
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Albert Metzner household, 1940, Allen County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Albert Metzner household in Allen County, Indiana. Albert was my paternal 2nd cousin 3 times removed.  Our common ancestors were Jasper Metzner and Hannah Reisenburg.  Albert's parents were Louis Napoleon Metzner and Elizabeth Reiter.

1940 U.S. census, Allen County, Indiana, population schedule, Fort Wayne, enumeration district (ED) 94-42, SD 4, sheet 15B, 915 Lincoln Avenue, household 336, ; digital images, ( : accessed 26 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Albert and his wife were living in Ward 6 of the city of Fort Wayne.  The census states that Albert was renting his home for $38 per month.  Albert was 38 years old and was born in Indiana.  His wife, Linnea, was also 38 years but was born in Michigan.  In 1935, their residence was Grand Rapids, Kent County Michigan.

The record shows that Albert and Linnea had both completed 4 years of high school.  Albert's occupation was listed as a bartender at a tavern, and no occupation was listed for Linnea.

Also living in the household were sons Gordon, aged 10, born in Michigan who had completed the 4th grade; and Albert Jr., aged 8, born in Michigan who had completed the 1st grade.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Aaron Lewis Chew household, 1940, Clarke County, Iowa

Located the 1940 census record of the Aaron Lewis Chew household in Clarke County, Iowa.  Aaron was my paternal 6th cousin 4 times removed.  Our common ancestors were Richard Chew and Frances Woodward.  Aaron's parents were John William Chew and Mary Ann Relea.

1940 U.S. census, Clarke County, Iowa, population schedule, Doyle Township, enumeration district (ED) 20-2, SD 5, sheet 5A, household 97, ; digital images, ( : accessed 23 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Aaron and his wife were living in Doyle Township.  The census states he was renting his home for $10 per month and they lived on a farm.  Aaron was 74 years old and born in Iowa. His wife, Luella, was 72 years old and also born in Iowa.  In 1935 their residence was rural Clarke County Iowa.

The record shows that Aaron had completed the 5th grade and that Luella had completed the 8th grade.  Aaron's occupation was listed as a farmer, and Luella had no occupation listed.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Facebook Page for the TJLGenes Blog

Awhile back I created a Facebook page for this blog, located at where I could share blog posts and other items of interest I've been working on.

I'd seen other Geneabloggers do this for the blogs as a way to share and also separate their personal feed from the genealogy work, so I decided to give it a try.  I invited my friends and relatives to check it out.

Not sure at this point where I'm going with this - I have stopped linking my blog posts to my personal facebook feed, but i'm not sure what affect if any having a Facebook page for the blog is driving any traffic.

If you have a blog, do you have a FB page for it?  Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

John LeMaster : Captain of Graduate Baseball Team

"Graduate Club Forms Two Baseball Teams," The Easterner (Ball State Teachers College), 5 August 1932; online images, Ball State Digitial Media Repository ( : accessed 7 February 2015), Ball State University Student Newspaper.
Graduate Club Forms Two Baseball Teams
Another baseball league will get under way on the campus with the organization of a two-team league by members of the Graduate club.  John LeMaster of Oakville is captain of one team and Jesse England of Redkey will direct the other.  Games will be at three o'clock on Thursday.
Names have not yet been chosen, as the teams are waiting for a victory before choosing a name.  Both captains are sure of winning the series.
Members of LeMaster's team are the following men: Cushman, Deer, Osborne, Lee Settle, Hoppes, Anderson, Warner, Ritchie and Gibson.
The men on England's team consist of the following: Glancy, Peckinbaugh, Mills, Delph, Caldwell, Cromer, Logan, DeMoss, Branson, Hamilton and Corey.
This article ran in the paper of Ball State Teachers College in regards to my paternal great uncle, John Leland LeMaster (1902-1980).  He was an athlete, coach, teacher and principal in his career in east-central Indiana.  At the time of this article, he was living in Oakville, Delaware County, Indiana.  He had previously been basketball coach at Redkey.

The digital archives of Ball State University has quite a few nuggets like this of family history.

