
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pierpont Family in Indianapolis, 1922

Polk's 1922 City Directory, Indianapolis, Indiana

Continuing my research into the PIERPONT family in Indianapolis, the 1922 Polk's Directory at listed the following PIERPONTs [h=house r=rents].  I have been hoping to find out more about the early years of the Harry Pierpont family.

Pierpont Blance J tel oper r533 N Belmont
Pierpont Clarence M assmblr h1152 Spruce
Pierpont Cora F clk CCC&StLRy r1152 Spruce
Pierpont Edw L lab h1138 S Sheffield av
Pierpont Ezra M mech h1537 Draper
Pierpont Frank firemn h1116 N Traub av
Pierpont Helen J clrk r533 N Belmont
Pierpont Macel A matron Cosmopolitan Community Center r533 N Belmont av
Pierpont Perry lab r1116 N Traub av
Pierpont Raymond W finshr r1322 E 24th
Pierpont Wm E pipeftr h533 N Belmont av 

The Blance Pierpont is unidentified, though she resides at the same residence as Helen, Macel and Wm E.

The Clarence M. Pierpont and Cora Pierpont were at the same location as the 1920 city directory, and their relationship to the others has not been indentified.

The Edward L. Pierpont is believed to be the son of John T. and Hester Pierpont, and the younger brother of Harry's father, Joseph Gilbert.  In the 1920 directory, he was living on Minnesota.

The Ezra M. Pierpont is believed to be the son of John T. and Hester Pierpont, and a younger brother of Harry's father, Joseph Gilbert.  In the 1920 directory, he was living at the same place.

The Frank Pierpont is believed to be the son of John T. and Hester Pierpont, and a younger brother of Harry's father, Joseph Gilbert.  In the 1920 directory, he was living on Morris.

The Helen J. Pierpont is unidentified, but she resides at the same residence as Blanche, Macel A and Wm E.

The Macel A. Pierpont is unidentifed, but she resides at the same residence as Blanche, Helen and Wm. E.

The Perry Pierpont is unidentified, but resides at the same residence as Frank Pierpont.  May be his son.

The Raymond Pierpont is unidentified.

The Wm E. Pierpont is unidentified, but resides at the same residence as Blanche, Helen and Macel A.

This directory raises more questions as to why Harry's family was not mentioned.  In the 1920 census, they were located in Ward 14 of Indianapolis and were enumerated January 6th.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Exploratory Data Analysis: Leona D. (Lambertson) Fetz Carpenter (1904-1988)

Leona D. (Lambertson) Fetz Carpenter (1904-1988) was my maternal great-grandaunt.  What follows is an exploratory data analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about her.

1. Vital Records

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          Leona was born August 20, 1904 in Hamilton County, Indiana1.  I do not yet have a copy of her birth certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of Leona's birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records for the Lambertson family.  Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one does exist.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of a baptismal record for Leona, though I do not know the church affiliation at this time.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Leona was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Leona was married sometime between 1920 and 1925 to Clarence Everett Fetz.  Until compiling this analysis I didn't realize I didn't have their wedding date. Will need to search marriage records in Madison County, Indiana for the record.

          Leona was married April 19, 1968 in Aroma, Hamilton County, Indiana, to Joseph Carpenter.  I do not yet have a copy of their marriage license.

          1.2.1. Marriage notice in newspaper

               Will need to determine date of Leona's first marriage before searching contemporary newspapers for mention of the nuptials.  I will add searching for mention of her second marriage to my "to-do" list for my next research trip.

          1.2.2. Anniversary notice

               Once I've determined the date of Leona and Clarence's wedding, will be able to search newspapers for mention of their wedding anniversary.

          1.2.3. Divorce decree

               There is no indication that Leona and Clarence were divorced.  Her second husband, Joseph Carpenter, passed away ten days after their marriage.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Leona died July 12, 19882.  I do not have the location, nor a copy of her death certificate.  Assuming that death took place in Madison County, Indiana, will add searching for her death certificate to my next research trip.

          1.3.1. Obituary in newspaper

               Will need to add searching for her obituary to my list of "to-do" items on my next research trip.

