
Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Exploratory Data Analysis : Caroline Bishop (Woolston) Chew (1826-1879)

Caroline Bishop (Woolston) Chew (1826-1879) was my paternal 3rd-great grandmother.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about her.

1. Vital Records

     Caroline was born February 6, 1826 in Vincentown, Burlington County, New Jersey. The Chew Genealogy gives the date but not the location1.

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          The State of New Jersey did not require birth certificates at the time of her birth.  The State Archives has birth records from 1848.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               If Caroline's birth was recorded in a local newspaper, it has been lost to time.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               The family Bible record of her son, Abel, was transcribed in a message board2.  That record gives her year of birth as 1824.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I have not located any baptismal record for Caroline. The family were members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Caroline was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Caroline married December 29, 1842 in New Jersey11 (probably Gloucester County) to Ezekiel Cooper Chew.  Ezekiel was born January 17, 1822 in Gloucester County, New Jersey.  They raised 14 children in New Jersey and Ohio.  Ezekiel died August 27, 1888 in St. Joseph County, Indiana3.

          1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper

                    Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if their nuptials were mentioned.

          1.2.2. Anniversary Notice

               Ezekiel and Caroline's 25th wedding anniversary would have been December 29, 1867.  Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if there was any mention of anniversary celebrations.

          1.2.3. Divorce Decree

               There is no indication that Caroline was ever divorced.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Caroline died February 27, 18794 in Rossburg, Darke County, Ohio.  I do not yet have a copy of her death certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if Caroline's death was mentioned.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.2. Funeral Home Records

               Will need to search the local historical society to see if they have copies of the funeral home records to see if I can learn anything more about the arrangements for Caroline.  Will add this to my "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph

               Caroline's tombstone in the Webster Cemetery in Darke County, Ohio has been photographed5.  A link to her memorial page at FindAGrave is located here.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1870 Federal Census

               On July 8, 1870, Caroline was enumerated in the Ezekiel Chew household in Twin Township, Darke County, Ohio6, as Caroline Chew, age 44, born in New Jersey.  Her occupation was listed as keeping house.

          2.1.2. 1860 Federal Census

               On August 2, 1860, Caroline was enumerated in the Ezekiel Chew household in Neave Township, Darke County, Ohio7, as Caroline Chew, age 34, born in New Jersey.

          2.1.3. 1850 Federal Census

              On September 2, 1850, Caroline was enumerated in the Ezekiel Chew household in Jackson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio8, as Cordelia Chew, age 24, born in New Jersey.

          2.1.4. 1840 Federal Census

               Caroline is likely the white female, aged 15-19, in the Rachel Woolston household of Northampton, Burlington County, New Jersey.  This household fits what I know of their family, as Caroline's father died in 1834.

          2.1.5. 1830 Federal Census

               Caroline is likely one of the three white females, aged 5-9, in the Abel B. Woolston household of Northampton, Burlington County, New Jersey.  This household fits what I know about their family.
2.2. State Census Records

          Ohio state census records are not known to exist.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet investigated these types of records to see what light they might shed on the Chew family.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          Not applicable, as Caroline was female.

     3.2. Pension Records

          I am not aware of any military service by either her husband, Ezekiel, or her father, Abel, that would have entitled Caroline to pension benefits.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable, as Caroline was female.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Montgomery and Darke Counties, Ohio to see what records might mention Caroline.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Plat maps in Montgomery and Darke Counties, Ohio will need to be searched to see what light they can shed on my search for the Chew family.

5. Supplemental Records

     Supplemental records available for research on Caroline include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.


1. Chew, Robert L., "Genealogy of the Chew Family", Gloucester County (NJ) Historical Society, Woodbury, NJ, 1982, p. 261.
2. Chew Family History & Message Board / Re : Abel Woolston Chew Bible, online [], accessed 19 November 2010.
3. South Bend, Indiana Weekly Tribune, September 1, 1888, Obituary of Mr. Chew.
4. Milton T. Jay, History of Jay County, Indiana: including its World War Record and Incorporating the Montgomery History (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Historical Publishing Company, 1922), page 196.
5. FindAGrave Inc., FindAGrave ( : accessed 4 June 2014), Caroline Chew tombstone.
6. Ezekiel Chew household, 1870 U.S. census, population schedule, New Madison, Twin Township, Darke County, Ohio, dwelling 128, family 127; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 1194.
7. Ezekiel Chew household, 1860 U.S. census, population schedule, Neave Township, Darke County, Ohio,dwelling 116, family 1128, page 164.
8. Ezekiel Chew household, 1850 U.S. census, population schedule, Jackson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio, dwelling 901, family 901; National Archives micropublication M432, roll 714.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.