
Friday, December 31, 2010

Year In Review : How Did You Find Me?

Taking another look-back at the stats on this blog for the past month and the year (or at least since Blogger added Stats) has shown some interesting developments.

As I mentioned in my last look at the stats on this blog, I've been using Twitter to tweet about posts.  I also started using Feedburner that will read the RSS feed and tweet the updates.  Linking posts to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIN has also driven traffic to the blog.

My top referring sites are GoogleFind1Friend and Facebook.  I was not familiar with Find1Friend, apparently it aggregates all social media.

The most popular search terms this year include:
  • blogger : self-explanatory
  • forrest chew salamonia indiana : Forrest is a member of my Chew family.  I wish whoever searched for him would have contacted me.
  • travis lemaster : who is looking for me?  an old girlfriend?
  • mary prevost : I have no idea how they found my blog through these search terms.  There are no references to the Prevost surname here.
  • lambertson and wilson families of new jersey and ohio : Yes!  These are my people.  Who are you?  Why didn't you contact me?

There is now a new most popular post, GeneaLeaks, which rose quickly to the top after being highlighted by Randy Seaver over at Genea-Musings.  Thanks, Randy!  Clearly, being mentioned by a popular blogger will lead to page views.

Just in the past month, there have been three posts that have received a great deal of interest, quickly moving them up to the top of my popular posts.  Once again, I find that once a post makes it to the sidebar as a popular post, it continues to receive more 'clicks'.  

Besides the previously mentioned GeneaLeaks, other posts with recent popularity include Applying SWOT Analysis To Your Genealogy Research and Building My 2011 Research Template.  I will be interested in seeing how 2011 stats pan out.

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and commented on my blog posts. May you all have a productive research year in 2011!

Family Recipe Friday: Black Walnut Fudge

Mom shared another family recipe, this one is from my LeMaster side:

Black Walnut Fudge

We decided to collect and crack black walnuts this year since they were so big. I only wish we could crack them open like the squirrels do.

Weldon remembers his dad, Ord, cracking black walnuts and his mom making fudge.  While this is not her recipe it is good and simple, especially when using freshly cracked nuts

    3 1/3 cups sugar                                               
    1 cup light corn syrup                                         
    1/2 cup butter                                                 
    9 ounces evaporated milk                                       
    1/2 cup black walnuts, chopped   

Mix first four intredients in a 3-quart saucepan.   Cook over medium heat to 240 degrees (236 degress is soft ball stage).   Remove from heat and cool.   Beat until it loses its gloss, then add nuts and pour into a 9x13-inch buttered pan.   Note:  It may look glossy or taffy like consistency until it is fully cooled.

Family Recipe Friday – is an opportunity to share your family recipes with fellow bloggers and foodies alike. Whether it’s an old-fashioned recipe passed down through generations, a recipe uncovered through your family history research, or a discovered recipe that embraces your ancestral heritage share them on Family Recipe Friday. This series was suggested by Lynn Palermo of The Armchair Genealogist.

Buggies & Wagons: Follow-Up

As a follow-up to my previous post regarding Beals & Hinshaw: Buggies & Wagons, I contacted the Hinshaw Family Association and received this response:


That Hinshaw who was apparently a partner with Nathan Thomas Beals was Amos S. Hinshaw (1839-1930), son of Stephen Hinshaw (and, although we don't know with certainty what his full middle name was, one could guess that it was probably Stephen): 
Amos S. Hinshaw indeed did live in Westfield, and was a member of Westfield Monthly Meeting.  And he was shown in the 1900 census with occupation "carriage builder", and in 1910 as "mechanic, carriage shop".

As to his relationship to Nathan Thomas Beals:  inconsequential.  Westfield was a small town in 1893, and there was a tight and close Quaker community - Amos and Nathan might have come together in partnership for reasons other than any genealogical relationship.  However, probably coincidentally, Amos was 3rd cousin once removed to Solomon Hinshaw, who married Nathan's sister Elizabeth.