          1.3.2. Funeral home records

              Once I've determined where her funeral was held, will need to search out local funeral home records for more details.

          1.3.3. Tombstone photograph

               My database does not indicate at this time in what cemetery Leona is buried.  When the information from the obituary is obtain, I can seek out a photograph of her tombstone.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1940 Federal Census

               On April 19, 1940, Leona was enumerated in the Clarence Fetz household in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana3, as Leona Fetz, wife, age 35, born Indiana.  Her residence in 1935 was the same location.  She had completed the 8th grade and no occupation was listed.  Also in the household were husband, Clarence, age 41, born in Indiana, a musician, and children Jack, age 16; Lois, age 14, and Bruce, age 11, all born in Indiana.

          2.1.2. 1930 Federal Census

               On April 29, 1930, Leona was enumerated in the Clarence E. Fetz household in Pipe Creek Township, Madison County, Indiana4, as Leona D. Fetz, age 25, wife.  She could read and write and spoke English.  She was married at age 17.  She was born in Indiana, as were both of her parents.  No occupation was given.  Living in the household were husband, Clarence, age 31, a farmer on a truck farm, and children Jack E., age 6; Lois J., age 4 6/12mo.; and Bruce E., age 1 6/12mo., all born in Indiana.

          2.1.3. 1920 Federal Census

               On January 2, 1920, Leona was enumerated as a lodger in the Freeman B. Harting household in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana5, as Leona Lambertson, age 15, lodger, working as a servant.  She could read and write and spoke English.  She was born in Indiana, her father was born in Ohio and her mother was born in Indiana.

          2.1.4. 1910 Federal Census

               On April 23, 1910, Leona was enumerated in the Charles Lambertson household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana6, as Leona D., daughter, age 5, born in Indiana.  She did not yet attend school. Both her parents were listed as being born in Indiana.

     2.2. State Census Records

          The State of Indiana conducted state census in 1853, 1857, 1871, 1877, 1883, 1889, 1901, 1913, 1919 and 1921.  These, however, were merely for the purpose of determining legislative apportionment.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet investigated these types of census records to see what light they might shed on the Lambertson or Fetz farm.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          Not applicable, as Leona was a female.

     3.2. Pension Records

          I am not aware of any military service by her father or husband that would make Leona eligible to receive a pension.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable, as Leona was a female.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Madison County, Indiana to see what records might mention Leona.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Madison County, Indiana published plat maps in 1940, 1949, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1969 and 1970 that might be relevant to my research.

5. Supplemental records

     Supplemental records available for research for Leona include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these itmes to my "to-do" list for my next research trip.

     In 1924, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence (mispelled Lawrence) living at 1515 South R Street.7

    In 1925, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 2407 South B Street8.

     In 1927, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 1622 South I Street9.

     In 1929, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 818 South 9th Street10.

     In 1931, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence and children Jack, Lois & Bruce, living at 2723 North B Street11.

     In 1933, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 906 South C Street12.

     In 1941, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 1330 South J Street13.

     In 1945, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 1303 South J Street14.

     In 1947, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 414 South D Street15.

     In 1949, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 414 South D Street16.

     In 1952, Leona was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with husband Clarence living at 414 South D Street17.