Clarence LeMaster household, 1940, Jay County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Clarence LeMaster household in Jay County, Indiana.  Clarence is my paternal great uncle, the son of Luman Cooper LeMasters and Barbara Isabel Wehrly.  His family's enumeration was split over two pages.

1940 U.S. Census, Jay County, Indiana, population schedule, Madison Township, enumeration district (ED) 38-8, SD 5, sheet 9B, household 202, ; digital images, ( : accessed 17 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
1940 U.S. Census, Jay County, Indiana, population schedule, Madison Township, enumeration district (ED) 38-8, SD 5, sheet 10A, household 202, ; digital images, ( : accessed 17 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
At the time of the enumeration, Clarence and his wife were living in Madison Township.  The census states that Clarence was renting his home for $6 per month and that it was on a farm.  Clarence was 52 years old and born in Nebraska.  His wife, Mae, was 48 years old and born in Indiana.  In 1935 their residence was the same place.

The record shows that Clarence had completed the 7th grade and that Mae had completed the 8th grade. Clarence's occupation was listed as farmer, while Mae had no occupation listed.

Also living in the household were son Garth, age 18, born in Indiana who had completed 3 years of high school, and daughter Vera, age 14, born in Indiana who had completed the 7th grade. 

According to my database, two older children, Kenneth and Mary, were out on their own by the 1940 census, and one had died as an infant.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Chester G. Bigley household, 1940, Marshall County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Chester Bigley household in Marshall County, Indiana.  Chester was Eileen's maternal second cousin three times removed.  Her common ancestors were Daniel Fisher and Susannah Reeves.  Chester's parents were Thomas Jefferson Bigley and Sarah Jane Benedict.

1940 U.S. census, Marshall County, Indiana, population schedule, Union Township, enumeration district (ED) 50-18, SD 2, sheet 17B, household 351, ; digital images, ( : accessed 17 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Chester and his wife were living in Union Township.  The census states that Chester owned his home and it was valued at $1800, and was a farm.  Chester was 59 years old and born in Indiana.  His wife, Helen, was 35 years old and also born in Indiana.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record shows that Chester had completed 1 year of college and Helen had completed 4 years of high school. Chester's occupation was listed as a painter, with building repair and Helen had no occupation listed.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Arthur Bevan household, 1940, Kiowa County, Kansas

Located the 1940 census record of the Arthur Bevan household in Kiowa County, Kansas.  Arthur was my maternal 3rd cousin 4 times removed.  Our common ancestors were Aaron Mills and Charity Mendenhall. He was also my 6th cousin 4 times removed through John Beals and Mary Clayton, and my 7th cousin 4 times removed (3 times) through William Clayton and Prudence Lanckford.  Arthur's parents were Stacy Bevan and Sarah Beals.

1940 U.S. Census, Kiowa County, Kansas, population schedule, Haviland, enumeration district (ED) 49-16, SD 11, sheet 6B, Chestnut Street, household 157, ; digital images, ( : accessed 17 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Arthur and his wife were living in the town of Haviland.  The census states that Arthur owned his home and the value was $1500 and it was a farm.  Arthur was 63 years old and born in Iowa.  His wife, Madge, was 60 years old and born in Indiana.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record showed that Arthur had completed the 7th grade and that Madge had completed 4 years of high school. Neither of them had an occupation listed in the census.

According to my database, they had at least one son, Herman Lewis Bevan.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Family Photos Found At Alexandria-Monroe Historical Society

Sorting through some pictures I took at a visit to the Alexandria-Monroe Historical Society, I thought I would share them here.  The society has a nice collection of old local photos.  I'm looking forward to its re-opening in the spring so I can get back there and do more research.

This first photo was taken in 1954 and shows my uncle Terry, as a young Boy Scout at the new Marie Thurston Elementary school.

In the society's military room, this photograph of my maternal great-uncle, John M. High, who served on the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor, was found:

Another photo in the military room was of my maternal great-aunt, Clara Ellen (Wright) High, who served with the WAVES during World War II:

Another photo I found while browsing at the museum was of my maternal great grandaunt, Geneva Ruth (Aldridge) Pierce when she was a little girl:

These types of wonderful photos are great finds at local historical societies.  I'm looking forward to returning to see what other gems I can add to my family history.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Exploratory Data Analysis : Prudence (Maxson) Smith (1817-1890)

Prudence (Maxson) Smith (1817-1890) was my paternal 3rd-great grandmother.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about her.

