
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Funeral Record of Sarah (Beals) Albright, 1907

Records of Zook Funeral Home, Converse Indiana 1904-1922

Found this book at the Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana some time ago and just now getting around to extracting the data.

Under the headings for funerals for 1907, I found the following record:

July 21 - Sarah Albright.

Sarah was Sarah Beals (1828-1907), daughter of Nathan C. and Elizabeth (Chew) Beals and the wife of Daniel S. Albright.  Sarah was my maternal 4th-great grandaunt.

Oberlin College Archives Response

Received a response from the archives at Oberlin College, where William Clifford LeMaster (1870-1922) graduated, in regards to my request for student information:

I have gone through the alumni registers and student cards for the 1890s time period and I have not been able to find anything about William Clifford LeMaster. The only students that I have been able to find are a Ralph and Mary LeMaster (from Kendalville, IN), both enrolled for the class of 1923.

I am sorry I was not able to find anything about William. Should I check to see if the other LeMasters have any student files for you?

My fiancee's grandmother was a LeMaster. I wonder if they are related!
I've followed up with a request for more information on these LeMasters from Kendallville, to see if we are related.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Postman Only Rang Once

Apparently the postman only rings once when it comes to my family history quest.  My attempts to cajole my parents, aunts and uncles into providing me with more detail and insight into the family history, particularly of my grandparents, has failed to garner but one response.  Three months ago, I sent SASE with a questionnaire to be answered, and only my parents have responded.

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.  Everyone has a busy life, and most are not as interested in family history as I am.  Maybe they feel that they’ve already answered the questions in the past.  I had hoped to have already sent out additional questionnaires, but based on the lack of response, I think I’m going to abandon this project.

The questionnaire asked four questions for my relatives : 1) When and where did you meet your spouse 2) When and where did you get married/Go on your honeymoon 3) What was the most difficult thing about being a newly married couple 4) What advice would you give to someone today who was contemplating a serious relationship.  I had hoped that beyond the facts, their answers would give some insight to flesh out the life stories of my parents, aunts and uncles.

The questionnaire also asked each family to tell me what I should know about both their mother and father.  I was hoping that this would spur some reflection and also provide me with their recollections of their parents, as my grandfathers died when I was young and one grandmother died when I was in high school, the other while I was in college.

Perhaps they feel it’s best to let the past be the past, but I have a curiosity about my grandparents and others that I was hoping to have answered.

Exploratory Data Analysis: Phillip D. LeMaster (1869-1869)

Phillip D. LeMaster (1869-1869) was my paternal great-granduncle.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.

1. Vital Records

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          Phillip was born January 28, 1869 in Darke County, Ohio.  I have been unable to locate a record of his birth in the probate records for Darke County located at FamilySearch.  These records are currently unindexed.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if mention was made of Phillip's birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible record of the LeMaster family.  Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one does exist.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of any baptismal record for Phillip.  The family was associated with the Methodist Episcopal church.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Phillip was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Not applicable, as Phillip died in infancy.

          1.2.1. Marriage notice in newspaper

               Not applicable, as Phillip died in infancy.

          1.2.2. Anniversary notice

               Not applicable, as Phillip died in infancy.

          1.2.3. Divorce decree

               Not applicable, as Phillip died in infancy.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Phillip died May 1, 1869 in Darke County, Ohio.  I have not been able to locate a death date from local probate records yet.  Will continue to search.

          1.3.1. Obituary in newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if mention was made of Phillip's death.

          1.3.2. Funeral home records

               Will need to search local funeral home records to see if mention was made of Phillip's funeral.

          1.3.3. Tombstone photograph

               Phillip's tombstone in the Webster Cemetery in Rossburg, Darke County, Ohio has been photographed and published at FindAGrave.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

     2.2. State Census Records

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

     3.2. Pension Records

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

5. Supplemental records

     Not applicable, as Phillip did not survive into adulthood.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jay County, Indiana Marriages 1837-1865

Jay County, Indiana Marriages
(Transcribed by Rex W. Betram)

Located this book in the Allen County Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana several months ago and just now getting around to abstracting the information.