1. Beals, John, Chronology of the Beals Family, Butler Printing House, Noblesville, Indiana, 1912, page 49.
2. Leona D. Carpenter, no. 308-12-3651, Social Security Death Index of the U.S. Social Security Administration.
3. 1940 U.S. census, Madison County, Indiana, population schedule, 4th Ward, Elwood, ED 48-65, SD 11, sheet 11B, dwelling 1300, family 324; digital images, ( accessed 18 February 2013); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. 1930 U.S. census, Madison County, Indiana, population schedule, Pipe Creek Township, ED 48-55, SD5, sheet 15B, dwelling 379, family 380; digital images, ( accessed 19 February 2013); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. Freeman B. Harting household, 1920 U.S. census, Madison County, Indiana, population schedule, Pipecreek Twp., SD 84, ED 134, dwelling 29, family 31, National Archives micropublication T625, roll 449.
6. Charles Lambertson household, 1910 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Jackson Twp., ED 104, SD 9, sheet 6, dwelling 156, family 158; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 353.
7. Elwood (Indiana) Directory 1924 (Binghampton, New York, USA: Calkin-Kelly Directory Company, 1924), page 97.
8. Elwood (Indiana) Directory 1925 (Binghampton, New York, USA: Calkin-Kelly Directory Company, 1925), page 104.
9. Elwood (Indiana) Directory 1927 (Binghampton, New York, USA: Calkin-Kelly Directory Company, 1927), page 100.
10. 1929 Elwood, Indiana Directory (Binghampton, NY, USA: The Calkin-Kelly Directory Company, 1929), page 100.
11. City Directory and Classified Business Directory of Advertisers, Elwood, Indiana 1931-1932 (Noblesville, Indiana, USA: Pioneer Directory Company, 1931-1932), page 32.
12. 1933 Elwood, Indiana Directory (Binghampton, NY, USA: The Calkin-Kelly Directory Company, 1933), page 95.
13. The Baldwin and Call-Leader Elwood Indiana Con Survey Directory Master Edition 1941 (Parsons, Kansas, USA: Baldwin Con Survey Company and Elwood Call Leader, 1941), page 139.
14. The Mullin-Kille Elwood Indiana Con Survey Directory Master Edition 1945 (Hebron, Nebraska, USA: The Mullin-Kille Company, 1945), page 136.
15. The Mullin-Kille Elwood Indiana Resident Directory and Cosmopolitan Telephone Directory 1947-1948 (Columbus, Ohio, USA: The Mullin-Kille Company, 1948), page 239.
16. The Baldwin Elwood Con Survey City Directory 1949 (Columbus,Ohio, USA: Baldwin Con Survey Company, 1949), page 144.
17. The Mullin-Kille Elwood Indiana Con Survey City Directory Master Edition 1952 (Chillicothe, Ohio, USA: Mullin-Kille Company, 1952), page 234.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Military Papers Holder: William Lee Wright


William Leonidas Wright

From Your Friends

This leather military papers holder was given to my maternal grandfather, William Lee Wright (1919-1973) by his co-workers at Delco-Remy in Anderson, Indiana prior to him leaving for the service in World War II.  It is a part of the collection of items in my mother's possession.

It is unknown why his name is listed as William Leonidas Wright.  Was it a mistake?  Perhaps a nickname?  We will never know.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Exploratory Data Analysis: Gerald Lambertson (1906-1906)

Gerald Lambertson (1906-1906) was my maternal great-granduncle.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.

1. Vital Records

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          Gerald was born June 28, 1906 in Hamilton County, Indiana1.  He was a twin to his sister, Geraldine.  I do not yet have a copy of his birth certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of Gerald's birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible record for the Lambertson family.  Will continue to reach out to extended family members in hopes that one does exist.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of a baptismal record for Gerald, though I do not know the church affiliation of the family at this time.  Based on the information in his obituary, I believe they may have been members of the Society of Friends.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Gerald was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Not applicable, as Gerald didn't survive into adulthood.

          1.2.1. Marriage notice in newspaper

               Not applicable, as Gerald didn't survive into adulthood.

          1.2.2. Anniversary notice

               Not applicable, as Gerald didn't survive into adulthood.

          1.2.3. Divorce decree

               Not applicable, as Gerald didn't survive into adulthood.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Gerald died October 3, 1906 in Hamilton County, Indiana2.  I do not yet have a copy of his death certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.  The story I have been told was that death was due to milk sickness from drinking Wilson's Condensed Milk.

          1.3.1. Obituary in newspaper

               Gerald's obituary appeared in the October 5, 1906 edition of the Noblesville Ledger2.

               The obituary was the subject of a previous post.

          1.3.2. Funeral home records

               Gerald's obituary did not name the funeral home who handled the arrangements.