1. Vital Records

     Prudence was born June 15, 1817 in Greene County, Ohio1.

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          I have not located any birth record for Prudence, as her birth occurred before the State of Ohio was registering births.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               If Prudence's birth was recorded in a newspaper, I'm not aware of it.  Will search contemporary newspapers to see if mention was made of her birth.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records of the Maxson family that mentions Prudence.  Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes of locating one.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of any baptismal record for Prudence, nor the church affiliation of the family at the time.  Her parents were buried in a Methodist Episcopal cemetery, so they may be affiliated with that denomination.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that Prudence was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          Prudence married William P. Smith on October 5, 1836 in Clark County, Ohio2.  Other sources had the date as October 3, 18361,3,4, but the actual record states the date was the 5th.

          1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper

               I've not yet searched available newspapers of the time period to see if mention was made of William and Prudence's nuptials.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.2.2. Anniversary Notice

                I've not yet searched available newspapers of the time period to see if mention was made of any anniversary celebrations.  Their 25th wedding anniversary would have been October 5, 1861 and their 50th wedding anniversary would have been October 5, 1886.

          1.2.3. Divorce Decree

                Although there is no indication that they were ever divorced, a complete search of local court records would need to be conducted to be sure.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Prudence died February 22, 1890 in Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana1.  I do not have a copy of her death certificate from Jay County, Indiana.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper

               I have not yet located an obituary mention for Prudence.  Will continue to search available newspapers to see if one exists.

          1.3.2. Funeral Home Records

               I will need to search the local historical society to see if they have any mention of funeral home records that might mention Prudence.

          1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph

               Prudence's tombstone in the Salamonia Cemetery in Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana has been photographed5.  A link to her memorial page at FindAGrave is located here.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1880 Federal Census

               On June 11, 1880, Prudence was enumerated in the William Smith household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska6, as Prudence Smith, wife, age 62, born in Ohio.  Both her parents were born in New Jersey.

          2.1.2. 1870 Federal Census

               On August 22, 1870, Prudence was enumerated in the William Smith household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska7, as Prudence Smith, age 54, born in Ohio.

          2.1.3. 1860 Federal Census

                On June 9, 1860, Prudence was enumerated in the William Smith household in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana8, as Prudence Smith, age 43, born in Ohio.

          2.1.4. 1850 Federal Census

               On August 21, 1850, Prudence was enumerated in the William Smith household in Jefferson Township, Cass County, Michigan9, as Prudence Smith, age 34, born in Ohio.

     2.2. State Census Records

          No census records for the State of Ohio are known to exist.

          The State of Indiana conducted census in 1853, 1857, 1871, 1877, 1883, 1889, 1901, 1913, 1919 and 1931.  These, however, were merely for the purposes of legislative apportionment.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet investigated these types of records to see what light they might shed on the Smith family.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          Not applicable, as Prudence was female.

     3.2. Pension Records

           Prudence's husband did serve during the Civil War.  She died before him, so there wouldn't be a widow's pension, but I need to research his pension nonetheless.

     3.3. Service Records

           Not applicable, as Prudence was female.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Clark County, Ohio; Cass County, Michigan; Jay County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska to see what records might mention Prudence.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Plat maps of Clark County, Ohio; Cass County, Michigan; Jay County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska will need to be searched to see what information can be gleaned that might be relevant to my search.

5. Supplemental Records

     Supplemental records to search for Prudence include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.