Jan Hinshaw
The Hinshaw Family Association

P.S.: I hope you don't mind, but I liked the "Beals & Hinshaw" scan you referenced, so I copied the image and added it to Amos Hinshaw's page (credited to you of course).
Incidentally, I did perform a relationship search through my Rootsmagic database, and found that Nathan Thomas BEALS and Amos S. HINSHAW were indeed first cousins, once removed - through Charles and Hannah (PIGGOTT) DAVIS.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Meinholtz obituaries : Colorado Springs, Colorado

I was able to locate some obituary information on some distant collateral relatives through the Pikes Peak Library District website.  Using their search engines, I was able to locate these obituaries:

Henry C. Meinholtz
1/21/1948, Gazette, 2

Henry Meinholtz Services Will Be Held Friday

Funeral services for Henry C. Meinholtz who died at his home, 1624 N. Cascade Ave., Monday, will be held at the grave in the Evergreen Cemetery, at 11 a.m. Friday.  Tejon Lodge No. 104, A.F. & A.M. will officiate.  Friends may call at the Law Drawing room on Friday

Henry C. Meinholtz
1/21/1948, Free Press, 16:5

Henry C. Meinholtz Dies At His Home

Henry C. Meinholtz, retired stockman and farmer, died yesterday at his home, 1624 N. Cascade Ave.

Mr. Meinholtz, who was born in 1875, had lived in Colorado Springs since 1921.  He lived for two years in Alamosa, Colo., and retained business interests in the San Luis Valley.  Before that he lived in Okmulgee, Okla.  He had been ill for a long time.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Edith Meinholtz, three daughters, Mrs. Lucille Klinger, Center, Colo., Mrs. Helen Shanks, Salida, Colo., and Mrs. Marjorie Welch, Quincy, Mass.

Services will be held at the grave in Evergreen cemetery at 11 o'clock Friday morning.  Tejon Lodge No. 104, AF & AM, will officiate.  Friends may call Thursday at the Law drawing room.

Mary Meinholtz
3/29/1935, Gazette, 1

Mary Meinholtz Dies At Her Home

Popular College Graduate Ill Only Few Days; No Funeral Plans

Miss Mary Wilhelmine Meinholtz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meinholtz, 1624 North Cascade Avenue, and popular Colorado college graduate, died yesterday afternoon at her home, following brief illness.  Her condition was regarded as improving, when it suddenly took a turn for the worse and death followed quickly.

Mr. Meinholtz, who was out of the city, was promptly notified and his return was expected momentarily last night.

Miss Meinholtz, who was born in Henryetta, Okla., in February, 1911, was graduated from Colorado college last year.  During the time she attended college she was one of the most popular members of the student body.  She was a member of Delta Gamma sorority and the Tiger club.  Before entereing Colorado college she studied at Northwestern university and Colorado State Teachers college.

Last year Miss Meinholtz was awarded first prize in the Colorado college beauty contest.

Following her graduation she entered the employ of the Alexander Film company of this city.

Surviving, besides her parents, are three sisters, Helen and Marjorie Meinholtz of this city and Miss Lucille Meinholtz, who is a student at Lindenwood college, St. Charles, Mo.

Funeral arrangements will be made at the Law mortuary.

Henry C. MEINHOLTZ was my paternal great-granduncle, the husband of Edith Mabel LEMASTERS.  Edith was a daughter of Luman Walker and Mary Keziah (CHEW) LEMASTERS.

King and Gooding Families: Orestes, Indiana

Stumbled across the webpage of Debbie Dunn which contained information regarding the King and Gooding families.  The site also give accounts of the famous Orestes, Indiana tornado of 1922.  

Growing up, I attended Orestes Elementary.  Our school mascot was the "Cyclones" in memory of the devastation that occurred in 1922.  Today, the elementary school is closed and sits idle, wasting away.

The connection of this author's line to mine is that Francis Marion GOODING married in 1874 to Mary Ann KING, daughter of Thomas and Martha E. (HAGGERTY) KING.  Thomas was a brother to my Daniel KING.

I need to do some research to tie all of them together, but Thomas KING's widow, Martha, married Nelson GOODING, who was the father of Francis Marion GOODING, above.  So step-brother and step-sister were married in 1886. 

And here I thought modern-day families were complicated...

FindAGrave Success : Metzner

I need to give a long-overdue "shout-out" to a kind volunteer at the website, who helped provide pictures of the tombstones of my Metzner relatives at the Gravel Hill Cemetery, Jay County, Indiana.