          1.3.3. Tombstone photograph

               Gerald's tombstone in the Cicero Cemetery, Cicero, Hamilton County, Indiana has not been photographed.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

     2.2. State Census Records

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

     3.2. Pension Records

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.

5. Supplemental records

     Not applicable, as Gerald did not survive into adulthood.


1. Beals, John, Chronology of the Beals Family, Butler Printing House, Noblesville, Indiana, 1912, page 50.
2. Gerald & Geraldine Lambertson obituary, Noblesville Ledger, Noblesville, Indiana, USA, October 5, 1906, page 5.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Exploratory Data Analysis: Geraldine Lambertson (1906-1906)

Geraldine Lambertson (1906-1906) was my maternal great-grandaunt.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about her.

1. Vital Records

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          Geraldine was born June 28, 1906 in Hamilton County, Indiana1.  She was a twin to her brother, Gerald.  I do not yet have a copy of her birth certificate.  Will need to add this to my list of "to-do" items on my next research trip.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of her birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records of the Lambertson family.  Will continue to reach out to extended family members in hopes that one does exist.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of a baptismal record for Geraldine, though I do not know the church affiliation.  Geraldine's obituary leads me to believe they were members of the Society of Friends.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Geraldine was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

          1.2.1. Marriage notice in newspaper

               Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

          1.2.2. Anniversary notice

               Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

          1.2.3. Divorce decree

               Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Geraldine died October 3, 1906 in Hamilton County, Indiana2.   I do not have a copy of her death certificate, and will need to add that to my list of "to-do" items.  I have been told that the cause of death was milk sickness, from drinking Wilson's condensed milk.

          1.3.1. Obituary in newspaper

               Geraldine's obituary appeared in the October 5, 1906 edition of the Noblesville, Indiana Ledger2

               The obituary was the subject of a previous post.

          1.3.2. Funeral home records

               The obituary did not list the funeral home, but did mention that both Gerald and Geraldine were buried in the same casket. 

          1.3.3. Tombstone photograph

               Geraldine's tombstone at the Cicero Cemetery in Cicero, Hamilton County, Indiana has not been photographed.  Will add that to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          Geraldine did not survive into adulthood, and did not appear on any census record.

     2.2. State Census Records

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

     3.2. Pension Records

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.

5. Supplemental records

     Not applicable, as Geraldine did not survive into adulthood.


1. Beals, John, Chronology of the Beals Family", Butler Printing House, Noblesville, Indiana, 1912, page 50.
2. Gerald & Geraldine Lambertson obituary, Noblesville Ledger, Noblesville, Indiana, USA, October 5, 1906, page 5.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Marriage License & Return: Mathias J. Atkinson to Elsie Lemasters, 1894

Source: Jay County, Indiana, Original Marriage License, "Mathias J. Atkinson to Elsie Lemasters, 1894"; County Marriage Returns Collection; Jay County Historical Society, Portland, Indiana.



To All Who Shall See These Presents - Greeting:

Know Ye, That any person empowered by law to solemnize Marriages, is hereby authorized to join together, as Husband and Wife,

Mathias J. Atkinson and Elsie Lemasters

and for so doing this shall be his sufficient authority.

In Testimony, Whereof, I J.A.M. Adair, Clerk of the Jay Circuit Court, hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of said Court, at Portland this 15'' day of September 1894

J.A.M. Adair Clerk


This Certifies, That I joined in Marriage as Husband and Wife, 

Mathias J. Atkinson and Elsie Lemasters

on the 15" day of Sept. 1894

S.A. Armstrong, Min.

Source: Jay County, Indiana, Original Marriage Return, "Mathias J. Atkinson to Elsie Lemasters, 1894"; County Marriage Returns Collection; Jay County Historical Society.


