, born in New Jersey. He has a new wife, Adelaide, aged 37, a Fortune Teller born in Connecticut.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Clemon Lambertson Family - Madison Co., IN

My maternal great-grandfather, Clemon Beals Lambertson, appears in the 1920 and 1930 census of Madison Co., IN as head of household in the 2nd ward of the city of Elwood.

In both records, he is listed as working at a cabinet factory, which matches his obituary that stated he worked for Sellers Cabinets in Elwood. In the 1920 census, he was renting his home, but by 1930 he owned a home. The family owned a radio in 1930.

It was interesting to see the record of my grandmother, Bonnie, and her brothers and sister on the census records in 1930.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Charles W. Lambertson Family - Hamilton & Madison Co., IN

The Charles W. Lambertson family was enumerated in the 1910 census of Hamilton Co., IN and the 1920 census of Madison Co., IN. Charles was my maternal 2nd-great-grandfather.

In the 1910 census, Charles' occupation was that of a painter and in 1920 he was a carpenter working for a contracting firm. They 1910 census states that his wife, Pearl, was the mother of 5 children with 5 living. This information excludes twins, Gerald and Geraldine, who were born and died in 1906 of milk poisoning.

In the 1920 census, daughter Leona was living as a lodger in the household of Freeman Harting on North A street in the city of Elwood.

Charles Wilson LAMBERTSON b. January 25, 1872 Preble Co., OH., d. May 24, 1958 Elwood, Madison Co., IN., m. April 18, 1897 Hamilton Co., IN to Pearl May BEALS. Pearl b. May 11, 1878 Westfield, Hamilton Co., IN, d. August 3, 1970 Elwood, Madison Co., IN.

Known children of Charles Wilson and Pearl May (BEALS) LAMBERTSON are as follows :
i. Clemon Beals LAMBERTSON b. October 27, 1898 Hamilton Co., IN., d. March 18, 1994 Madison Co., IN., m. June Kirk DAVIS, m(2) Helen B. DUNCAN
ii. Orville E. LAMBERTSON b. February 23, 1902 Hamilton Co., IN., d. May 23, 1984 Butte Co., CA., m. Mary E. HERTER, m(2) Martha STONER, m(3) Hassie HAWKINS
iii. Leona D. LAMBERTSON b. August 20, 1904, d. after 1920 census, m. Clarence FETZ, m(2) Joe CARPENTER
iv. Gerald LAMBERTSON b. June 28, 1906 Hamilton Co., IN, d. October 4, 1906 Hamilton Co., IN
v. Geraldine LAMBERTSON b. June 28, 1906 Hamilton Co., IN., d. October 5, 1906 Hamilton Co., IN
vi. Paul LAMBERTSON b. May 16, 1908 Hamilton Co., IN., d. May 18, 1994 Madison Co., IN., m. Goldie LAYCOCK
vii. Pauline LAMBERTSON b. May 16, 1908 Hamilton Co., IN., d. May 26, 1992 Madison Co., IN., m. Forrest VanNESS
viii. Elizabeth C. LAMBERTSON b. June 15, 1915 Hamilton Co., IN., d. March 23, 1906 Madison Co., IN., m. Ralph HERSCHBERGER

Carmen Lambertson Family - Montgomery & Darke Co., OH

The Carmen Lambertson family appears in the 1860 census of German Twp., Montgomery Co., OH and the 1870 census of Van Buren Twp., Darke Co., OH. While I have his name as being spelled 'Carmon', both census records spell it as 'Carmen'. Carmon was my maternal 3rd-great granduncle.

Carmen's occupation was that of a farmer in 1860 and a wagon maker in 1870. He and his wife Mary must have lost two children as during that time period as daughter Florence b. circa 1851 and son James b. circa 1853 were not listed in the 1870 census. The value of Carmen's personal estate was only $100 in 1870.

Carmen W. LAMBERTSON b. January 30, 1828 New Jersey, d. August 17, 1870 German Twp., Montgomery Co., OH, m. Mary Jane VANLUE circa 1851 in Ohio. Mary b. ca. 1835 Ohio, d. after 1870 Ohio.