1. Brown, Walter L., "The Maxson Family. Descendants of John Maxson and Wife, Mary Mosher of Westerly, Rhode Island", 1954, p. 67.
2. "Ohio, County Marriages, 1790-1950," index and images, FamilySearch ( accessed 30 July 2011. entry for William Smith and Prudence Maxson, married 5 October 1836; citing Marriage Records, FHL microfilm 466399; Clark County Courthouse, Springfield, Ohio.
3. "Biographical and Historical Record of Jay County, Indiana", Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1887, p. 647.
4. Jane Ann Spencer, Williamson & Spencer Funeral Homes, Inc. Portland and Pennville, Indiana Burial Records Book One 1892-1899 (Portland, Indiana, USA: Williamson & Spencer Funeral Homes, Inc., 2008), page 124.
5. FindAGrave, Inc., ( : accessed 16 January 2017), Prudence Maxson Smith memorial.
6. 1880 U.S. Census, Richardson County, Nebraska, population schedule, Humboldt, enumeration district (ED) 320, SD 1, page 11, dwelling 129, household 129, ; digital images, ( : accessed 17 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
7. William Smith household, 1870 U.S. census, population schedule, Township 12 Range 13, Richardson Co., NE, Page 3, Humboldt P.O., dwelling 13, family 16; National Archives mcropublication M593, roll 832., Page 121.
8. William Smith household, 1860 U.S. census, population schedule, Madison Twp., Jay Co., IN, Salamonia P.O., dwelling 60, family 60; National Archives micropublication M653, roll 269., Page 9.
9. William Smith household, 1850 U.S. census, population schedule, Jefferson Township, Cass County, Michigan, USA, page 298, dwelling 759, family 767; National Archives micropublication M432, roll 349.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Irvin Arthur household, 1940, Greene County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Irvin Arthur household in Greene County, Indiana.  Irvin was my maternal 3rd cousin 4 times removed.  Our common ancestors are Alexander Crockett and Elizabeth Watkins.  Irvin's parents were William Riley Arthur and Ida Mae Casner.

1940 U.S. Census, Greene County, Indiana, population schedule, Worthington, enumeration district (ED) 28-11, SD 7, sheet 2B, household 59, ; digital images, ( : accessed 7 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Irvin and his wife were living in the town of Worthington.  The census states that Irvin was renting his home for $8 per month and that it was not a farm.  Irvin was 54 years old and born in Indiana.  His wife, Florence E., was 48 years old and also born in Indiana.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record shows that Irvin had completed the 6th grade and that Florence had completed the 8th grade.  Irvin's occupation was listed as manager of a gas filling station and Florence's occupation was listed as a matron of a library.

Also living in the household were son Wayne, age 28, born in Indiana, a laborer on the railroad; Kenneth, age 25, born in Indiana, who had completed 3 years of high school; Bernard, age 14, born in Indiana who had completed 7th grade; Leonard, age 13, born in Indiana who had completed 5th grade.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

He Even Took Money From His Mother

Located another article about James Orcutt, widower of my paternal 2nd grandaunt, Samantha Metzner.  She had died in 1890, and it appears that within a few years, James was in some financial difficulty.

Goshen Daily News, March 20, 1893, page 2

Left Many Debts Behind
PORTLAND, IND.  March 20 - James Orcutt, the time buyer, who left here about ten days ago, has turned out to be a heavy defaulter.  The following persons were beaten by him: John Ebert, $200; Fred Bimel, $250; D. L. Adams & Co., $104; Creamery Package Manufacturin company, $200; Shannon Rhoades, $900; William Humphrey, $300; Leonard Frank, $100; Mrs. Orcutt, his mother, $7000; Fred Axe, $100.  The People's bank also hold $500 of his paper with other people as security.  Orcutt was looked upon as perfectly reliable and honest. 

 I still need to research the court cases involved here in Jay County when I make another research trip.  This article was along the same lines as my previous post.

Later articles indicate that James was arrested and charged with embezzlement.  James was the grandfather of my black sheep relative, Harry Pierpont

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Homer H. Beals household, 1940, Hamilton County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Homer H. Beals household in Hamilton County, Indiana.  Homer is my maternal 3rd cousin 4 times removed.  Our common ancestors are John Beals and Mary Carter.  He is also my 7th cousin 4 times removed (3 times!) through William Clayton and Prudence Lanckford.  Homer's parents were Thomas Elwood Beals and Eliza Matilda Hodgin.

