Here is the "Conservative" estimate of her genetic make-up: 97.5% European, 2.4% unassigned, 0.1% East Asian & Native American, 0.1% Sub-Saharan African.
This differed somewhat from my results by showing the 0.1% East Asian & Native American. No known paper trail or family legend of that faint amount in our history. If I were to guess, I would say it comes from her mother's side.
Here is the "Standard" estimate of her genetic make-up : 99.4% European, 0.4% Unassigned, 0.1% East Asian & Native American, 0.1% Sub-Saharan African.
This break-down has her at 70.2% non-specific Northern European; the 2.9% Scandinavian is interesting and represents ancestors I haven't found yet.
Here is the "Speculative" estimate of her genetic make-up: 99.7% European, 0.2% East Asian & Native American, 0.1% Sub-Saharan African and less than 0.1% Unassigned.
The 50.4% British & Irish makes sense considering the number of lines I've found that trace back to England, notice the Scandinavian percentage jumps to 11.5%. There is a little bit of French & German there, too at 7.7%.
It would be interesting to see if I could get my mom's brother to test as well, to see how his results compared.