Some of the family members that I located mentioned during this time period:

CUNNINGHAM, William E., to LEMASTER, Rachel, 18 Mar. 1860, married by Wm. A. Hartzell, J.P., Book B, page 375. [Rachel was my paternal 2nd-great grandaunt]

HARTER, Hiram B., to WEHRLY, Elizabeth, 29 May 1860, married by Richard Harter, M.G., Book B, page 378. [Elizabeth was my paternal 2nd-great grandaunt]

METZNER, John A., to MOULTON, Clarice, 13 Nov. 1864, married by Nathan Beck, M.G., Book B, page 536. [They were my paternal 2nd-great grandparents]

WEHRLY, John, to LEMASTER, Catherine, 3 Feb. 1861, married by James Redkey, M.G., Book B, page 408. [Catherine was my paternal 2nd-great grandaunt]

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Exploratory Data Analysis: William Clifford LeMaster (1870-1922)

William C. LeMaster (left) and son Ralph LeMaster

William Clifford LeMaster (1870-1922) was my paternal great-granduncle.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.

1. Vital Records

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          William was born September 1, 18701, 12 in Darke County, Ohio. 

          The discovery of his correct birth date was the subject of a previous post.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if mention was made of William's birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records of the LeMaster family.  Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one does exist.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of any baptismal record for William.  The family was affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal church.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that William was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          William married Lella Edith Lewis on August 20, 1892 in Penn Township, Jay County, Indiana1,2.

          A copy of their marriage license and return was the subject of a previous post.

          William married secondly to Parnell Brown on July 21, 1921 in Denver, Denver County, Colorado.

          1.2.1. Marriage notice in newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of his nuptials.

          1.2.2. Anniversary notice

               Neither of his marriage's lasted long enough, due to divorce or death, to reach the 25th anniversary mark.

          1.2.3. Divorce decree

               William filed for divorce from Lella in Teller County, Colorado on August 21, 1917.  The papers were served to Lella on September 5, 1917 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California3.  

               A copy of their divorce papers was the subject of a previous post.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          William died July 26, 1922 in Sedalia, Douglas County, Colorado4.  I have not yet obtained a copy of his death certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items.

          1.3.1. Obituary in newspaper

               William's obituary appeared in the July 28, 1922 edition of the Colorado Springs Gazette4.  Mention was also made in the July 29, 1922 edition of the Colorado Springs Gazette
          1.3.2. Funeral home records

               Neither obituary mentioned the funeral home that handled the arrangements.  The funeral was held at the Elks in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

          1.3.3. Tombstone photograph

               William's tombstone in the Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado Springs, Colorado6 has been photographed.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1920 Federal Census

               On January 12, 1920, William was enumerated in the Francis P. Hall household in Victor, Teller County, Colorado7, as William C. LeMaster, lodger, age 46, divorced.  He was born in Ohio, father born in Ohio and mother born in New Jersey.  He could read and write and spoke English.  His occupation was listed as the proprietor of a theatre.  Living in the same household was son, Ralph M., age 17, born in Ohio, and express driver.

          2.1.2. 1910 Federal Census

               On April 16, 1910, William was enumerated as the head of household in Ft. Collins, Larimer County, Colorado8, as William C. LeMaster, age 39, bank cashier.  He had been married for 17 years.  He was born in Ohio, father born in Ohio and mother in New Jersey.  He could read and write and spoke English.  Living in the household was his wife, Lella E., age 38, born in Indiana, and children Gladys A., age 16, born Indiana; Lella L., age 13, born in Ohio; Ralph M., age 7, born in Ohio, and William C. Jr., age 5, born in Colorado.

          2.1.3. 1900 Federal Census

               On June 4, 1900, William was enumerated as the head of household in Ward 4, City of Elyria, Lorain County, Ohio9, as William C. LeMaster, age 29, bank clerk.  He had been married for 7 years.  He was born September 1870 in Ohio, his father was born in Ohio and his mother in New Jersey.  He could read and write and spoke English.  Living in the household was his wife, Lella E., age 24, born in Indiana, and children Gladys A., age 6, born in Indiana and Lilla S., age 3, born in Ohio.