Thanks to volunteer, Lulabell, I know have photographs on the memorial pages for the following Metzner relatives:

William F. Metzner (1844-1929): William was the son of John and Catherine (YOUNG) METZNER, and married to Mary Ann HALEY, daughter of Sebastian and Lydia A. (RADER) HALEY.

Irvin G. Metzner (1879-1969):  Irvin was the son of William F., above, and was married to Julia STONE.

Herbert W. Metzner (1906-1910): Herbert was the son of Irvin, above.

Gravel Hill Cemetery is located in Bryant, Jay County, Indiana.  William F. Metzner's occupation was listed as a furniture dealer and farmer in the census, Irvin's was listed as a teacher.

Slow Week for Genealogy Research

It seems this time between Christmas and the New Year has been a slow one for my research, most of the work on my family has been sorting through papers and trying to get organized.  My dad has been giving me a lot of his old research papers and family photos to go through.

I did manage to send off two requests for military records, form SF 180, to the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO, requesting records for both of my grandfathers.  According to the paperwork, there is no charge for a copy of the records if sent to the next of kin, so I had my parents sign and request the paperwork.  Better to do it now while I can.  I submitted copies of my grandfather's obituaries as proof of death, hopefully that will work.  If not, will resubmit with death certificates, when I obtain them (one of my goals for 2011).

My maternal grandfather, William Lee Wright, served in the U.S. Army Air Corps  during World War II.  My paternal grandfather, Ord Wehrly LeMaster, served in the National Guard in the 1920s.  While I have some military records for Grandpa Wright, I do not have anything on Grandpa LeMaster, and I'm hoping that St. Louis has something in their files.  I understand there was a huge fire in 1973 that may have destroyed the records that I seek.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Bill & Vicki (Walsh) Seamans

Bill & Vicki (Walsh) Seamans, 1976

Wordless Wednesday – a great way to share your old family photos! Create a post with the main focus being a photograph or image. Some posters also include attribute information as to the source of the image (date, location, owner, etc.). Wordless Wednesday is one of the longest running “memes” in the blogosphere and is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday: Imo Chew

Source: Salamonia Cemetery (Jay County, Indiana), Imo Chew marker, photographed by Travis LeMaster, 26 March 2009.

Imo C. CHEW is buried in the Salamonia Cemetery, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana.  Imo was my paternal 1st cousin 3 times removed.

Imo was born November 20, 1902 in Jay County, Indiana, the daughter of William Anderson and Emma Susan (STRAIGHT) CHEW.

Imo never married and was a school teacher in Jay County.  She died in 1971, but I do not yet have the exact date.

Tombstone Tuesday – To participate in Tombstone Tuesday simply create a post which includes an image of a gravestone of one or more ancestors and it may also include a brief description of the image or the ancestor. This is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Building My 2011 Research Template

It's that time of year when people begin to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for improvement in the year to come.  I've decided that in order to make my blog and my genealogy research better, I need to come up with a systematic plan to document my ancestors' lives.

I've decided that I will start by focusing on my great-grandparents, both maternal and paternal, as well as their children.  I will use this blog to document the records as well as gaps that need further research. I will highlight and document the facts and information I have discovered, using the following template:

Documentation of GGF and children:

1. Vital Records (birth, marriage, death)
     1.1. Birth certificate
            1.1.1 Birth notice in newspaper
            1.1.2 Bible record
            1.1.3 Baptismal record
            1.1.4 Adoption record
     1.2 Marriage license
            1.2.1 Marriage notice in newspaper
            1.2.2 Anniversary notice
            1.2.3 Divorce decree
     1.3 Death certificate
            1.3.1 Obituary in newspaper
            1.3.2 Funeral home record
            1.3.3 Tombstone photograph
2. Census Records
     2.1 Federal Census Records
            2.1.1 1930 Federal Census
            2.1.2 1920 Federal Census
            2.1.3 1910 Federal Census
            2.1.4 1900 Federal Census
            2.1.5 1880 Federal Census
            2.1.6 1870 Federal Census
     2.2 State Census Records
     2.3 Agricultural / Mortality Census Records
3. Military Records
     3.1 Draft registration
     3.2 Pension records
     3.3 Service records
4. Land Records
     4.1 Deed records
     4.2 Plat map / county map
5. Supplemental records
     5.1 Social Security records
     5.2 Church membership records
     5.3 City directories
     5.4 Court records

My goal is to start with my great-grandparents, completing this template for them and each of their children (my grandaunts and uncles) and then eventually to continue backwards each successive generation.  If I can progress slowly and methodically, I hope to become a better researcher and create a more thorough documented record of my ancestors lives.

