Monday, March 17, 2014

DNA : My Maternal Haplogroup T2b

The results of my maternal haplogroup tested at 23andMe is T2b, a subset of T2, which comes from my mitochondrial DNA.  This DNA is passed through my maternal line, so it comes from my mother, her mother, her mother, etc. all the way back.

I find it interesting that the example populations are Northern European and Spanish.  My Ancestry Composition results showed 0.3% Iberian and 1.1% nonspecific Southern European.

DNA : My Paternal Haplogroup I1

The results of my paternal haplogroup tested at 23andMe determined that I was a part of haplogroup I1

I find it interesting that the highest frequency of this haplogroup was found in Scandinavia.  Paternal haplogroup is passed down from father to son, so somewhere way back there I have an ancestor from northern Europe.  With my dad being tested, he should also be in the haplogroup as well.

Only males have the Y-DNA haplogroup, but if females have their brothers or father’s tested they can find the haplogroup associated with their surname.

With my direct male LeMaster genealogy not being a definite connection to Abraham Lemaster of Charles Co., MD, I would be interested in seeing how my DNA compares with others who have a paper trail genealogy back to Abraham.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sauer and Hoffher Lines

Received a message in response to the family tree I created at regarding Corinne's Sauer and Hoffher lines.  We've begun to exchange correspondence, and though the researcher is not related, he's been helping a fried of his daughter who is related.

Corinne's ancestors are George F. Sauer and Agnes Barbara Hoffher.  George was born May 9, 1838 in either Pennsylvania or Indiana, the son of Louis and Frederika Sauer.  Barbara was born August 23, 1840 to as of yet unknown parents.  They were married April 8, 1860 in Vanderburgh County, Indiana and raised 8 children.  

Corinne's line comes down through son Edward J. Sauer, while the friend comes through Otto William Sauer.  

A pedigree chart submitted suggests that Barbara's parents were Johann Hoffher Sr. and Frederika _____ of Armstrong Township, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.