          2.1.4. 1880 Federal Census

               On June 5, 1880, William was enumerated in the Walker Lemasters household in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana10, as William Lemasters, age 9, son.  He had attended school within the year and could read and write and spoke English.

     2.2. State Census Records

          The State of Indiana conducted state census in 1853, 1857, 1871, 1883, 1889, 1901, 1913 and 1921.  These, however, were merely for the purposes of legislative apportionment.

          No state census of Ohio are known to exist.

         Colorado conducted state census in 1861, 1866, and 1885.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet investigated these types of census records to see what light they might shed on the LeMaster farm.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          William was too old to meet the draft requirements during World War I.

     3.2. Pension Records

          I am not aware of any military service that would make William eligible for pension benefits.  His father did serve in the Civil War, but I don't believe he was ever eligible for any minor benefits.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Lorain County, Ohio and Teller and Douglas County, Colorado to see what records might mention William and his family.  Will add this to my "to-do" list for further research.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Plat maps and county maps for Lorain County, Ohio and Teller and Douglas Counties, Colorado will need to be searched.  Will contact the local historical societies to see what maps they might have in their collections.

5. Supplemental records

     Supplemental records available for research on William include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     In January 1892, William graduated from Oberlin College in Ohio1.

     On April 4, 1900, William was elected fourth ward councilman for the city of Elyria, Ohio11.


1. Morgan Milton Lewis, Genealogical and biographical record of the Lewis and Grisell families : from the years 1751 and 1763 to the year 1903 (Battle Creek, Michigan, USA : M.M. Lewis, 1903), page 207.
2. Jay County, Indiana, Original Marriage Return: Clifford W. Lemasters to Lella Lewis, 1892"; County Marriage Returns Collection: Jay County Historical Society, Portland, Indiana.
3. Teller County Colorado, Divorce Records 3359, LeMaster, William C. v. LeMaster, Lella E., 1918; Colorado State Archives, Denver, Colorado, USA.
4. Colorado Springs Gazette, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 28 July 1922, page 3:2.
5. Colorado Springs Gazette, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 29 July 1922, page 6:6.
6. Evergreen Cemetery (Colorado Springs, Colorado), W.C. LeMaster marker, photographed by Nick Hardy, 23 January 2011.
7. Francis P. Hall household, 1920 U.S. census, population schedule, Victor, Teller County, Colorado, ED 238, SD 3, sheet 9, dwelling 192, family 207; National Archives micropublication T625, roll 172, page 36.
8. William C. Lemaster household, 1910 U.S. census, population schedule, Ft. Collins, Larimer County, Colorado, ED 227, SD 1, sheet 2, dwelling 37, family 37; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 121.
9. 1900 census, Lorain County, Ohio, population schedule, Ward 4, Elyria, ED 81, SD 13, sheet 4B, dwelling 72, family 79; digital images, ( : accessed 24 April 2013); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
10. Walker Lemasters household, 1880 U.S. census, population schedule, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana, ED 161, SD 6, page 4, dwelling 47, family 48; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 287.
11. Two Women Were Elected article, The Elyria Republican, Elyria, Ohio, USA, April 5, 1900, page 1.
12. "Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-2003." Index and Images. FamilySearch. ( accessed 24 April 2013, Darke County, Ohio Birth Registers with index 1863-1878 vol. 1.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Family Recipe Friday : Sweet & Sour Meatballs

Another recipe from Mom:

Sweet and Sour Meatballs 

After I had eaten sweet and sour meatballs at a Elks style show in the 70s or 80s, I searched for a recipe that called for ingredients that I usually had on hand.   I found this recipe in a  Farm Journal Cookbook.  It became a great recipe for family pitch-ins. I have probably given out this recipe to more people than any recipe that I have.   You can make it ahead of time.  Let meat balls bake or use store-bought meatballs while you fix the unusual sauce--quick and easy .

