My maternal grandparents marriage license from Madison County, Indiana contains a wealth of information.
1. The full Christian name and surname of this man is William Lee Wright
2. His color: White
3. Where born : Madison Co., Alexandria, Ind.
4. When born : December 1, 1919
5. Present residence: R # 2, Alexandria, Ind.
6. Present occupation: Factory employee
8. Is this male contracting party of nearer blood kin to the female contracting party than second cousin? No
9. Full Christian and surname of father : Virgil Lee Wright
10. His color: White
12. His occupation : Farmer
13. His residence : R # 2, Alexandria, Ind.
14. Full Christian and maiden name of mother : Edna Muriel Pierce
15. Her color: White
16. Her occupation: Housewife
17. Her birthplace: Madison Co., Indiana
18. Her residence: R # 2, Alexandria, Ind.
19. Has the male contracting party been an Inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent person within the last five years? No
21. Is this his first marriage? Yes
26. Is the male contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal or any other contagious or transmissible diseases? No
27. Is he an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is he under guardianship as a person of unsound mind? No
1. The full Christian and surname of the woman is Bonnie Mae Lambertson
2. Her color: White
3. Where born: Madison Co., Elwood, Ind.
4. When born: Feb. 18, 1924
5. Present residence: R # 3, Elwood, Ind.
6. Present occupation: none
7. Full Christian and surname of father: Clemon Lambertson
8. His color: White
9. His birthplace: Hamilton Co., Cicero, Ind.
10. His occupation: Cabinet-worker
11. His residence: R # 3, Elwood, Ind.
12. Full Christian and maiden name of mother: June Gilliland
13. Her color: White
14. Her occupation: Housewife
15. Her birthplace: Monroe Co., Bloomington, Ind.
16. Her residence: R # 3, Elwood, Ind.
17. Has the female contracting party been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons with the last five years? No
18. Is this her first marriage? Yes
22. Is the female contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal or any other contagious or transmissible disease? No
23. Is she an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is she under guardianship as a person of unsound mind? No
In the margins is this note : "Consent of parents on file". At the time of this marriage application, Bonnie was under the age of eighteen.
There are a few errors in the information given by my grandmother regarding the birthplace of her mother, but I'm sure that was what she had been told.
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