1. Full name of GROOM Mathias J. Atkinson
2. Place of residence Madison Tp. Jay Co.
3. Age next birthday 30 years
4. Color White
5. Occupation Farming
6. Place of birth Madison Tp. Jay Co.
7. Father's name Daniel Atkinson
8. Mother's maiden name Sarah Long
9. No. of groom's marriage First
10. Full name of BRIDE Elsie Lemasters
11. Place of residence Madison Tp. Jay Co.
12. Age next birthday 23 years
13. Color White
14. Place of birth Dark Co. Ohio
15. Father's name Luman W. Lemasters
16. Mother's maiden name Mary K. Chew
17. No. of bride's marriage First
18. Place of marriage Home of L.W. Lemasters
19. By S.A. Armstrong Minister
20. Date of marriage Sept. 15" 1894

This record of the marriage of Mathias J. Atkinson and Mary Elsie Lemasters was located at the Jay County Historical Society in Portland, Indiana.

Mary Elsie was my paternal great grandaunt, the daughter of Luman Walker Lemasters and Mary Keziah Chew.  After their marriage, they remained in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana, where Mathias was engaged in farming.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Family Memory : Chocolate Covered Cherries

From my mother comes this memory of her dad, William Lee Wright (1919-1973).

Chocolate covered cherries (Cordial Cherries).   My dad liked chocolate covered cherries and my mom would get him a box for Christmas (I think) or for his birthday.   He always kept them in his top dresser drawer so that we kids wouldn't eat them.   We knew they were there but we stayed out of them.  

Cousin bait : Calmbach

A cousin bait posting on the Calmbach line brought me an email from cousin Linda, who descends from Jacob, brother of my Magdalena Calmbach (1640-1722).  Jacob and Magdalena were the children of Hans Calmbach and wife Christena.

Linda's line is : 

Jacob Calmbach (1640) and Maria Christina (1614)
Michael Kalmbach (1672) and Maria Braun (1672)
Jakobus Kalmbach (1699) and Katharina Seeger (1723)
Jacob Kalmbach (1750) and Eva Maria Kalmbach (1750)
Jacob Kalmbach (1790) and Dorothea Vogel (1794)
Christian Kalmbach (1815) and Anna Barbara Schlenker (1816)
Friedrich Kalmbach (1839) and Christine Keller (1844)
Matthias Kalmbach (1874) and Katharina Sauter (1880)
Emanuel Kalmbach (1902) and Katharina Ruff (1905)   

While my line is:

Magdalena Calmbach (1640) and Anton Schwartz (1637)
Magdalena Schwartz (1676) and Martin ________
Maria Schwartz (1713) and Jacob Stickel (1708)
Jacob Stickel (1742) and Anna Maria ________ (1742)
Mary Stickel (1768) and Abraham Byers (1771)

Barbara Byers (1798) and David Jacobs (1796)
Susan Jacobs (1825) and David Sherrick (1823)
Mary Jane Sherrick (1844) and George Washington Haley (1840)
Eli Weldon Haley (1866) and Cora Belle Metzner (1868)
Ruth Pauline Haley (1911) and Ord Wehrly LeMaster (1906)

This line is so far removed from me and I haven't done any original research, so I do not know how accurate it is.  The family was from the Egenhausen, Würrtemberg area.  Very little is sourced, so anyone with a connection or corrections, please respond.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Exploratory Data Analysis: Paul Lambertson (1908-1994)

Paul Lambertson (1908-1994) was my maternal great-granduncle.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.

1. Vital Records

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          Paul was born May 16, 1908 in Hamilton County, Indiana1.  He was a twin to his sister, Pauline.  I do not yet have a copy of his birth certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of Paul's birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records for the Lambertson family.  Will continue to reach out to extended family members in hopes that one does exist.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of a baptismal record for Paul, though I do not know the church affiliation of the family at this time.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Paul was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Paul was married in 1929 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana to Goldie R. Laycock.  I do not yet have a copy of the marriage license, nor the exact date of the marriage.

          1.2.1. Marriage notice in newspaper

               Will need to search out mention of their wedding in contemporary newspapers once I determine the exact date of their marriage.

          1.2.2. Anniversary notice

               Once I have determined their wedding date, I will be able to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if their wedding anniversary was mentioned.  Their 25th anniversary would have been in 1954.

