
Sunday, January 08, 2017

Exploratory Data Analysis : George J. Haley (1814-1888)

George J. Haley (1814-1888) was my paternal 3rd-great grandfather.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.

1. Vital Records

     George was born December 14, 1814 in Canton Basel, Switzerland1,2.  

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          I've not yet located a birth record for George yet.  Will continue to search sources such as FamilySearch in hopes of locating a church record.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               If George's birth was announced in a newspaper, I'm not aware of it.  Finding a source in Switzerland without knowing the exact location will prove difficult.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records for the Haley family that mention George.  Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one can be found.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of any baptismal record for George, nor the church affiliation of the Haley family.  Later, George was affiliated with the Evangelical Association.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that George was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          George married Rachel H. Gary on January 1, 1835 in Hardin County, Ohio1,3.

          A copy of their marriage record was the subject of a previous post.

          1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper

               I've not yet searched available newspapers of the time to see if mention was made of George and Rachel's nuptials.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.2.2. Anniversary Notice

               I've not yet searched available newspapers of the time to see if any mentions were made of anniversary celebrations.  Their 25th wedding anniversary would have been January 1, 1860 and their 50th wedding anniversary would have been January 1, 1885.

          1.2.3. Divorce Decree

               Although there is no indication that George was ever divorced, a thorough search of local court records would need to be made to be sure.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          George died February 22, 1888 in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio2,4.  The cause of death was recorded as a liver complaint.

          1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper

               I have not yet located a copy of George's obituary from local newspapers.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.2. Funeral Home Records

               I will need to search the records of the local historical society to see if  they have mention of any funeral home records that might have handled George's arrangements.

          1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph

                George's tombstone in Scott Union Cemetery in Huron, Erie County, Ohio5 has been photographed.  A link to his memorial page at FindAGrave is located here.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1880 Federal Census

               On June 7, 1880, George was enumerated as the head of household in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio6, as George Haley, age 65, Farmer, born in Switzerland.  Both his mother and father were born in Switzerland.

          2.1.2. 1870 Federal Census

               On June 3, 1870, George was enumerated as the head of household in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio7, as George Haley, age 55, Farmer.  The value of his real estate was $10,000 and the value of his personal estate was $300.  He was born in Switzerland and was a U.S. citizen.  Both of his parents were foreign born.

          2.1.3. 1860 Federal Census

               On June 13, 1860, George was enumerated as the head of household in Claridon Township, Marion County, Ohio8, as George Haley, age 46, Clergyman of the E.A. [Evangelical Association] The value of his real estate was $6500 and the value of his personal estate was $1000.  He was born in Switzerland.

          2.1.4. 1850 Federal Census

               On September 14, 1850, George was enumerated as the head of household in Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Ohio9, as George Haley, age 35, a Methodist Clergyman.  The value of his real estate was $1000, and he was listed as being born in Germany.

     2.2. State Census Records

          No state census records for the State of Ohio are known to exist.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet examined these types of records to see what light they might shed on the Haley family.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          I have not located any military draft records for George.

     3.2. Pension Records

          I am not aware of any military service by George that would have made him eligible for military pension benefits.

     3.3. Service Records

         I have not located any military service for George.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Hardin, Sandusky, Marion and Erie Counties, Ohio to see what records might mention George.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Plat maps of Hardin, Sandusky, Marion and Erie Counties, Ohio will need to be searched to see what information can be gleaned that will be relevant to my search.

5. Supplemental Records

     Supplemental records to search for George include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.


1. "Biographical and Historical Record of Jay County, Indiana", Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1887, p. 665.
2. Leedy, Roy B., "The Evangelical Church in Ohio, 1816-1951", Ohio Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1959, p. 742.
3. "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 December 2014), George Haley and Rachel H. Gary, 01 Jan 1835; citing Hardin, Ohio, United States, reference p 7; county courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 914,842.
4. "Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2014), Geo. J. Haley, 22 Feb 1888; citing Death, Huron, Huron Township, Erie, Ohio, United States, source ID v 2 p 75, County courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 954,137.
5. FindAGrave, Inc., ( : accessed 8 January 2017), George J. Haley memorial.
6. 1880 U.S. census, Erie County, Ohio, population schedule, Huron Township, enumeration district (ED) 113, SD 6, page 7, dwelling 53, family 56, ; digital images, ( : accessed 2 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
7. George Haley household, 1870 U.S. census, Erie County, Ohio, population schedule, Huron Twp., Sandusky P.O., page 5, dwelling 42, family 34, National Archives micropublication M953, roll 1197.
8. George Haley household, 1860 U.S. census, Marion County, Ohio, population schedule, Claridon Twp., Marion P.O., page 28, dwelling 201, family 197, National Archives micropublication M653, roll 1006.
9. George Haley household, 1850 U.S. census, population schedule, Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, USA, dwelling 79, family 81; National Archives micropublication M432, roll 726.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

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