Known children of Carmen W. and Mary Jane (VANLUE) LAMBERTSON are as follows :
i. Florence LAMBERTSON b. ca. 1851 Ohio, d. bet. 1860-1870 Ohio
ii. Curtis LAMBERTSON b. ca. 1853 Ohio, d. bet. 1860-1870 Ohio
iii. James LAMBERTSON b. ca. 1857 Ohio, d. after 1870 census
iv. Mary LAMBERTSON b. ca. 1864 Ohio, d. after 1870 census

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Stivers Update

Jim Ed Prow of Hendricksville contacted me about the Stivers family, as he's looking for updates and photographs. His grandmother Roxie Stivers was a sister to Daniel Stivers who married Dealie Davis. Dealie was the sister of my 2nd-great grandmother, Ida Davis. Hopefully, we can share some information and expand my knowledge of this family.

Daniel Stivers' parents were John W. and Eliza Jane (Martin) Stivers, according to Jim Ed.

Find A Grave Photo Success : Daniel Adney

Member 'Buddy' has located the gravesite of Eileen's maternal 5th-great grandfather, Daniel Adney in the Woods Chapel Cemetery in Union Co., IN.

Daniel was born January 12, 1777 in Botetourt Co., VA and died May 2, 1862 in Union Co., IN. He married Anna Coger on February 3, 1798 in Franklin Co., VA.

Gegenheimer Update

Received an email from a cousin, Heidi Gegenheimer-Murphy who was able to update my data on the family of Sarah C. Haley who married August Gegenheimer. She was able to provide names of additional children as well as some death dates. Sarah C. Haley was the daughter of George J. and Rachel (GARY) HALEY.

Sarah C. HALEY b. November 1845 Ohio, d. February 12, 1926 Portland, Jay Co., IN., m. May 11, 1865 Erie Co., OH to August GEGENHEIMER. August b. November 1842 Germany, d. August 17, 1933 Portland, Jay Co., IN.

Known children of August and Sarah C. (HALEY) GEGENHEIMER are as follows :
i. George M. Gegenheimer b. May 5, 1866 Huron, Erie Co., OH
ii. William F. Gegenheimer b. August 7, 1868 Vermillion, Erie Co., OH
iii. John H. Gegenheimer b. June 25, 1871 Erie Co., OH
iv. Elizabeth R. Gegenheimer b. October 29, 1873 Erie Co., OH
v. Della P. Gegenheimer b. August 27, 1876 Florence, Erie Co., OH
vi. Sarah H. Gegenheimer b. June 3, 1879 Jay Co., IN
vii. Hanna A. Gegenheimer b. April 8, 1882 Jay Co., IN
viii. Lorenzo H. Gegenheimer b. March 30, 1885 Jay Co., IN
ix. Charles H.B. Gegenheimer b. February 18, 1888 Jay Co., IN
x. Arthur C. Gegenheimer b. December 10, 1893 Jay Co., IN

Find A Grave Photo Success : Edward Wildt

Member Kathy Current was able to obtain a photograph for me of Edward Ferdinand Wildt in the Locust Hill Cemetery in Evansville, IN. Edward is the maternal great-grandfather of my daughter. He and his wife Miriam Ruth (Miguet) Wildt both now have memorial pages at FindAGrave.

Kathy was also able to find the gravesite of Edward's brother, Gilbert D. Wildt at the Alexander Memorial Park cemetery.

Haunting Errors of World Family Tree

Back when I first started putting my genealogy data into Family Tree Maker, I made the novice mistake of importing data from the World Family Tree files that came along with the software. While this data provided many clues for further research, so much of it was not sourced that it is practically useless and full of errors. I have attempted to slowly and methodically eliminate any traces of this imported data from my database, but unfortunately some still remains.

Case in point is a recent WorldConnect post-em regarding a marriage record of Thomas Swafford and Nellie Howard. I have the date as 1800 in Bledsoe Co., TN with a source of WFT. However, as the poster pointed out, Bledsoe Co., TN was not even formed until 1801, so the location is wrong.

World Connect Postem : Sherrick Family

Received an update on World Connect regarding Jacob Sherrick whose daughter Barbara married Cyrus A. Baldwin. Midge Ryan contacted me to let me know that Jacob's name was also spelled Sherk, that he was born in Lancaster Co., PA and that his wife's name was Catherine Shock.

Jacob Sherrick and Catherine Shock were married January 13, 1825 in Wayne Co., IN. I'm not sure yet how he connects with my other Sherrick/Sherk lines. His daughter Barbara married my half 3rd cousin 6 times removed, Cyrus Baldwin. The Baldwins were Quakers and members of the West Grove MM in Wayne Co., IN.