          1.2.3. Divorce decree

               There is no indication that Paul and Goldie were ever divorced.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Paul died on May 18, 1994 in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana2.  I do not have a copy of his death certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.1. Obituary in newspaper

               Paul's obituary appeared in the May 20, 1994 edition of the Anderson Herald-Bulletin

               Paul's obituary appeared in the May 19, 1994 edition of the Tipton Tribune, in Tipton, Tipton County, Indiana.  I need to obtain a copy to see how it differs from the others.

               Will need to search out other local newspapers, such as Elwood, to see if his obituary was also mentioned.

          1.3.2. Funeral home records

               According to his obituary2, arrangements were handled by the Dunnichay Funeral home in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana.  Will need to contact the funeral home to see what records they might have on my next research trip.

          1.3.3. Tombstone photograph

               Paul's tombstone in the Sunset Memorial Cemetery in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana has not been photographed.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1940 Federal Census

               On April 17, 1940, Paul was enumerated as head of household in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana3, as Paul Lamberson, age 31, born in Indiana.  He was married, had attended 2 years of high school, and was currently working as a paint sprayer in a cabinet factory.  He was living in the same place in 1935.  Also in the household was wife, Goldie, age 30, born in Indiana, working as an assembler of radio and automobile parts.

          2.1.2. 1930 Federal Census

               I have not yet been able to locate Paul and Goldie in the 1930 U.S. census.  They should be located in the South Bend, Indiana area. According to  newspaper accounts, there were living there in April of 19304.

          2.1.3. 1920 Federal Census

               On April 14, 1920, Paul was enumerated in the Charles W. Lambertson household in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana5
, as Paul Lambertson, son, age 11, born Indiana.  He had attended school within the year and could read and write.  His father was born in Ohio and mother born in Indiana.

          2.1.4. 1910 Federal Census

               On April 23, 1940, Paul was enumerated in the Charles Lambertson household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana6>, as Paul Lambertson, son, age 1 1/2, born in Indiana.  Both of his parents were listed as being born in Indiana.

     2.2. State Census Records

          The State of Indiana conducted state census in 1853, 1857, 1871, 1877, 1883, 1889, 1901, 1913, 1919 and 1921.  These, however, were merely for the purpose of determining legislative apportionment.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet investigated these types of census records to see what light they might shed on the Lambertson farm.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          I have not located an draft registration records for Paul.

     3.2. Pension Records

          I am not aware of any military pension records for Paul.

     3.3. Service Records

          One service record for Paul has been located, which indicated he enlisted on November 18, 1943 and was released on December 20, 19457.  I do not know what branch of service.

          This is the first record I have located that relates to military service, as his obituary did not mention it.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in St. Joseph and Madison Counties, Indiana to see what records might mention Paul.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Madison County, Indiana published plat maps in 1940, 1949, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1969 and 1970 that might be relevant to my research.

5. Supplemental records

     Supplemental records available for research for Paul include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     In 1935, Paul was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with wife Goldie living at 1319 North C. Street, working as a cabinet worker.8.

     In 1938, Paul was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with wife Goldie living at 320 Main Street, working as a finisher at Sellers Cabinets9

    In 1941, Paul was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with wife Goldie living at 523 North 16th Street, working at Delco-Remy10.

     In 1943, Paul was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with wife Goldie and one child at 2505 Main Street11.

     In 1947, Paul was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with wife Goldie and one child at 2031 North C Street12.

     In 1957, Paul was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with wife Goldie as owner of Elwood Court, which was also their residence13

     In 1959, Paul was listed in the Elwood, Madison County, Indiana city directory with wife Goldie as owner of Elwood Court Motel, which was also their residence, State Road 3714.


