
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - October 15th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities.  Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley), "Journal." MS, Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - October 15th - Tuesday

Johns, Carrie & Ruth were out yesterday, we all were at Leona's in P.M. Carrie & Waymon here in eve. Got done combining beans today.

1969 - October 15th - Wednesday

Our first frost this morn.  Phone still out.  Can't call anyone. Revival begins this eve.  We attended.

1970 - October 15th - Thursday

Defrosted refrigerator and took off rest of cabbage etc.  Getting much cooler.

1971 - October 15th - Friday

We went to Ft. Recovery today, called on Rose, Dennis Francks and got stalk of rhubbard out at the farm.

Vera Delphen (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - October 14th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities.  Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley), "Journal." MS, Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - October 14th - Monday 

Becca is here.  Roy & Ruth and Edna Chalfant here in P.M.  Having fine weather this week.  Farmers are busy.

1969 - October 14th - Tuesday

Doing this and that, getting things in shape.  Ords & we plan to go to Eugene's Thursday.

1970 - October 14th - Wednesday

Attended Missionary Meeting.  Clarence helped at church in P.M.  Rained some & gloomy.

1971 - October 14th - Thursday

Mopped & cleaned back porch and wash room.  Went over to the neighbors this P.M. to see the new baby Amy Louise.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She was married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 Jun 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children.

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Halloween Costumes - 1977 edition


1977 Halloween Costumes
(L-R) Michelle, Travis & Jason LeMaster
Alexandria, Indiana

Came across this slide image of one of our old Halloween costume sets.  These costumes were sewn by my mother.  I actually remember these costumes.  I'm the lion in the middle, my sister was the panda and my brother was the frog.

It was not unusual for mom to make costumes and clothes for us - she is quiet a sewer.

Do you remember school contests for best outfits?  I know there was a time when I won a prize for a homemade outfit.  Nothing as fancy as these outfits, hopefully I can find the picture to share for later.

In 2020, with COVID, I wonder if we will have any trick-or-treaters.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - October 13th

 In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities.  Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley),"Journal." MS, Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - October 13th - Sunday

To church in morning. In P.M. went to Dora Millers and got Becca Shetzley, her sisters and 2 other women went on to Arkansas.

1969 - October 13th - Monday

A nice day but windy.  Washed and ironed and did other things.  Had some rain in evening.

1970 - October 13th - Tuesday

Ironed this A.M.  Leona & Rose were here this P.M.  Been a gloomy day, drizzled a little.

1971 - October 13th - Wednesday

Finished painting the wash room and back porch.  Rained this eve. Clarence walked uptown today.

Vera Delphen (Haley) Stuber was born 10 Marh 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 Feb 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 Jun 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  Clarence was born 4 Feb 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - October 12th

 In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley)."Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Munice, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - October 12th - Saturday

Baked pied and made salad. Hittle or Sam finished sowing our rye.

1969 - October 12th - Sunday

Sure rainy when we went to church in A.M. but reall nice in P.M.  Waymons and Ruth here in P.M. We called on Rose before church in evening.

1970 - October 12th - Monday

Rained about all day.  I washed had to dry in house.  Attended Harold Grangers funeral this P.M. at our church.

1971 - October 12th - Tuesday

Ironed this morn and painted some on back porch this P.M.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - August 11th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Hale). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - August 11th - Sunday

Attended church morn and evening.  Carrie and Waymon here in afternoon.  Real cool today.

1969 - August 11th - Monday

Washed and we worked in garden, pulling weeds.

1970 - August 11th - Tuesday

Phone off yesterday & until noon today. Ironed, canned beets, fixed pickles and made 4 gal. kraut.  Clarence cut weeds.

1971 - August 11th - Wednesday

Been to busy going to property and working at home to keep record.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - August 10th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - August 10th - Saturday

Baked cake and mopped.  To Portland in P.M.  Called at Ruths and to see Rose.  Rained some while there.

1969 - August 10th - Sunday

Attended church morn and evening.  Rev. Moore preached, Ballmers on vacation.  We went for a drive in P.M.

1970 - August 10th - Monday

Washed.  Cloudy & windy most of day.  Picked and froze several pks of lima beans.  Clarence mowed lawn.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Baiting My Ancestry Tree

I've spent time lately updating my public Ancestry tree and hoping to optimize its' effectiveness, per some hints from found at Roberta Estes DNA-Explained blog.  Focusing right now on adding some pictures to my direct lines.