I will also endeavor to document my sources consistently, so that others may see how I arrived at my conclusions.

What are your thoughts?  I would appreciate any comments regarding this plan.

Amanuensis Monday: Future Farmers of America (1937)

An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

Source: Alexandria-Monroe High School Spectrum, Alexandria, Indiana, 1937

The Future Farmers of America

First row from left to right: Leroy Waymire, Arthur McMahan, Paul Thurston, William Cranfill.  Second row: Basil Retherford, Eugene Hannah, John Featherston, Elbert Hague, Eugene Derstler, Noel Maddox, David Teague, Frank Tobin.  Third row: Eugene Fields, Robert Hobbs, William Blake, Forest McMahan, Bernard Balser, Fred Johnson, John Nacoff, Ralph Porter, Mr. Disque. Back row: Omer Young, Verne Sullivan, Harold Bess, Keith Sizelove, Harry Ellis, Fred Inglis, Lyle Summers, Charles Sayre, William Wright, Dale Blacklidge.

The Future Farmers of America is a National Organization of farm boys studying vocational agriculture with chapters throughout the United States, Hawaii, and Porto Rico.  Its purpose is to create more interest in farming as an occupation, and to instill and nurture a love of country life.

The thirty-three members of the local chapter participate in judging and corn husking contests, and their basketball team furnishes recreation.  Paul Thurston won the Hoosier Farmer Degree.

President: Herman Brown
Vice-President: Arthur McMahan
Secretary: William Cranfill
Treasurer: Leroy Waymire
Reporter: Robert Inglis
Faculty Adviser: Mr. Disque

My maternal grandfather, William Lee Wright, is pictured in the back row.

Amanuensis Monday is a daily blogging theme which encourages the family historian to transcribe family letters, journals, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts. Amanuensis Monday is a popular ongoing series created by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Overload

Barnabus D. Beagle, aka "Barney", 25 Dec. 2010

I think my poor beagle was on holiday overload yesterday when I caught him hiding underneath the Christmas tree.

I hope, dear reader, that you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and that your New Year is full of genealogical joy.

Sunday's Obituary : Cleo M. (Dorton) Wright (1895-1994)

Source : [undocumented, probably Anderson, Indiana Herald-Bulletin]

Alexandria - Cleo M. (Dorton) Wright, 99, 201 W. Broadway, died April 6, 1994 at her residence after an extended illness.

She was born Feb. 13, 1895 in Matthews, and had lived in Alexandria and rural Alexandria since 1917. She was a homemaker and a member of First United Methodist Church, Alexandria, and United Methodist Women's Society of the church. She was a 75-year member of the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 179 of Alexandria.

Survivors include a daughter-in-law, Lola W. Wright of Anderson; a grandson, Dr. Stephen J. Wright of Anderson; three granddaughters, Mrs. Robert W. (Leigh Ann) Byrd of West Lafayette, Mrs. Scot (Cynthia) Ford of New Whiteland, and Mrs. Michael (Nancy) Catellier of Indianapolis; five great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred A. Wright, in 1985; a son, Orville C. Wright, in 1986; and her parents, John and Rosetta (Dunn) Dorton.

Services will be a 1 p.m. Monday at Noffze Funeral Home with the Revs. Carl Q. Baker and Steven Fritchman officiating. Burial will be at Park View Cemetery in Alexandria.

Friends may call from 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Eastern Star memorial services will be conducted at 7 p.m.

Memorial contributions may be made to the First United Methodist Church through the funeral home.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


The SHERRICK/SHIRK/SCHERCH/SCHÃœRCH surname is in my paternal line.  The origins of the surname are Swiss.