1940 U.S. Census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Ward 2, Noblesville, enumeration district (ED) 29-18, SD 6, sheet 2A, 1463 Logan Street, household 41, ; digital images, ( : accessed 14 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Homer and his wife were living in Ward 2 of the city of Noblesville.  The census states that Homer owned his home and that the value was $5000 and it was not on a farm.  Homer was 65 years old and born in Indiana.  His wife, Mabel, was aged 60 and also born in Indiana.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record shows that Homer had completed the 8th grade and that Mabel had completed 4 years of college.  Neither Homer or Mabel had an occupation listed at the time of the census.

Also living in the household was their son, Lyndon, age 29, born in Indiana who had completed 1 year of college.  His occupation was listed as cashier for the newspaper.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Herman Asher household, 1940, St. Louis City, Missouri

Located the 1940 census record of the Herman Asher household in St. Louis City, Missouri.  Herman's wife, Jessie, was my maternal 3rd cousin 4 times removed.  Our common ancestors were Alexander Crockett and Elizabeth Watkins.  Jessie's parents were Joel Benjamin Byers and Ellen Elizabeth Carpenter.

1940 U.S. Census, Saint Louis City, population schedule, Ward 8, enumeration district (ED) 96-181, SD 11, sheet 61A, household 412, ; digital images, ( : accessed 8 January 2017); National Archives, Washington D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Herman and his wife were living in Ward 8 of the city.  The census states that Herman rents his home and that the rent was $8 per month.  Herman was 55 years old and born in Missouri.  His wife, Jessie, was 53 years old and also born in Missouri.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record didn't show that Herman had completed any level of education, but showed that Jessie had completed the 6th grade.  Herman's occupation was listed as mechanic repairman at a garage and Jessie didn't have any occupation listed.

Also living in the household was their daughter, Helen A., age 18, born in Missouri who had completed 3 years of high school.

According to my database, there were additional children in the family not living with them in 1940: Orville, Frank, Alice, Myrtle and Ruby.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Grover C. Ault household, 1940, Bledsoe County, Tennessee

Located the 1940 census record of the Grover C. Ault household in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.  Grover's wife, Ada, was my maternal 4th cousin 4 times removed.  Our common ancestors were Peter Swafford and Rennie Howard.  Ada's parents were Aaron Swafford and Nancy Alice Patton.

1940 U.S. Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, population schedule, 3rd District, enumeration district (ED) 4-7, SD 3, sheet 16B, household 253, ; digital images, ( : accessed 8 January 2017); National Archives, Washingon D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Grover and his wife were living in the 3rd District.  The census states that Grover owned his home and the value was $1000 and that he lived on a farm.  Grover was 47 years old and born in Tennessee.  His wife, Ada, was 41 years old and also born in Tennessee.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record shows that Grover had completed 1 year of college and that Ada had completed 3 years of high school.  Grover's occupation was listed as operator of a general store, and Ada didn't have an occupation listed.

Also living in the household were son Wiley, age 21, born in Tennessee who had completed 2 years of college; son Windell, age 18, born in Tennessee who had completed 3 years of high school; and daughter Katherine, age 15, born in Tennessee who had completed 2 years of high school.

According to my database, there was a son Paul, who was not listed with the family in 1940 and another son, Jamie, who had died in 1939.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Death Record : George J. Haley, 1888, Erie County, Ohio

While searching at FamilySearch and updating my database, I located the death record of my paternal 3rd-great grandfather, George J. Haley, which took place February 22, 1888 in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio.

"Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2014), Geo. J. Haley, 22 Feb 1888; citing Death, Huron, Huron Township, Erie, Ohio, United States, source ID v 2 p 75, County courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 954,137.
This county death register listed his name as Haley, Geo. J. and stated that he was 73 years, 2 months and 13 days at the time of his death on February 22, 1888.  This would give him a calculated birth date of December 9, 1814.  In my database, I have his date of birth as December 14, 1814.

The record states that George died in Huron Township, and that his birthplace was Switzerland.  George was the son of George and Barbara Haley, and had emigrated from Switzerland when a small boy.

The record listed his occupation as a farmer and stated that the cause of death was a liver complaint.

This is an interesting record that not only states the cause and place of death but gives additional confirmation of his birth in Switzerland and the record uses "J." for a middle initial.

