
Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Birthdays and Time changes

Sunday  was my birthday, the one before the mid-century mark. The one that makes me realize I'm getting older and closer to end than the beginning.

Sunday was also the day of the time change, when we now roll our clocks back in an attempt to save daylight. An hour of extra sleep that somehow never comes.

As a Hoosier, I grew up not having to mess with the time changes other than being annoyed that TV shows changed schedules twice a year. I'm still mad that we started observing Daylight Savings Time and are on Eastern. Being closer to Chicago, we should be on Central, but no one asked me.

This year Eileen made sure that I changed all the clocks -last year I didn't change the one in the living room above the couch and it was showing the wrong time for six months. I guess that was my way of showing some defiance.

Dad told me stories of Ohio time where he grew up, you can look it up, Indiana has had an interesting relationship with DST.

It was my "Birthday Weekend", as I like to say, and I had a good one. My coworkers treated me to a card and some treats on Friday, including a bag of donut holes. To say I was on a sugar high would be an understatement!

Saturday I went to dinner with the in-laws and eldest daughter and son-in-law, my mom was sick so my folks held out for later plans. Went to Kokomo and one of my favorites, Half Moon.  Sunday, had breakfast with the youngest and birthday text from the middle daughter and received Birthday greetings from friends on Facebook. I truly appreciated the gifts and well wishes.

Sunday afternoon was some " me time" spent in Fort Wayne at the Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library. Truly one of my happy places. They have Sunday hours but I always seem to be too busy to get up there to research.

Managed to find some tidbits of information that I'll post about later - my trip was not well planned and was more of a shotgun approach. Found a little bit on both sides of my family and something from Eileen's as well.

Monday I took the day off and Eileen and I spent the day shopping. We visited the new IKEA in Fishers, which seemed as big as the one in Cincinnati. Ate at Portillo's, which wasn't as enjoyable as I thought it would be and then hit Duluth Trading again. All in all, we had a good time together.

Not much in the way of genealogy in this post, but a few tidbits about my birthday for future generations.