Stories and history : 

Ahnentafel # 21 : Mary Jane Sherrick (1844-1916).  Mary was born January 13, 1844 in Ashland County, Ohio.  She married October 14, 1862 in Ashland County, Ohio to George Washington Haley (1840-1892).  George was born May 16, 1840 in Hardin County, Ohio.  They lived in Seneca County, Ohio and Jay County, Indiana, where they raised 7 children.  George died December 4, 1892 in Jay County, Ohio.  Mary married secondly on May 8, 1897 in Jay County, Indiana to Robert N. Kimble (1841-aft1900).  Robert was born in August 1841 in Ohio.  I do not have his exact date of death.  Mary died January 15, 1916 in Jay County, Ohio.  Both George and Mary are buried in the Mt. Zion Cemetery, Jay County, Indiana.

Ahnentafel # 42 : David Sherrick (1823-1914).  David was born October 18, 1923 in York County, Pennsylvania.  He married March 23, 1843 in Wayne County, Ohio to Susan Jacobs (1825-1864).  Susan was born August 18, 1825 in Warrington Township, York County, Pennsylvania.  They had 9 children.  Susan died February 24, 1864 in Mifflin Township, Ashland County, Ohio.  David married secondly to Amy Byers (1832-1883).  Amy was born November 26, 1832 in York County, Pennsylvania and died December 30, 1883 in Ashland County, Ohio.  David married thirdly to Margaret 'Maggie' (Zimmerman) Rosenberger (1835-1911).  Maggie was born March 11, 1835 in Maryland and died August 16, 1911 in Pleasant Township, Seneca County, Ohio.  David died September 30, 1914 in Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio and is buried in the Ashland City Cemetery, Ashland, Ohio.

Ahnentafel # 84 : David Sherrick (c1787-1874).  David was born circa 1787 in York County, Pennsylvania.  He married before 1823 to Eve ________ (c1785-1862).  Eve was born circa 1785 in Pennsylvania.  They lived in Ashland County, Ohio, where David farmed.  Eve died March 31, 1862 in Ashland County, Ohio.  David died February 22, 1874 in Ashland County, Ohio.  Both are buried in the Harlan & Wilson Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio.

Ahnentafel # 168 : David Shirk  (c1753-c1827).  David was born circa 1753 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  He married Barbara Erb (c1755-1831).  Barbara was born circa 1755 in Pennsylvania.  They lived in Windsor Township, York County, Pennsylvania and had 10 children.  Barbara died March 1831 in Windsor Township, York County, Pennsylvania.  David died circa 1827 in Windsor Township, York County, Pennsylvania.

Ahnentafel # 336 : Ulrich Scherch (1704-1763).  Ulrich was born August 20, 1704 in Sumiswald, Canton Bern, Switzerland.  He married Anna Swarr (1720-1810).  Ulrich patented 357 acres in the village of Schoeneck, Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on April 7, 1735.  They had 11 children.  Ulrich died October 1763 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Ahnentafel # 672 : Ulrich SchÃ¼rch (1663-c1739).  Ulrich was born March 9, 1663 in Sumiswald, Canton Bern, Switzerland.  He married circa 1695 to Barbara Grundbacher (1672-     ).  Barbara was born November 5, 1672 in Sumiswald, Canton Bern, Switzerland.  On July 27, 1711 Ulrich was among the Mennonite Brethren being held in the Berne jail.  He was deported from Switzerland, and was sent to Holland via the Rhine river in the Ship Emmenthaler.  They arrived in Amsterdam on August 3, 1711.  He immigrated to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 23, 1728 on the ship Mortenhouse.  They had 8 children.  Ulrich died circa 1739 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Ahnentafel # 1344 : Peter SchÃ¼rch (1639-    ).  Peter was born October 6, 1639.  He married in 1659 to Verena Eggiman (1640-    ).  Verena was born March 29, 1640.  They had at least 2 children.  Peter married secondly to Anna Reinhard.

Ahnentafel # 2688 :  Ulrich Schürch (1614-   ).  Ulrich was born June 19, 1614. He married circa 1635 to Barbara Kupferschmid (1614-    ).  

Ahnentafel # 5376 : Casper Schürch married to Margaret Trüssel (1589-     ).

Ahnentafel # 10752 : Hans Schürch married to Verena Schneider.

Related blog posts :

Surname Saturday – create a post in which you discuss a surname and mention its origins, its geographical location(s) and how it fits into your genealogy research. Surname Saturday is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.