1. Beals, John, Chronology of the Beals Family, Butler Printing House, Noblesville, Indiana, 1912, page 50.
2. Obituary of Paul Lambertson, Anderson Herald-Bulletin, Anderson, Indiana, May 20, 1994.
3. 1940 U.S. census, Madison County, Indiana, population schedule, Elwood, Pipe Creek Township, ED 48-67, SD 11, sheet 9B, dwelling 1601, family 245; digital images, ( accessed 16 February 2013); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
4. Paul Lambertson of South Bend article, Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, April 23, 1930, page 3. "Paul Lambertson of South Bend spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson and daughter".
5. Charles W. Lambertson household, 1920 U.S. census, Madison County, Indiana, Pipe Creek Township., ED 138, SD 84, sheet 6, dwelling 138, family 143; National Archives micropublication T625, roll 449.
6. Charles Lambertson household, 1910 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, Jackson Township, ED 104, SD 9, sheet 6, dwelling 156, family 158; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 353.
7., U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 [database online]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. Washington, D.C.: US Department of Veterans Affairs.
8. Elwood, Indiana Directory 1935 (Binghampton, NY, USA: The Calkin-Kelly Directory Company, 1935), page 112.
9. National's Elwood Indiana Directory 1938, Vol. 1, No. 6 (Peoria, Illinois, USA: National Directory Service, 1938), page 157.
10. The Baldwin and Call-Leader Elwood Indiana Con Survey Directory Master Edition 1941 (Parsons, Kansas, USA: Baldwin Con Survey Company and Elwood Call-Leader, 1941), page 168.
11. The Mullin-Kile Elwood Indiana Con Survey Directory Master Edition 1945 (Hebron, Nebraska, USA: The Mullin-Kile Company, 1945), page 164.
12. The Mullin-Kile Elwood Indiana Resident Directory and Cosmopolitan Telephone Directory 1947-1948 (Columbus, Ohio, USA: The Mullin-Kile Company, 1948), page 267.
13. The Mullin-Kile Elwood Con Survey City Directory Master Edition (1957) Chillicothe, Ohio, USA: Mullin-Kile Company, 1957), page 276.
14. Polk's Elwood (Madison County, Ind.) City Directory 1959 (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: R.L. Polk & Company, 1959), page 112.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Marriage License & Return : Wesley F. Metzner to Nora Axe, 1898

Source: Jay County, Indiana, Original Marriage License, "Wesley F. Metzner to Nora Axe, 1898"; County Marriage Returns Collection; Jay County Historical Society, Portland, Indiana.


State of Indiana, Jay County, ss:

To all who shall see these presents, Greeting:

Know Ye, That any person empowered by law to solemnize Marriages is hereby authorized to join together as Husband and Wife,

Wesley F. Metzner and Nora Axe

and for so doing this shall be his sufficient authority.

In Testimony Whereof, I, E.V. Fitzpatrick Clerk of the Jay Circuit, hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of said Court at Portland, Indiana, this 19th day of Oct. 1898.

E.V. Fitzpatrick Clerk


This Certifies, That I joined in Marriage as Husband and Wife,

Wesley F. Metzner and Nora Axe

on the 20 day of October 1898

Fred Stovenour  Minister of Gospel

Source: Jay County, Indiana, Original Marriage Return, "Wesley F. Metzner to Nora Axe, 1898"; County Marriage Returns Collection; Jay County Historical Society, Portland, Indiana.


1. Full name of GROOM Wesley F. Metzner
2. Place of residence Jay Co. Indiana
3. Age next birthday 27 years
4. Color White
5. Occupation Farmer
6. Place of Birth Jay Co. Indiana
7. Father's Name Adam Metzner
8. Mother's Maiden Name Clara Moulton
9. No. of groom's marriages 1st
10. Full name of BRIDE Mary Nora Axe
11. Place of Residence Jay Co. Indiana
12. Age next birthday 21 years
13. Color White
14. Place of Birth Jay Co. Indiana
15. Father's Name George Axe
16. Mother's maiden name Eliza Kimble
17. No. of bride's marriages 1st
18. Place of marriage Noble T.P. Jay Co. Ind.
19. By Rev. F. Stovenour
20. Date of marriage October 20 1898

This record of the marriage of Wesley F. Metzner and Nora Axe was located at the Jay County Historical Society in Portland, Indiana.

Wesley was my paternal great granduncle, the son of John Adam Metzner and Clara Moulton.  Before locating this record, I had his wife's name as Elnora M. Axe.  These same names keep appearing in the closely knit families of Haley, Metzner, Axe, Kimble, etc.