
Friday, March 26, 2010

Sometimes an error isn't an error

One of the great things about RootsMagic is the ability to do a 'problem search' in my database. One of the bad things about the search is that my database seems to have too many errors. While some of them are from times when I've imported data from others, there are some that are there because I've created typos or just haven't been thorough in my research.

In trying to catch some of the errors, I ran the report to show those individuals in the database who died with an age greater than 100 years. The first individual listed was William Applegate, who showed at age 105 at death. I had his date of birth as circa 1733 in Burlington County, New Jersey and his death as circa 1838 in Corydon, Indiana. My sources for both of these loose dates were from "A history of Adams County, Ohio.." as below:

Granted, this may not be the best source, but it is a source nonetheless.  Will have to continue to look into old William to see if he really was 105 years of age, but for now, will ignore this supposed error in my RootsMagic database.

William is not a blood relative, but his daughter, Catherine, married Robert WRIGHT, my maternal 6th-great granduncle.  Apparently, the Wrights and the Applegates migrated together into the Brown County, Ohio area in the early 1800s.  More to research.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Travis for a "heads up" regarding the error report by RootsMagic. I've never done one, way too afraid of what I'll find. But maybe I'll get brave after I hit send.