    3-4 cups bread crumbs                                          
    2 pounds ground beef                                           
    1/2 cup chopped onions                                         
    1/2 teaspoon garlic salt                                       
    1/4 teaspoon pepper                                            
    1 teaspoon salt                                                
    2 eggs slightly beaten     

    Sweet-Sour Sauce for beef     
Moisten bread crumbs slightly.  Combine with remaining ingredients, except Sweet-Sour Sauce.  Shape in balls the size of walnuts (1 /2"); place in jelly roll pan (15 1/2"x10 1/2"x 1").  (Or brown balls in skillet containing a little hot fat).  Bake in very hot oven (450) 15-18 minutes.
Place balls in Sweet-Sour Sauce for Beef and simmer 10 minutes.  If balls are made ahead, add sauce to them and heat in the overn for 15 minutes. 
 Makes about 36 meat balls, 8-9 servings.


1 (1lb.12oz.) can tomatoes (about 3 1/2 c.)
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1/4 cup vinegar
1 tsp. grated onion
10 ginersnaps, crushed

Combine all ingredients.  Cook to boiling.  Makes enough sauce for 36 (1 1/2") meat balls.

Family Recipe Friday - is an opportunity to share your family recipes with fellow bloggers and foodies alike.  Whether it's an old fashioned recipe passed down through generations, a recipe uncovered through your family history research, or a discovered recipe that embraces your ancestral heritage share them of Family Recipe Friday.  This series was suggested by Lynn Palermo of The Armchair Genealogist.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy 7th Blogiversary

Seven years ago, on April 25, 2006 I posted for the first time to this blog.  It has been a lot of fun and I've made some great friends and discoveries.  The Geneablogger community has been a wonderful support.

Thought I would take a look at some of the various highlights of the blog over the years :

    • This one is popular due to the keyword search below, apparently people who are searching for divorce paper templates are finding this page.
  • Top referring site -

  • Top three keyword searches :
    • 1. Blank divorce papers - most be folks looking to divorce
    • 2. Freezer slaw - a search for recipes land here
    • 3. Harry Pierpont - my cousin, John Dillinger's pal
I appreciate each and every one of you who have stopped by over the years, and I hope to continue to find more information to share.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

May Fest, Elwood, Indiana, 1937

Written on back :8th Grade May Festival
Bonnie Lambertson, Miriam, Virginia Ham, Wilma Marley, Louise, Anna Mae Hodson, Wanda, Jean Dever?

Written on back : Girls in May Festival and Festival  Queen
Wanda, Wilma, Jean, Louise, Anna Mae, Ann Louise Leeson

These photos were provided by my mother show my maternal grandmother, Bonnie Mae (Lambertson) Wright (1924-1984) when she was in the 8th grade, possibly 1937.  She is in the back row, far left.

Correcting Birth Date William Clifford LeMaster (1870 Darke County, Ohio)

While preparing an analysis for my paternal great-granduncle, William Clifford LeMaster, I began searching for documentation of his birth at FamilySearch, in an attempt to determine his correct year of birth.  Some sources said 1871, others 1870.

Browsing through the pages for Darke County, Ohio, I found the birth volume index and located him there:

His name was mispelled as Leamaster in the index, and the record, much as his sister's birth had as well.

Paging through the records, I did manage to find his birth record, and it was recorded as September 1, 1870, not 1871.  Time to correct my records.

A direct link to the record is here.

Source : "Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-2003." Index and Images. FamilySearch. ( accessed 24 April 2013, Darke County, Ohio Birth Registers with index 1863-1878 vol. 1.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Exploratory Data Analysis: Mary Elsie (LeMaster) Atkinson (1872-1952)

Mary Elsie (LeMaster) Atkinson (1872-1952) was my paternal great-grandaunt.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about her.

1. Vital Records

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          Mary was born February 15, 1873 in Darke County, Ohio1.  Finding her birth record was the subject of a previous post.          

          Mary was born April 26, 1872 in Darke County, Ohio2, according to her obituary.  I have not reconciled the discrepancy.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if mention was made of Mary's birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records of the LeMaster family.  Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one does exist.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of any baptismal record for Mary.  The family was affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal church.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Mary was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Mary married Matthias Jefferson Atkinson on September 15, 1894 in Jay County, Indiana2, 3.

