Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, May 23, 1912, page 3.
Miss Leona Lambertson who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lola Whisler for the past week, returned to her home in Cicero Tuesday.
Omer Whisler, wife and children, Edna and Harry, Walter Noble and wife were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lambertson of Elwood, Saturday.
Mrs. Charlie Lambertson and children of Cicero spent Monday and Tuesday at this place, the guests of Omer Whisler and family.
Comment: Leona Lambertson (1904-1998) was the daughter of Charles Wilson and Pearl May (Beals) Lambertson. Lola (Lambertson) Whisler and Bert Lambertson were the brother and sister of Charles Lambertson.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lambertson family visits
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Bert Lambertson & wife visits from North Dakota
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, April 5, 1912, page 6.
Bert Lambertson and wife from North Dakota are here visiting his sister, Mrs. Lola Whisler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson have not been back to Indiana since they moved to North Dakota which has been about five years ago. Mr. Lambertson's parents live here at Elwood, and he has a sister at Cicero and they will visit them while here. It is said they are thinking of remaining in Indiana.
Comment: Bert Sigler Lambertson (1886-1971) was the son of Carey W. & Clara (Cook) Lambertson. I do not know where in North Dakota they were living. The sister at Cicero would be Maud (Lambertson) Fisher.
Bert Lambertson and wife from North Dakota are here visiting his sister, Mrs. Lola Whisler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson have not been back to Indiana since they moved to North Dakota which has been about five years ago. Mr. Lambertson's parents live here at Elwood, and he has a sister at Cicero and they will visit them while here. It is said they are thinking of remaining in Indiana.
Comment: Bert Sigler Lambertson (1886-1971) was the son of Carey W. & Clara (Cook) Lambertson. I do not know where in North Dakota they were living. The sister at Cicero would be Maud (Lambertson) Fisher.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Gossip column gets facts incorrect
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, November 30, 1911, page 6
Carrie Lambert, wife and son of Elwood spent from Friday until Monday with their daughter Mrs. Omer Whisler and family.
Mrs. Omer Whisler and children Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Lambertson of Elwood spent Sunday with Henry Baitz and family.
Comment: Apparently, newspapers were getting their facts wrong even a hundred years ago. Both of these snippets of local gossip concern the same families. Carey W. Lambertson (1847-1918) probably didn't appreciate his name being butchered in the paper. Apparently, he and his wife, Clara (Cook) Lambertson were visiting their daughter, Lola May (Lambertson) Whisler and her husband, Omer. Not only did the newspaper spell the name incorrectly, but the lack of the comma in the second article makes it seem that Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson are the children of Mrs. Omer Whisler when in fact it is the other way around. I do not know the connection to the Henry Baitz family.
Carrie Lambert, wife and son of Elwood spent from Friday until Monday with their daughter Mrs. Omer Whisler and family.
Mrs. Omer Whisler and children Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Lambertson of Elwood spent Sunday with Henry Baitz and family.
Comment: Apparently, newspapers were getting their facts wrong even a hundred years ago. Both of these snippets of local gossip concern the same families. Carey W. Lambertson (1847-1918) probably didn't appreciate his name being butchered in the paper. Apparently, he and his wife, Clara (Cook) Lambertson were visiting their daughter, Lola May (Lambertson) Whisler and her husband, Omer. Not only did the newspaper spell the name incorrectly, but the lack of the comma in the second article makes it seem that Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson are the children of Mrs. Omer Whisler when in fact it is the other way around. I do not know the connection to the Henry Baitz family.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Overreaching Government restricts access to records (again!)
After being told at the Jay County Indiana Recorder's office that I could not obtain a copy of the discharge papers from my ancestor, Luman Walker Lemasters, due to privacy concerns and current Indiana law, I contacted my state representative and received the following reply:
Dear Mr. LeMaster,
Thank you for your e-mail. Representative Turner received your correspondence and asked that I respond on his behalf.