I find it interesting that his occupation was only listed as a farmer, when he was also a well-known minister in the Evangelical Association for years. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Edward E. Beals household, 1940, Hamilton County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Edward E. Beals household in Hamilton County, Indiana.  Edward was my maternal 3rd cousin 4 times removed.   Our common ancestors were John Beals and Mary Carter.  We are also 7th cousins 4 times removed (3 times!) through common ancestors William Clayton and Prudence Lanckford.  Edward's parents were Thomas Elwood Beals and Eliza Matilda Hodgin.

1940 U.S. Census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Jackson Township, enumeration district (ED) 29-14, SD 6, sheet 11A, household 233, ; digital images, ( : accessed 14 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Edward and his wife were living in Jackson Township.  The census states that Edward owned his home and the value was $16,500 and he lived on a farm.  Edward was 64 years old and born in Indiana.  His wife, Bertha, was 63 years old and also born in Indiana.  In 1935 there residence was the same place.

The record shows that Edward had completed the 8th grade and that Bertha had also completed the 8th grade.  Edward's occupation was listed simply as owner of the farm, while Bertha had no occupation listed.

Also listed in the household was Edward's father, Thomas, age 89, a widower born in Indiana, who had completed the 8th grade.  Thomas' occupation was as listed as owner of the farm.  Additionally, two farm hands were listed in the household - Henry Wood, age 61, born in Indiana, and Robert Ross, age 25, born in Indiana.

If you have any additional information or are connected with this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Albert Barker household, 1940, Lake County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Albert Barker household in Lake County, Indiana.  Albert was Piper's paternal 3rd great grandfather, his wife was the former Iva Lavonna Deckman.

1940 U.S. Census, Lake County, Indiana, population schedule, Schererville, enumeration district (ED) 45-133, SD 1, sheet 6B, Wilhelm Street, household 103, ; digital images, ( : accessed 14 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..

At the time of the enumeration, Albert and his wife were living in Schererville.  The census states that Albert was renting his home and that the monthly rent was $10.  Albert was 31 years old and born in Indiana.  His wife, Iva, was 30 years old and also born in Indiana.  In 1935 their residence was the same place.

The record shows that Albert had completed the 7th grade and that Iva had completed the 8th grade.  Albert's occupation was listed as a trackman for a steam railroad and Iva's occupation was listed as a mail carrier for the government.

Also listed in the household was their son, Willard, age 11, born in Indiana, who had completed the 4th grade.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Benjamin Arthur household, 1940, Greene County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Benjamin Arthur household in Greene County, Indiana.  Benjamin was my maternal 2nd cousin 5 times removed.  Our common ancestors were Alexander Crockett and Elizabeth Watkins.  Benjamin's parents were Aaron Arthur and Margaret Ann Crockett.

1940 U.S. census, Greene County, Indiana, population schedule, Beech Creek Township, enumeration district (ED) 28-1, SD 7, sheet 13A, household 242, ; digital images, ( : accessed 7 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Benjamin and his children were living in Beech Creek Township.  The census states that Benjamin owned his home and the value was $75 and he lived on a farm.  Benjamin was 68 years old and born in Indiana.  He was a widower.  His residence in 1935 was the same place.

The record shows that Benjamin had completed the 6th grade and that his occupation was that of a farmer.

Also listed in the household were sons Gordy, age 32, born in Indiana, completed the 8th grade and was a truck driver for the Zeffren Trucking Company; Fern, Gordy's wife, age 29, born in Indiana who had completed 4 years of high school;Herbert, Gordy's son, aged 10 born in Indiana; Donald, Gordy's son, aged 5, born in Indiana and Harold, age 22, born in Indiana, completed the 8th grade and was also a truck driver for the Zeffren Trucking Company.

According to my database, Benjamin's wife, Cora, had died June 2, 1939 in Beech Creek Township, Greene County, Indiana.

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

William Gilliland household, 1940, Monroe County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the William Gilliland household in Monroe County, Indiana.  William was my maternal 2nd great granduncle.  Our common ancestor is Mary Ellen Swafford.  William's parents were Robert Farrell Gilliland and Mary Ellen Swafford.