Christ the Lord is born today

Miss Vera Haley
Portland, Ind. R.R. # 9

Wishing you a happy Xmas and a happy New Year

Ethel Martin

This postcard, unmarked, was sent to my paternal great-aunt, Vera HALEY by Ethel MARTIN.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wreaths Across America

Billy J. Peterson marker, Arlington National Cemetery

Eileen's stepfather, Major Billy J. Peterson, is buried at the Arlington National Cemetery.  Thanks to the Wreaths Across America project for placing this on his marker this Christmas.

Christmas Eve

Mrs. Clarence Stuber
Spencerville, O. 
R # 4

From Wagoners and Grace

This postcard, postmarked Spencerville, Ohio, December 22, ___, was sent to my paternal great-aunt and uncle, Clarence & Vera (HALEY) STUBER.

Advent Calendar : Christmas Eve

How did you, your family or your ancestors spend Christmas Eve?

As a kid, we spent Christmas Eve at my Grandma Wright's house.  Many times, my cousins were there as well.  We would have a good meal, drink the traditional Christmas punch and open presents.  We always had to pose for a picture next to the plastic Santa.

Nowdays, we usually spend Christmas Eve day with my mother-in-law and then in the evening we go to my parents.  My brother-in-law and his family usually come up and we celebrate his birthday as well.  My stepdaughters spend Christmas Eve with their dad and come back late in the evening.  Depending on the schedules, we see as many of the family as possible.  Work schedules make it difficult to bring everyone together every year.

In our small town, Santa Claus usually makes an appearance riding the firetruck through the town on Christmas Eve.

My mom shares her Christmas Eve memories:
As a child, I went to my grandparents houses on Christmas Eve.   There was plenty of food and gifts were exchanged.   We were always the last ones to arrive as my dad, Bill Wright, worked at the Post Office and usually didn't get off work until 7 p.m.   Since I am a grandparent, I feel that children need to be home on Christmas Day so we try to get together on Christmas Eve with the families.  

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Barbara (Petry) Wehrly (1802-1880)

Barbara (PETRY) WEHRLY was my paternal 3rd-great grandmother.

The following facts about Barbara's life are known:
  • Birth: She was born May 28, 1802 in York County, Pennsylvania, the daughter of George and Maria Catharina (KALTREIDER) PETRY.
  • Marriage: She married in 1821 in Stark County, Ohio to Johannes "John S." WEHRLY.
  • Census: 1860 - She was enumerated in the household of John S. Whorley, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana.
  • Census: 1870 - She was enumerated in the household of John S. Werley, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana.
  • Death: She died August 27, 1880 in Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana.
  • Burial: She is buried in the Salamonia Cemetery, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana.

The following facts need additional research and/or documentation to complete my research:

  • Marriage: Need to determine the exact date of Barbara and John's marriage in Stark County, Ohio
  • Census: Need to locate her in the 1850 census.  She should be located in Preble County, Ohio.
  • Death: Need to check with the Jay County, Indiana Health Department to see if there exists a death record.
  • Obituary: Need to check and see if there was mention of her death in any local newspapers.
Related blog posts:

Advent Calendar : Christmas Sweetheart Memories

Do you have a special memory of a first Christmas present from a sweetheart? How did you spend your first Christmas together? Any Christmas engagements or weddings among your ancestors?

My parents' first Christmas memory:
Weldon and I were married on our first Christmas.   I remember getting him a coat and he got me a watch.  We lived in Muncie in a small apartment. We had a little tree on a hand-me down corner table.  We went to my parent's house on Christmas Eve and to his parent's on Christmas Day.   We had just been married 18 days.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Chaperones

Gloria (Wright) LeMaster & Ord LeMaster (1970)

This photo was taken at a high school dance they were chaperoning.

Wordless Wednesday – a great way to share your old family photos! Create a post with the main focus being a photograph or image. Some posters also include attribute information as to the source of the image (date, location, owner, etc.). Wordless Wednesday is one of the longest running “memes” in the blogosphere and is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.

As The Wise Men Came

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Stuber
Spencerville, Ohio

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


This postcard, postmarked Fort Recovery, Ohio, December 20, 1928, was sent to my paternal great-aunt and uncle, Clarence and Vera (HALEY) STUBER.