          Mary's name was listed as Elsie Lemasters on the license, and the grooms name was spelled 'Mathias' rather than 'Matthias'.

          A copy of their marriage license was the subject of a previous post.

          1.2.1. Marriage notice in newspaper

               Will need to search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of Matthias and Mary's nuptials.

          1.2.2. Anniversary notice

               Matthias and Mary's 25th wedding anniversary would have been September 15, 1919.  Will need to search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of any anniversary celebration.

          1.2.3. Divorce decree

               There is no indication that Matthias and Mary were ever divorced.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Mary died on June 5, 1942 in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana2.  According to her obituary, she suffered a heart attack.

          I do not yet have a copy of her death certificate, will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.1. Obituary in newspaper

               Mary's obituary appeared in the June 5, 1942 edition of the Portland, Indiana Commercial-Review2.  Her obituary was the subject of a previous post.

          1.3.2. Funeral home records

               According to her obituary, Mary's funeral arrangements were handled by the Williamson funeral home.  Will add searching for these records to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.3. Tombstone photograph

               Mary is buried at the Salamonia Cemetery in Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana.  I need to obtain a photograph of her tombstone for my records.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1940 Federal Census

               On April 16, 1940, Mary was enumerated in the Lynn Rockwell household in Ft. Recovery, Mercer County, Ohio4, as Mary E. Atkinson, age 67, widow, born in Ohio.  She had completed the 8th grade.  Her residence in 1935 was listed as Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio.  No occupation was listed.

          2.1.2. 1930 Federal Census

               On April 12, 1930, Mary was enumerated in the Luman W. Leamasters household in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana5, as Elsie Atkinson, daughter, age 57, widow.  She was born in Ohio and her father was born in Ohio and mother in New Jersey.  Her occupation was listed as housekeeper.  She could read and write and spoke English.

          2.1.3. 1920 Federal Census

               On January 12, 1920, Mary was enumerated in the Mathias J. Atkinson household in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana6, as Mary E. Atkinson, wife, age 48.  She was born in Ohio and her father was born in Ohio and mother in New Jersey.  She could read and write and spoke English.  No occupation was listed.

          2.1.4. 1910 Federal Census

               On April 22, 1910, Mary was enumerated in the Mathias J. Atkinson household in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana7, as Elsa M. Atkinson, wife, age 39.  She had been married for 15 years, no children.  She was born in Ohio, her father born in Ohio and mother in New Jersey.  No occupation was listed.

          2.1.5. 1900 Federal Census

               On June 4, 1900, Mary was enumerated in the Mathias J. Atkinson household in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana8, as Mary E. Atkinson, born April 1872, wife, age 28.  She was born in Ohio, her father in Ohio and mother born in New Jersey.  She could read and write and spoke English.  No occupation was listed.  She had been married for 5 years, no children.

          2.1.6. 1880 Federal Census

               On June 5, 1880, Mary was enumerated in the Walker Lemasters household in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana9, as Elsie Lemasters, daughter, age 8.  She attended school within the year.  She was born in Ohio, her father in Ohio and mother in New Jersey.

     2.2. State Census Records

          The State of Indiana conducted state census in 1853, 1857, 1871, 1883, 1889, 1901, 1913 and 1921.  These, however, were merely for the purposes of legislative apportionment.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet investigated these types of records to see what light they might shed on the Atkinson farm.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          Not applicable, as Mary was female.

     3.2. Pension Records

          I am not aware of any military service by her husband or father that would have made Mary eligible for military benefits.  Her father did serve in the Civil War, but I don't believe she was ever eligible for any minor's benefits.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable, as Mary was female.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Jay County, Indiana and Mercer County, Ohio to see what items might mention Mathias and Mary. Will add this to my "to-do" list for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Plat maps for Jay County, Indiana and Mercer County, Ohio need to be searched as well.  Will contact the local historical society to see what information they might have on Mary and Mathias.

5. Supplemental records

     Supplemental records available for research on Mary include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my "to-do" list for my next research trip.

     In 1907, Mary was listed as resident of Section 7, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana10, living on 98 acres.