Some of these pictures have been shared on social media, such as Facebook, but not all.  I'm trying to include a good picture from my relatives younger days - either a graduation picture or a wedding photo.  I'm also adding high school graduation photos for as many relatives as I can locate.  Some I already had in my files, others I've sought out online through either MyHeritage or Ancestry's yearbook collections.  Many others have been found through local high school yearbook collections as they come online.

For those ancestors that didn't graduate high school, I have substituted either a military photo or some other early life photo.  I'm finding that for a few of my direct relatives, I am missing photos, so will have to reach out to other family members to see if I can locate one.

Right now I'm going to focus on adding at minimum a portrait (graduation, wedding or military) and a tombstone photo for my direct line ancestors.  As I complete them, will work on adding the ones for the descendant lines to complete the tree.

Hopefully, as I work my way back in the family tree, adding this pictures will trigger some cousin bait as others find the photos I've uploaded as hints in to use in their Ancestry tree.

I've also began adding Web Links to the profile pages of my direct line ancestors that link back to my blog posts here - such as the 52 Ancestors series - hoping that others will find them useful.  I do not know if Web Links show up as hints for others, but if not, at least they can be found through the ancestor profile page.  Adding the Web Links to the Facebook Groups I've created for common ancestors as well.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 18th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 18th - Thursday

Cleaned the dining room today.  Dwight Grile, Clarence went with Rev. Ballmer to Dayton to attend Orville Hillards funeral.

1969 - April 18th - Friday

A rainy day, had 1 1/2 in. last night.  Clarence went to Portland this P.M.  Paid taxes.  Cleaned cellar this A.M.

1970 - April 18th - Saturday

Baked rhubarb pies.  Went to Portland.  Hittle plowed sod field.

1971 - April 18th - Sunday

Attended church morn & eve.  Went with Waymon & Carrie to Galens in P.M.  Bennett Mllers, Noah Shauver & son also there.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 17th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 17th - Wednesday

Planted a few potatoes, onion sets & sweet corn.  Cleaned bath room.  Began raining this P.M.  Attended Missionary meeting in the evening.

1969 - April 17th - Thursday

Defrosted refrigerator.  Cleaned cellar way.  Didn't go church had storm warnings out.

1970 - April 17th - Friday

Cleaned part of house.

1971 - April 17th - Saturday

Went to Portland in A.M.  Planted rest of potatoes, some sweet corn, beets & carrots in P.M.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 16th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 16th - Tuesday

Ironed.  Gathered and cleaned dandelion.  Clarence mowed the lawns.

1969 - April 16th - Wednesday

Cleaned wood house and worked some in the yard.

1970 - April 16th - Thursday

Hittle sowed our oats.  I went to Nells for permament.

1971 - April 16th - Friday

Attended Myrtle Matchetts funeral at our church.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 15th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 15th - Monday

Washed in A.M.  Attended Clela Grangers funeral in P.M.  The Youngs were here in evening to see the house.

1969 - April 15th - Tuesday

Ironed and mended.  To church in evening.

1970 - April 15th - Wednesday

Made hot bed, cleaned wood house, sowed lettuce & radish seen.  Been a nice warm day.

1971 - April 15th - Thursday

Another nice day.  We washed windows on outside, cleaned some at brooder house.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 14th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my paternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 14th - Sunday

Attended church morn & eve.  Called at funeral home to see Mrs. Granger in P.M.  Had a hard rain 7/10 inches in P.M.

1969 - April 14th - Monday

Washed, then put out a little garden in P.M.  Onions, peas, lettuce, beets & radishes.  To church in eve.  Roy Johnson & others from S. were there.

1970 - April 14th - Tuesday

Cleaned kitchen, washed walls and cupboards etc.

1971 - April 14th - Wednesday

Had a nice rain but sunshiney today.  Cleaned refrigerator and cabinet.  Attended Missionary meeting.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 13th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 13th - Saturday

We put out a little garden this A.M.  Peas, lettuce, beets & radishes.  Baked 2 open rhubard pies.  Mrs. Clela Granger died last night.

1969 - April 13th - Sunday

Attended church morn & eve.  Ruths were here awhile in P.M.

1970 - April 13th - Monday

Had a shower this morning.  Washed & ironed today.

1971 - April 13th - Tuesday

Ironed and cleaned some at wood house.  Began raining this A.M.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 12th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 12th - Friday

Ruths 57th birthday. [Her sister, Ruth - my grandmother] A nice day.  Attended Good Friday union services at Lutheran church, Then on to Portland for groceries & called on Dora F. at hospital.

