Sunday, May 18, 2014

Church Record Sunday : Lambertson Family, Hinkle Creek Friends MM, Hamilton County, Indiana, U.S. Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1994 [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Original data :Indiana Yearly Meeting Minutes. Earlham College Friends Collection & College Archives, Richmond, Indiana.

Quaker records and meeting minutes have recently been added to  Not just the abstracts from Hinshaw's Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, but actual records from Earlham College, Swathmore College, Guilford College and Haverford College collections.  Last night I decided to dig in and see what I could find.

My maternal 3rd-great grandparents, Carey and Clara (Cook) Lambertson and family had joined the Society of Friends in the late 1890s, which I knew from Willard Heiss' abstracts of Indiana Friends records.  Searching the database in Ancestry, I was able to find membership records of the Hinkle Creek Monthly Meeting in Hamilton County, Indiana, which provided some good information on the family, even though they spelled the surname as Lamberson, without the 't'.

The record card of the family states :

Carey Lamberson,  born Butler County, Ohio 29th day, 4th month, 1847; son of John and Sarah Lamberson
Clara E. Lamberson, born Preble County, Ohio 16th day, 11th month, 1848; daughter of James and Mary Cook
Lola Lamberson, born Madison County, Indiana 28th day, 6th month, 1883; daughter of Carey and Clara E. Lamberson.

All were received into membership by request on the 21st day, 2nd month, 1899.  This was not all of the Lambertson family.

These birth dates agree with what I've previously recorded in my database, though I had Lola born in Hamilton County, Indiana.  That source was from a correspondent.

A key fact uncovered her was that Clara's parents were named as James and Mary Cook and her birthplace named as Preble County, Ohio.  Previously, her parentage was not clearly known, as I had found a census record that appeared to be her in 1850, but Clara's death certificate stated her father's name was William, and her mother was _____ Hirharger, both born in Virginia.  I had written a post on Clara's ancestry before.  The informant for her death certificate was likely her daughter, Lola, at whose house she was staying when she died.  Now, this record card is pointing me in the direction of my previous hunch.

The record card also indicates that Cary and Clara were married 1st day, 10th month, 1869; and that Lola married Omer Whisler on 15th day, 4th month, 1905, facts that agree with my data.

The entire family was dropped from the membership of the Hinkle Creek meeting by discontinuance of name by request.  Cary and Clara were dropped 20th day, 2nd month, 1917 and Lola was dropped 20th day, 5th month, 1919.  According to his obituary, Cary was a member of the Friends church at Providence, Hamilton County, Indiana at the time of his death in 1918.

Church Record Sunday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites.

To participate in Church Record Sunday, describe a specific church record or a set of church records held by a denomination and how they can assist genealogists.   This is an on-going series developed by Gena Philbert Ortega at Gena's Genealogy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Obituary : Mrs. Clara (Moulton) Metzner (1843-1899)

Portland Daily Commercial
July 3, 1899
page 1

Mrs. Clara Metzner, widow of Adam Metzner, who died nearly four years ago, passed away at 1:30 this morning at her home six miles northeast of this city, aged 55 years.

The funeral will be held on Wednesday at the Mt. Zion church, by Rev. Smith; interment in the Mt. Zion cemetery by Baird & Gilpia.

Located this obituary of my paternal 2nd-great grandmother, Clara (Moulton) Metzner (1843-1899).  She was the daughter of Albert and Emeline (Philbrick) Moulton, and married John Adam Metzner on November 13, 1864 in Jay County, Indiana.   They were the parents of four children.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Exploratory Data Analysis : Ezekiel Cooper Chew (1822-1888)

Ezekiel Cooper Chew (1822-1888) was my paternal 3rd-great grandfather.  What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.

1. Vital Records

     Ezekiel was born January 17, 1822 in Gloucester County, New Jersey1. The Abel Chew family Bible listed his birth year as 18232.

     1.1. Birth Certificate

          The State of New Jersey did not require birth certificates at the time of his birth.  The State Archives has birth records from 1848.

          1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper

               If Ezekiel's birth was recorded in a local newspaper, it has been lost to time.

          1.1.2. Bible Record

               The family Bible record of his son, Abel, was transcribed in a message board2

          1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper

               Ezekiel married December 29, 1842 in New Jersey1 (probably Gloucester Co.) to Caroline Bishop Woolston.  Caroline was born February 6, 1826 in Vincentown, Burlington County, New Jersey.  They had 14 children in New Jersey and Ohio.  Caroline died February 27, 1879 in Rossburg, Darke County, Ohio.

               Ezekiel married secondly December 23, 1880 in Darke County, Ohio3 to Laura V. (Skeggs) Hubler. They had two children.  Laura was born circa 1853 in Maryland and died in Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana.

               Ezekiel married thirdly between 1883 and 1888 to Mary Jane (Riddle) Adams Keiser, probably in St. Joseph County, Indiana.  Mary was born December 28, 1845 in St. Joseph County, Indiana.  They had one child.  Mary died in 1921.

          1.2.2. Anniversary Notice

               Ezekiel and Caroline's 25th wedding anniversary would have been December 29, 1867.  Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if there was any mention of anniversary celebrations.

          1.2.3. Divorce Decree

               There is no indication that Ezekiel was ever divorced.  He was twice widowed.