     In 1922, Mary was listed as a resident of Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana11, in the biographical sketch of her father.

     In 1922, Mary was listed as a resident of Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana12, in the obituary of her sister, Bertha.

     In 1923, Mary was listed as a resident of Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana13, in the obituary of her husband.

Sources :

1. "Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-2003." Index and images. FamilySearch ( accessed 18 April 2013, Darke County, Ohio Birth Registers with index 1863-1878 vol. 1.
2. Mary Elsie Atkinson obituary, Commercial-Review, Portland, Indiana, USA, June 5, 1942, page 1.
3. Jay County, Indiana, Original Marriage License, "Mathias J. Atkinson to Elsie Lemasters, 1894"; County Marriage Returns Collection; Jay County Historical Society, Portland, Indiana.
4. 1940 U.S. census, Mercer County, Ohio, population schedule, Ft. Recovery, enumeration district 54-26, SD 4, sheet 1A, household 4, digital images, ( : accessed 23 April 2013); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
5. Luman W. Leamasters household, 1930 U.S. census, population schedule, Madison township, Jay County, Indiana, ED 38-8, SD 5, sheet 6A, dwelling 127, family 127; National Archives micropublication T626, roll 595.
6. Mathias J. Atkinson household, 1920 U.S. census, Jay County, Indiana, population schedule, Madison Township, ED 72, SD 67, sheet 5, dwelling 54, family 54; National Archives micropublication T625, roll 440.
7. 1910 U.S. census, Jay County, Indiana, population schedule, Madison Township, enumeration district 67, SD 8, sheet 4B, dwelling 87, family 89; digital images, ( : accessed 23 April 2013); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
8. Mathias J. Atkinson household, 1900 U.S. census, Jay County, Indiana, population schedule, Madison township, ED 62, SD 67, sheet 3, dwelling 63, family 64; National Archives micropublication T623, roll 380.
9. Walker Lemasters household, 1880 U.S. census, population schedule, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana, ED 161, SD 6, page 4, dwelling 47, family 48; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 287.
10. Complete Directory of Jay County (Portland, Indiana, USA: M. & M. Directory Co., 1907), page 230.
11. Milton T. Jay, History of Jay County, Indiana: including its World War Record and Incorporating the Montgomery History (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Historical Publishing Company, 1922), page 197.
12. Mrs. John H. Yeager obituary, Commercial-Review, Portland, Indiana, USA, March 17, 1922, page 2.
13. M.J. Atkinson obituary, Portland Commercial-Review, Portland, Indiana, USA, August 25, 1923, page 1.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

LeMaster family : Salamonia Christian Church

Thanks to Dropbox, and fellow researcher Judy Ahrens, was able to obtain information regarding the following LeMaster family members on the rolls of the Salamonia Christian Church at Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana.  Judy has been researching the church membership.

296.     Lemaster, Ann: 23 Dec 1951? by baptism by O. S. Bennet.
                        Residence: Union City, IN.  Trans.?
297.     Lemaster, Ardis: 1 Sep 1946 by baptism by John Sparks.
                        Name changed to Bickel.
298.     Lemaster, Becky: 25 Jun 1972 by baptism by Rev. Don Potter.
299.     Lemaster, Charles: 20 Jul 1958 by baptism by A. K. Timmons.
                        Residence: Ft. Wayne, IN.
300.     Lemaster, Danny: Aug 1959 by baptism by Rev. Charles H. Marler
                        Transferred to Reform: 17 Apr 1966.
301.     Lemaster, Douglas: 20 Jul 1958 by baptism by A. K. Timmons.
302.     Lemaster, Gary: 20 Jul 1958 by baptism by A. K. Timmons.
                        Residence: Ft. Wayne, IN.
303.     Lemaster, Helen: 29 Apr by letter, Alva Lindsay.
304.     Lemaster, Mrs. Jean: 21 Sep 1969 by baptism by Rev Clapp.
                        Residence: Ft. Recovery, OH.
305.OW             Lemaster, John Jr.: 29 Apr 1962 by letter, Alva Lindsay.
                        Residence: Anderson. Removal by death: 27 Mar 1973.
306.W   Lemaster, John Sr.: 23 Jan 1949 by baptism by O. S. Bennet.
                        Removal by death: 13 Jan 1980.
307.     Lemaster, Judy: 24 Apr 1966 by baptism by Paul Albertson.
                        Residence: Salamonia, IN.
308.     Lemaster, Kay: 20 Jul 1958.
309.     Lemaster, Larry: 20 Jul 1958 by baptism by A. K. Timmons.
                        Removal by death: 28 Feb 1974.
310.     Lemaster, Leland: 20 Jul 1958 by baptism by A. K. Timmons.
                        Residence: Ft. Wayne, IN.
311.OW             Lemaster, Roger Jr.: 23 Jan 1949 by baptism by O. S. Bennet.
                        Removal by death: 1972.
312.     Lemaster, Terry: 20 Jul 1958 by baptism by A. K. Timmons.
                        Residence: Ft. Wayne, IN. Transferred to Church of Christ in Des Moines,
                        Iowa: Apr 1972.