1940 U.S. census, Monroe County, Indiana, population schedule, Bloomington Township, enumeration district (ED) 53-20, SD 7, sheet 4A, household 424, ; digital images, ( : accessed 7 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, William and his wife were living in Bloomington Township.  The census states that William owned his home and the value was $2500 and he lived on a farm.  William was 54 years old and born in Indiana.  His wife, Florence, was 42 years old and also born in Indiana.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record shows that William had completed the 8th grade and that Florence had also completed the 8th grade. Roy's occupation was listed as a farmer, while Florence didn't have an occupation listed.

Also listed in the household were son Cleo, age 15, born in Indiana, who had completed the 8th grade; and son Darrel, age 12, born in Indiana, who had completed the 5th grade.

William's children from his first marriage were already out on their own by the 1940 census.  

If you have any additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fred Axe household, 1940, Jay County, Indiana

Located the 1940 census record of the Fred Axe household in Jay County, Indiana.  Fred's wife, Amanda, was my paternal 1st cousin 3 times removed.  Our common ancestors are John Metzner and Catharine Young.  She is also my 2nd cousin 3 times removed through George Haley and wife Barbara.  Amanda's parents were William F. Metzner and Mary Ann Haley.

1940 U.S. Census, Jay County, Indiana, population schedule, Bearcreek Township, enumeration district (ED) 38-2, SD 5, sheet 10B, household 215, ; digital images, ( : accessed 8 January 2017); National Archives, Washington D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Fred and his wife were living in Bearcreek Township.  The census states that Fred owns his home and that it was valued at $1200.  Fred was 58 years old and born in Indiana.  Amanda (listed as Mandy), was also 58 years old and born in Indiana.  In 1935, their residence was the same place.

The record shows that Fred had completed the 8th grade and that Amanda had also completed the 8th grade.  Fred's occupation was listed as farmer on his own farm, and Amanda had no occupation listed.

My database shows that they were the parents of three children : Ruth, Mary and William - they were all out on their own by the time of the 1940 census.

If you have additional information or are connected to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, January 09, 2017

Russell Hawley household, 1940, Multnomah County, Oregon

Located the 1940 census record of the Russell Hawley household in Multnomah County, Oregon.  Russell's wife, Mary Ellen, was my maternal 2nd cousin 4 times removed.  Our common ancestors were James Alderman and Martha Cantell.  Mary Ellen's parents were James William Anderson and Vashti Kimbro.

1940 U.S. Census, Multnomah County, Oregon, population schedule, E.P. 203, enumeration district (ED) 37-279, SD 3, sheet 1A, 927 45th Avenue, household 3, ; digital images, ( : accessed 23 December 2016); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
At the time of the enumeration, Russell and his wife were living in the city of Portland.  The census states that Russell owned his home, and that the value was $2000.  Russell was 50 years old and born in Illinois.  His wife, Mary E., was also 50 years old and born in Illinois.  In 1935, their residence was Bond County, Illinois.

The record shows that Russell had completed the 8th grade and that Mary had completed 2 years of college.  Both Russell and Mary's occupation was listed as Porter in the hotel industry.

Also living in the household was son Donald, age 21, born in Wisconsin.  He had completed 1 year of college and his occupation was listed as Dispensing Clerk in a restaurant.

If you have any additional information or are connected with this family, I'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

Exploratory Data Analysis : George J. Haley (1814-1888)

George J. Haley (1814-1888) was my paternal 3rd-great grandfather.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.

1. Vital Records

     George was born December 14, 1814 in Canton Basel, Switzerland1,2.  

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          I've not yet located a birth record for George yet.  Will continue to search sources such as FamilySearch in hopes of locating a church record.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               If George's birth was announced in a newspaper, I'm not aware of it.  Finding a source in Switzerland without knowing the exact location will prove difficult.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               I am not aware of any surviving Bible records for the Haley family that mention George.  Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one can be found.

          1.1.3. Baptismal Record

               I am not aware of any baptismal record for George, nor the church affiliation of the Haley family.  Later, George was affiliated with the Evangelical Association.

          1.1.4. Adoption Record

               There is no indication that George was adopted.

     1.2. Marriage License

          George married Rachel H. Gary on January 1, 1835 in Hardin County, Ohio1,3.