     1.3. Death Certificate

          Ezekiel died August 27, 1888 in St. Joseph County, Indiana4.  I do not yet have a copy of his death certificate.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

          1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper

               Ezekiel's death was mentioned in the September 1, 1888 edition of the South Bend, Indiana Weekly Tribune4.  I will need to search newspaper accounts other mentions of his death.

          1.3.2. Funeral Home Records

               Will need to search the local historical society to see if they have copies of the funeral home records to see if I can learn anything more about the arrangements for Ezekiel's funeral.  Will add this to my "to-do" list.

          1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph

               Ezekiel's tombstone in the Lakeville Cemetery, St. Joseph County, Indiana has been photographed.  A link to his memorial page at FindAGrave website is located here.

2. Census Records

     2.1. Federal Census Records

          2.1.1. 1880 Federal Census

              On June 12, 1880, Ezekiel was enumerated in the Frederic Whitacre household in Mississinewa Township, Darke County, Ohio5, as E.C. Chew, age 57, boarder.  His occupation was listed as physician.  He was born in New Jersey, and both of his parents were born in New Jersey.

          2.1.2. 1870 Federal Census

               On July 8, 1870, Ezekiel was enumerated as head of household in New Madison, Twin Township, Darke County, Ohio6, as Ezekiel Chew, age 47, born in New Jersey.  His occupation was listed as physician.  The value of his real estate was $1200 and the value of his personal estate was $800.  He was a U.S. citizen.

          2.1.3. 1860 Federal Census

               On August 2, 1860, Ezekiel was enumerated as head of housheold in Neave Township, Darke County, Ohio7, as Zechel Chew, age 65, born in New Jersey.  His occupation was listed as doctor.  The value of his personal estate was $100.

          2.1.4. 1850 Federal Census

               On September 2, 1850, Ezekiel was enumerated as head of household in Jackson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio8, as Ezekiel Chew, age 27, born in New Jersey.  His occupation was listed as doctor.  The value of his personal estate was illegible.

          2.1.5. 1840 Federal Census

               Ezekiel is likely the white male, aged 15-19 in the household of Nathaniel Chew in Haddonfield, Newton Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.   This household fits with what I know of his family. Note there are 3 Nathaniel Chews in the 1840 census of Gloucester, plus one Nathaniel W Chew and one Nathaniel C Chew.  

          2.1.6. 1830 Federal Census

               Ezekiel is likely the white male, aged 5-10 in the household of Nathaniel Chew Junior in Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.  There were two other Nathaniel Chews in Gloucester County in 1830, one was a Tanner and the other was Esquire, which was likely Ezekiel's grandfather.

     2.2. State Census Records

          Ohio state census records are not known to exist.

     2.3. Agricultural Census Records

          I have not yet investigated these types of census records to see what light they might shed on the Chew family.

3. Military Records

     3.1. Draft Registration

          I have not located an records indicating military service for Ezekiel.

     3.2. Pension Records

          Not applicable.

     3.3. Service Records

          Not applicable.

4. Land Records

     4.1. Deed Records

          Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Montgomery and Darke Counties, Ohio and Jay and St. Joseph Counties, Indiana to see what records might mention Ezekiel.  Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     4.2. Plat map / county map

          Plat maps in Darke County, Ohio and Jay County, Indiana need to searched to see what information might be relevant to my search for Ezekiel.

5. Supplemental Records

     Supplemental records available for research on Ezekiel include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records.  Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.

     On May 1863, Ezekiel was listed in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana as E.C. Chew, lawyer, class B, license $10.00 on the tax assessment list9.

     On June 24, 1863, Ezekiel was listed in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana as E.C. Chew, lawyer, class B, license $10.00 on the tax assessment9.

     On January 25, 1864, Ezekiel was listed in Lancaster, Madison County, Jay County, Indiana as E.C. Chew, physician, class B, license $10.00 on the tax assessment9.

Sources :

1. Chew, Robert L., "Genealogy of the Chew Family", Gloucester County (NJ) Historical Society, Woodbury, NJ, 1982, page 261.
2. Chew Family History & Message Board / Re: Abel Woolston Chew Bible, online (http:://], accessed 19 November 2010.
3. "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 Apr 2014), Ezekiel C. Chew and Laura H. Hubler, 23 Dec 1880; citing Darke, Ohio, United States, reference v e p 405 n 1311; FHL microfilm 1030773.
4. South Bend, Indiana Weekly Tribune, September 1, 1888, Obituary of Mr. Chew.
5. 1880 U.S. census, Darke County, Ohio, Mississenawa Township, enumeration district 65, SD 2, page 1D, dwelling 101, family 101; digital images, ( : accessed 7 May 2014); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
6. Ezekiel Chew household, 1870 U.S. census, population schedule, New Madison, Twin Township, Darke County, Ohio, dwelling 128, family 127; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 1194.
7. Ezekiel Chew household, 1860 U.S. census, Darke County, Ohio, population schedule, Neave Township, page 164, dwelling 1166, family 1128.
8. Ezekiel Chew household, 1850 U.S. census, population schedule, Jackson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio, dwelling 901, family 901; National Archives micropublication M432, roll 714.
9. U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA : Operations Inc., 2008.  Original data : National Archives (NARA) microfilm series : M603, M754-M771, M773-M777, M779-M780, M782, M784, M787-M789, M791-M793, M795, M1631, M1775-M1776, T227, T1208-T1209.

This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.