1969 - April 12th - Saturday

Clarence went to Recovery in morn.  At noon we went to Portland got new curtains for room.  Ready for church.

1970 - April 12th - Sunday

Attended church morn & evening.  Called on Rose before church in eve.

1971 - April 12th - Monday

Washed today and made hot bed.  Another warm day.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 11th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 11th - Thursday

Cleaned dishes in china closet.  Worked a little in yard.

1969 - April 11th - Friday

Cleaned up the house.  Baked 3 pies.  Attended revival in the evening.

1970 - April 11th - Saturday

Baked pies & cake.  We planted potatoes, put away onion sets, lettuce, peas, carrots & beets.

1971 - April 11th - Easter Sunday

Attended church morn & eve.  Had program in eve, we took part.  Was a beautiful warm day.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 10th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 10th - Wednesday

We were to the "Cases" farewell party.  Our S.S. class, Rev. & Mrs. Ballmer Mr. Hauk.  19 in all.  I took an angel food cake.  Served ice cream, cake, coffee.

1969 - April 10th - Thursday

Cleaned upstairs.  Took Leona golden wedding gift this P.M.  Towel set & fancy doll.  Ready to go to revival.

1970 - April 10th - Friday

We went to Portland in A.M.  I cleaned up house in P.M.  Clarence disked & harrowed garden.

1971 - April 10th - Saturday

Were to Portland in A.M.  Baked cake, cleaned up some and sowed peas & lettuce & raddishes.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 9th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 9th - Tuesday

Made hot bed and sowed petunia seed.  Attended King funeral on T.V. this P.M.  Also sowed tomato & mango seed.

1969 - April 9th - Wednesday

Made hot bed and ironed today.  Joan here for eggs & Huntsmans got hay.  Revival meeting began this eve.

1970 - April 9th - Thursday

Cleaned basement.  Clarence went to 'Recovery then called on Rose, she came back home last week.

1971 - April 9th - Friday

(Good Friday)  We attended services at our church.  We planted potatoes and I cleaned up sitting room.  Hittle sowed our oats today.  Not so warm today & windy.


Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 8th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 8th - Monday

A nice day but windy.  Washed and ironed.

1969 - April 8th - Tuesday

We went with Ruths to Ft. Wayne today.

1970 - April 8th - Wednesday

Washed bed clothes and cleaned bed room.  Attended missionary meeting in eve.  Been a very nice day.

1971 - April 8th - Thursday

Warmest day since last Oct.  I baked cookies, sowed some lettuce & radish seed.  Mrs. Francks brot [sic] us some fish. Joan & Susie here awhile.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 7th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 7th - Sunday

A beautiful day.  Attended church morn & eve.  In P.M. called on Dora Franklin in hospital and Ruth Franks at her home.  Called on Ella before evening services.

1969 - April 7th - Monday

Another nice day.  Washed and aired more bed clothes.

1970 - April 7th - Tuesday

Ironed & mended.  Clarence and Dennis went to Portland to Tax meeting.

1971 - April 7th - Wednesday

Washed curtains and finished the upstairs.  Went to prayer meeting, had communion also.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Monday, April 06, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 6th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 6th - Saturday

Had quite a frost or freeze last night.

1969 - April 6th - Sunday

Easter Sunday.  To church morn & eve.  The Upchurch singers there in A.M. A real nice day.  We were to Ruths in P.M.

1970 - April 6th - Monday

Washed but had to dry indoors again.

1971 - April 6th - Tuesday

Cleaned at west closet and west room upstairs.  Still cold and windy.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 5th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 5th - Friday

We went to Portland in P.M.  Dora Franklin was addmitted [sic] to the hospital today.

1969 - April 5th - Saturday

Rainy day.  Hershel Huntsmans here for hay this A.M.

1970 - April 5th - Sunday

Attended church morn & eve.  Were to Ruths in P.M.

1971 - April 5th - Monday

Washed & ironed, Cold and real windy.  Hittle took oats to town.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 4th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 4th - Thursday

Cleaned a little in the kitchen, put up different curtains.  Cleaned at the wood house.  Had 1 and 2/10 inches of rain last night.

1969 - April 4th - Friday

Did some cleaning.  Clarence went to Good Friday services at Church of Christ.  I baked cake.

1970 - April 4th - Saturday

Did usual work.  Baked cake.

1971 - April 4th - Sunday

Attended church morn & eve.  The singers from Mt. Vernon college had morning services.  Ground covered with snow in A.M. but gone by night.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children.