My paternal grandaunt, Mary (Haley) Miller, was enumerated in the 1940 census in Ward 4 of Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. She was living with her husband and two children at 701 N. Dill Street in Muncie.
1940 U.S. census, Delaware County, Indiana, population schedule, Ward 4, Muncie, enumeration district (ED) 18-20, SD 10, sheet 7B, 701 N. Dill, dwelling 170, ; digital images, ( : accessed 26 July 2015); National Archives, Washington, D.C.. |
The household consisted of Galen, age 45, Mary, age 44, and their children, Mildred, age 21 and Elvin, age 17. The family's residence in 1935 was Portland, Jay County, Indiana. All were born in Indiana. Galen's occupation was listed a proprietor of a grocery. Galen had completed 4 years of high school, while Mary had completed the 8th grade. Daughter Mildred had completed 3 years of college and son Elvin had completed 3 years of high school.
Galen's obituary indicated that he operated a grocery at Main and Elm Streets and Joseph and North Walnut Streets.
Census Sunday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites.
State & Federal census sheets are filled with information for genealogists. Both the population & non-population schedules give us insights into the lives of our ancestors. What have you found that is Surprising? Reassuring? Bewildering? Census Sunday is a daily blogging prompt suggested by Colleen Pasquale of Leaves and Branches.