
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trip throughout Ohio

Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, August 12, 1915, page 7.

Mr. and Mrs. Omer Whisler and daughter Edna and son Harry, and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lambertson, of Cicero, left last Thursday morning in the former's machine for a trip through Ohio, they returned Tuesday and traveled three hundred and fifty-five miles without a single mishap and had fine weather and roads. They visited in Dayton, also went to the soldiers home at that place and visited at Middletown, Germantown and Eaton. They reported a hail storm in some parts of Ohio on Sunday afternoon and much rain. Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson, of Elwood, parents of Mrs. Whisler looked after the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whisler during their absence.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and son Ralph of near Cicero, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson at the Whisler home.

Comment: A trip that we might take for granted today must have been quite an experience in 1915. Sounds like they were visiting Lambertson relatives back in Ohio. Nelson J. Lambertson, a great-uncle to Charles Lambertson and Lola (Lambertson) Whisler, was a resident of the National Military Home in Dayton. He was a Civil War veteran. The towns of Middletown and Germantown were areas where Lambertson members were known to have resided.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Motoring to Elwood

Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, June 10, 1915, page 7.

Omer Whisler and family, Walter Noble and family motored to Elwood Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Whisler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cary Lambertson. Edna, the daughter that has been spending the past week with her grandparents returned home with them.

Comment: The Walter Noble family must have been a family friend, as I do not know of any connection to the Lambertson family.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner, 1913

Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, December 4, 1913, page 7.

Mr. and Mrs. Carry Lambertson of Elwood spent from Friday until Monday here, guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lola Whisler.

Chas. Lambertson of Cicero was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Lola Whisler Thursday.

Comment: What the paper isn't saying is that this must have been Thanksgiving dinner and an extended visit. I also wonder why Charles Lambertson's family isn't mentioned - did his wife and children celebrate Thanksgiving at home or with someone else? Yet again there is another way to spell Carey W. Lambertson's name. I've chosen to go with Carey.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Sunday dinner guests

Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, August 21, 1913, page 3.

Omer Whisler and family spent Sunday in Elwood the guests of Mrs. Whisler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Lambertson

Omer Whisler and family and their guests Mr. Wagner and family, of Ohio, were the relative guests of Frank Fisher and family near Cicero, Wednesday.

Comment: I do not know the relationship of the Wagner family to the other members of the Lambertson clan. Omer Whisler and Lola May (Lambertson) Whisler had two children, Edna and Harry.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Mrs. Lambertson of Elwood

Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, May 29, 1913, page 3.

Mrs. Lambertson of Elwood who has been here visiting her daughter Mrs. Omer Whisler has gone to Onward to visit for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Maude Fischer and family.

Comment: Lola (Lambertson) Whisler and Maud (Lambertson) Fisher were the daughters of Carey W. & Clara (Cook) Lambertson. Lola married Omer Whisler, Maude married Frank Fisher. I hadn't heard of Onward - it is located in Tipton Township, Cass County, Indiana, population 81 in the 2000 census.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Lambertson siblings stay in touch

Members of my Lambertson family managed to stay close knit by traveling on the weekends, as evidenced by these newspaper column tidbits :

Soucre: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, May 1, 1913, page 2.

Omer Whisler and family spent Sunday near Cicero with Charles Lambertson and family.

Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, May 22, 1913, page 6.

Charles Lambertson and family of Cicero spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. Omer Whisler and family.

Comment: Charles Lambertson and Lola (Lambertson) Whisler were the children of Carey W. & Clara (Cook) Lambertson. Although they didn't live too far away by today's standards, it must have been an effort to stay in touch and have to travel before the days of highways, email and cellphones.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Miss Edna Whisler returns

Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Friday, June 14, 1912, page 7.


Miss Edna Whisler who has been visiting her grandmother Mrs. Carrie Lambertson of Elwood returned to her home at this place Friday.

Mrs. Carrie Lambertson of Elwood spent Friday here with her daughter, Mrs. Omer Whisler.

Comment: Again, either the name is incorrect or they have confused Carey Lambertson with his wife, Clara Lambertson. Carey Lambertson (1847-1918) & Clara (Cook) Lambertson (1848-1943) were the grandparents of Edna Whisler.