Advent Calendar : Christmas and Deceased Relatives

Did your family visit the cemetery at Christmas? How did your family
honor deceased family members at Christmas?

I do not remember visiting the cemetery at Christmas.  We would honor their memories by continuing traditions and remembering them that way.  

My mom and dad shared a bit that I didn't know:
Grandma Ruth LeMaster always visited the cemetery and placed wreaths or grave blankets on the deceased.   I don't visit the cemetary at Christmas.   Since my parents are buried next to the highway, I always look over at the tombstone and think of them.   One way I probably honor my parents is to talk about them to my grandchildren.   I also bake their favorite cookies.   I decorate the house with many of my parent's decorations.

Virgil C. Chew

I was contacted a while back concerning an error in my Rootsweb database concerning the marriage of Esther V. ABEL and Virgil C. CHEW.  The young couple was married September 2, 1905 in Jay County, Indiana, where many of my CHEW family resided.  I had inadvertently attached this marriage record to the wrong Virgil Chew in my database.

Name:Virgil C Chew
Spouse Name:Esther V Abel
Marriage Date:2 Sep 1905
Marriage County:Jay
Source Title 1:Jay County, Indiana
Source Title 2:Index to Marriage Records 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vo
Source Title 3:W. P. A Original Record Located County Clerk's Off
OS Page:209

Source Citation: Title: Jay County, IndianaIndex to Marriage Records 1850 - 1920 Inclusive VoW. P. A Original Record Located County Clerk's Off; Book: C-J;Page: 209 Source Information: Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.

This particular Virgil Cooper CHEW was born May 5, 1885 in Jay County, Indiana.  The mother of Virgil Cooper CHEW was Mabel L. FRAZIER [sic].  The mystery currently is who his father was.  His mother was unmarried at the time. has him indexed as Virgil E. Chew:

Indiana Births, 1880-1920 about Virgil E Chew

Name:Virgil E Chew
Mother:Mabel L Frazier
Birth Date:5 May 1885
Reference:Jay County, Indiana
Index to Birth Records
1882 - 1920 Inclusive
Volume I
Letters A - Z Inclusive

Source: Indiana Births, 1880-1920 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. Original data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Birth Records. Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.

According to the researcher, Virgil's grandmother is Mary C. BUTCHER, the second wife of William H. FRASER.  They were married March 21, 1861 in Jay County, Indiana and had 4 children: Lincoln, Maybell, Ettie and Ella.  Maybell/Mabel gave birth to Virgil on May 5, 1885 and was unmarried.   Mabel died May 19, 1885 (aged 18) and is buried at Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana.

Virgil is enumerated in the 1900 census of Salamonia, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana, living with his grandmother in household 43, family 44.

Frasher, Mary C., head, white, female, born June 1838, age 61, widow, 6 children, 4 living, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Virginia, no occupation
Chew, Virgil C., grandson, white, male, born May 1884, age 16, single, born Indiana, father born Indiana, mother born Indiana, farm laborer.

How did Virgil get his last name?  If his father was a member of the CHEW family, which one?  My ancestor, Dr. Ezekiel Cooper CHEW, was a Salamonia physician around this time frame - his son William later served in the same capacity.  Perhaps there is a court record in Jay County that will shed some light.

The researcher was going to continue to search local records for an obituary for Virgil to see if it would shed some clues.

Virgil married secondly to Jessie Louise TERRELL on December 24, 1921 in Marion County, Indiana.

Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about Virgil Cooper Chew

Name:Virgil Cooper Chew
Spouse Name:Jessie Louise Terrell
Marriage Date:24 Dec 1921
Marriage County:Marion
Source Title 1:Marion County, Indiana
Source Title 2:Index to Marriage Record 1920 - 1925 Inclusive Vol
Source Title 3:Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind
OS Page:391

Source Citation: Title: Marion County, IndianaIndex to Marriage Record 1920 - 1925 Inclusive VolOriginal Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind; Book: 118;Page: 391.

Virgil's World War II draft registration card was filled out in Marion County, Indiana.  It reports his birth as May 5, 1885 in Salamonia, Indiana.

Source: U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010