The "O" means she had a copy of their obituary, and the "W" meant she had a copy of their funeral home record from the Williamson funeral home.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Funeral Record of Lola Mae Ingram

Abstracts of Johnson Funeral Home 1916-1943 by Susan D. Hilburn & Catherine S. Richey

Located this book in the Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana several months ago and just now getting around to abstracting the information.

Ingram, Lola Mae; married/white/houseworker; died 21 JUL 1941 in U.S. Public Health Service at Hot Springs, Ark. at age 22 yrs, 4 mos, 18 days of pneumonia; born 3 MAR 1919 at Minturn, Ark.; father, SAM RICE; mother's maiden name, Bertie BERRY; husband John C. INGRAM; certifying physician, John B. HOZIER, of Hot Springs; informant, Mrs. Bertie ACKLIN; funeral 24 Jul 1941 at 2 PM at the Methodist Church; clergyman, Rev. Earl CRAVENS. burial in Walnut Ridge; record mentions: Joe B. INGRAM, BETTIE? ACKLIN, Walter INGRAM, W.E. BERRY, Troy INGRAM, John E. INGRAM; death certificate made.

Though not a direct relative, this record appears to be the first wife of John C. INGRAM, who later married Lillie Mae CUMMINGS, Eileen's aunt.  

John C. INGRAM was born June 26, 1919 and died May 28, 1988 in Jonesville, Louisiana.  Lillie Mae CUMMINGS was born August 17, 1923 and died May 30, 2003 in Jonesville, Louisiana.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chew Family, St. Joseph County, Indiana

Vital Statistics Index to St. Joseph County, Indiana Newspapers, 1831-1912 by David Eisen.

Located this book at the Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana several months ago and just now getting around to extracting the information for my files.

CHEW, Daniel, m. Bertha Adams, SBW 17 Aug. 1889-1.

CHEW, J. Parker, m. Harriet Louisa Brown, SJV 15 Dec. 1853-3.

CHEW, Mr., d. 27 Aug. 1888, SBW 1 Sep. 1888-1.

SBW = South Bend Weekly

The Daniel Chew who married Bertha Adams was actually Donovan R. Chew (1869-1933), son of Dr. Ezekiel Cooper and Caroline Bishop (Woolston) Chew. Donovan would be my paternal 2nd-great granduncle.

The Mr. Chew listed, was the obituary for Ezekiel Cooper Chew (1822-1888), my paternal 3rd-great grandfather.

The J. Parker Chew is unidentfied, though his presence in the county predates my immediate family by thirty years.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wright Families Brown County, Ohio

Sometime ago I was contacted by a Wright researcher, Newell Wright, who found a posting I had placed on the WRIGHT-L mailing list back in 1997 and 2002.  

He believes that his paternal 3rd-great grandmother, Kate (aka Catherine or Cate) Wright might be the same as my maternal 5th-great grandaunt, Catherine Wright, daughter of John and Sarah (Fleming) Wright.