          A copy of their marriage record was the subject of a previous post.

          1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper

               I've not yet searched available newspapers of the time to see if mention was made of George and Rachel's nuptials.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.2.2. Anniversary Notice

               I've not yet searched available newspapers of the time to see if any mentions were made of anniversary celebrations.  Their 25th wedding anniversary would have been January 1, 1860 and their 50th wedding anniversary would have been January 1, 1885.

          1.2.3. Divorce Decree

               Although there is no indication that George was ever divorced, a thorough search of local court records would need to be made to be sure.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          George died February 22, 1888 in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio2,4.  The cause of death was recorded as a liver complaint.

          1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper

               I have not yet located a copy of George's obituary from local newspapers.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.2. Funeral Home Records

               I will need to search the records of the local historical society to see if  they have mention of any funeral home records that might have handled George's arrangements.

          1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph

                George's tombstone in Scott Union Cemetery in Huron, Erie County, Ohio5 has been photographed.  A link to his memorial page at FindAGrave is located here.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1880 Federal Census

               On June 7, 1880, George was enumerated as the head of household in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio6, as George Haley, age 65, Farmer, born in Switzerland.  Both his mother and father were born in Switzerland.

          2.1.2. 1870 Federal Census

               On June 3, 1870, George was enumerated as the head of household in Huron Township, Erie County, Ohio7, as George Haley, age 55, Farmer.  The value of his real estate was $10,000 and the value of his personal estate was $300.  He was born in Switzerland and was a U.S. citizen.  Both of his parents were foreign born.

          2.1.3. 1860 Federal Census

               On June 13, 1860, George was enumerated as the head of household in Claridon Township, Marion County, Ohio8, as George Haley, age 46, Clergyman of the E.A. [Evangelical Association] The value of his real estate was $6500 and the value of his personal estate was $1000.  He was born in Switzerland.

          2.1.4. 1850 Federal Census

               On September 14, 1850, George was enumerated as the head of household in Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Ohio9, as George Haley, age 35, a Methodist Clergyman.  The value of his real estate was $1000, and he was listed as being born in Germany.

     2.2. State Census Records

          No state census records for the State of Ohio are known to exist.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet examined these types of records to see what light they might shed on the Haley family.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          I have not located any military draft records for George.

     3.2. Pension Records

          I am not aware of any military service by George that would have made him eligible for military pension benefits.

     3.3. Service Records

         I have not located any military service for George.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Hardin, Sandusky, Marion and Erie Counties, Ohio to see what records might mention George.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Plat maps of Hardin, Sandusky, Marion and Erie Counties, Ohio will need to be searched to see what information can be gleaned that will be relevant to my search.

5. Supplemental Records

     Supplemental records to search for George include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.


1. "Biographical and Historical Record of Jay County, Indiana", Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1887, p. 665.
2. Leedy, Roy B., "The Evangelical Church in Ohio, 1816-1951", Ohio Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1959, p. 742.
3. "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 December 2014), George Haley and Rachel H. Gary, 01 Jan 1835; citing Hardin, Ohio, United States, reference p 7; county courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 914,842.
4. "Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2014), Geo. J. Haley, 22 Feb 1888; citing Death, Huron, Huron Township, Erie, Ohio, United States, source ID v 2 p 75, County courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 954,137.
5. FindAGrave, Inc., ( : accessed 8 January 2017), George J. Haley memorial.
6. 1880 U.S. census, Erie County, Ohio, population schedule, Huron Township, enumeration district (ED) 113, SD 6, page 7, dwelling 53, family 56, ; digital images, ( : accessed 2 January 2017); National Archives, Washington, D.C..
7. George Haley household, 1870 U.S. census, Erie County, Ohio, population schedule, Huron Twp., Sandusky P.O., page 5, dwelling 42, family 34, National Archives micropublication M953, roll 1197.
8. George Haley household, 1860 U.S. census, Marion County, Ohio, population schedule, Claridon Twp., Marion P.O., page 28, dwelling 201, family 197, National Archives micropublication M653, roll 1006.
9. George Haley household, 1850 U.S. census, population schedule, Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, USA, dwelling 79, family 81; National Archives micropublication M432, roll 726.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.