Newell's email stated the following information about the family :

My paternal 3rd great grand-mother Kate (aka Catherine or Cate) Wright married Robert Wright (b 1784 Augusta Co., VA son of John and Margaret (McKittrick)  Wright)  on 11 April 1811 in Adams Co., OH.  Kate Wright was born in KY likely between 1787 and 1790.  Known children of Robert Wright and Kate Wright are:

John Wright 1813 – 1841 OH
Samuel Milton Wright 1815 – 1880 IA
James Wright 1817 – 1871 KS
Sarah Ann Wright 1819 – 1894 KS
Isaac Newton Wright 1824 – 1872 KS (my ancestor)
Elvira Wright 1829 – 1867 KS
Amanda Wright 1831 IN – 1867 KS

(All believed to be born in Adams/Brown Co., OH except for Amanda who was born in Fountain Co., IN)

The information that I have on my maternal 5th-great grandaunt, Catherine, was that she was born May 12, 1789 (no source data), the daughter of John and Sarah (Fleming) Wright.

There are several Wright families in the Adams/Brown/Highland County, Ohio area that I haven't yet sorted out.  What led Newell to contact me was studying the migration pattern of Revolutionary War soldier Robert Wright (1758-1840 brother of my John) from Cambridge to Bordentown; then Philadelphia, move to Westmoreland Co., PA, Mason County, KY and then to Brown County, Ohio.  His ancestor, William Wright had a migratory pattern from Ireland to Augusta Co., VA and then to Kentucky/Ohio.  There were five brothers in this family.  He states further:

Of the five brothers, I descend from John Wright and Margaret McKittrick who settled north of Decatur, Byrd Twp, Brown Co., OH. John Wright (bef 1757 - 1823) also served in Am Revolution and fortunately several descendants applied to DAR for membership and did a fair job of documenting his children and their respective spouses.  John Wright (bef 1757 - 1823) death has been taken from estate documents dated Sep 1823 that were were obtained from Brown County, OH which is different that the "collective" date of 1824.   Caldwell has William, James and Alexander settling in Highland Co. Ohio and Samuel settling on Cherry Fork, Wayne Twp,. Adams Co.

These early Wright families were in Brown County in Byrd Twp. at the same time my Wrights were in Pleasant Twp.  Regarding his ancestor, Robert, he wrote further:

After Robert and Katy's 11 Apr 1811 marriage by Wm Baldridge in Adams Co (Marriage Bk 1, pg 111)., Robert was enumerated in Byrd Twp., Brown Co., Ohio in 1820 and 1830 with family member's ages that match Katy and children's ages.   Robert was again enumerated in 1840 Fountain Co., IN and 1850 District 13 (Ashland) Wapello Co., IA with children, but not with Katy and all children in IN or IA.  Note, that on 21 Feb 1811 Wm Baldridge married another Robert Wright, also born 1784 VA, but son of Samuel Wright Wayne Twp., Adams Co., to Polly Kerr.  This Robert and Poly subsequently moved to and died in Clinton, IN.  I mention this in that members of my family were perplexed and frustrated for many of years by the number of Wrights in Brown/Adams Co. 
In his initial email, Newell left me with some questions that I wasn't able to answer.  I'm posting them here in hopes that others who may be related to these families can respond.

After going for so many decades with no understanding of the MA Wrights in Brown Co., your information has left me with a simple explanation to uncountable hours of family discussions.  I may as well apologize now for the many questions that are swirling in my head.  It will take me a while to sort through them.  However, if you would be so kind to respond to the following three questions when you find time?
            1.   Do you know if Robert  (1758 MA - 1840) or John Wright (1755 MA - 1810) left wills or estate documents that refer to heirs?
            2.   To your knowledge, did other Wright families settle in what subsequently became Brown Co., Ohio than descendants of John and Hannah (Fessenden) Wright and John and Margaret (McKittrick) Wright?
            3.  Do you have source for date and place of birth for Catherine and her KY born siblings? 

Unfortunately, at this time the sources for the information I have on this line is unknown, probably from a family group sheet compiled by someone when in pre-computer days.  I do not know if there were other Wright families that settled in the area beside "my" Wright line and the John and Margaret (McKittrick) Wright line.  As for the wills, I might have them in my files, but I haven't put my hands on them yet.