After speaking to the Department of Veterans' Affairs, you are correct, you can't obtain your great-great-grandfather's discharge papers without photo identification and a copy of his death certificate. The Department of Veterans' Affairs suggested that you could try your local library, apparently many local libraries have copies of Civil War discharges.
At this point in time it is too late in the legislative session to introduce new legislation; however, Representative Turner will keep your situation in mind as he drafts legislation for the 2010 legislative session.
Again, thank you for your e-mail. Please do not hesitate to contact Representative Turner with further questions or concerns.
Fortunately, I already had a copy from the National Archives and was able to verify (sneak a peak) at the miscelleanous records book in Jay County to verify that there was nothing new there. I found it ironic that I was discussing privacy act and laws with a clerk who didn't understand the silliness of worrying about Socrial Security numbers, etc. being disclosed in a discharge paper for a man who died before there was such a thing as Social Security.
Dear Mr. LeMaster,
Thank you for your e-mail. Representative Turner received your correspondence and asked that I respond on his behalf.
After speaking to the Department of Veterans' Affairs, you are correct, you can't obtain your great-great-grandfather's discharge papers without photo identification and a copy of his death certificate. The Department of Veterans' Affairs suggested that you could try your local library, apparently many local libraries have copies of Civil War discharges.
At this point in time it is too late in the legislative session to introduce new legislation; however, Representative Turner will keep your situation in mind as he drafts legislation for the 2010 legislative session.
Again, thank you for your e-mail. Please do not hesitate to contact Representative Turner with further questions or concerns.
Fortunately, I already had a copy from the National Archives and was able to verify (sneak a peak) at the miscelleanous records book in Jay County to verify that there was nothing new there. I found it ironic that I was discussing privacy act and laws with a clerk who didn't understand the silliness of worrying about Socrial Security numbers, etc. being disclosed in a discharge paper for a man who died before there was such a thing as Social Security.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: The Graduate (2009)
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
William Shaw - 1850 Mortality Schedule Madison County, Indiana
Searching through some scanned documents, I came across an old photocopy from a book that I must have found years ago - not properly cited. My citation reads "1850 Mortality Schedule for State of Indiana" - no author, no date and no idea what repository I found this in.
Listed on page 47 is a typed list of the mortality schedule for Madison County, Indiana, the 68th District, page 30 that lists my ancestor, William Shaw, husband of Mary (Heck) Shaw.
William Shaw, age 50?, male, married, born in Pennsylvania, died September, Farmer, Bronchitis, sick 300 days.
Also listed on the same page was a Mary Shaul, 6 months, female, born Indiana, died December, Arcipales, sick 30 days.
I will need view the actually mortality schedule to obtain a proper source, but at least this gives me a clue as to when William died and the cause.
Listed on page 47 is a typed list of the mortality schedule for Madison County, Indiana, the 68th District, page 30 that lists my ancestor, William Shaw, husband of Mary (Heck) Shaw.
William Shaw, age 50?, male, married, born in Pennsylvania, died September, Farmer, Bronchitis, sick 300 days.
Also listed on the same page was a Mary Shaul, 6 months, female, born Indiana, died December, Arcipales, sick 30 days.
I will need view the actually mortality schedule to obtain a proper source, but at least this gives me a clue as to when William died and the cause.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Where was Mary (Heck) Shaw born?
I was contacted by another fellow researcher who found my database at WorldConnect and questioned why I had stated that my ancestor, Mary (Heck) Shaw, was born in Ohio and not Bracken County, Kentucky, as had been stated by other researchers. Receiving this email made go back and take a look at the information that I had regarding Mary, and I found that I had gaps to fill.
Ok, so now at least I had a source - whether or not this is the best source remains to be seen, but it is a starting point. I'll need to check other census records, etc. to see if I can collaborate the birthplace of Kentucky. Notice that daughter Elizabeth (Shaw) King is listed as being born in Tennessee because the census taker made a 'ditto' hash mark - under the Tennessee birthplace given for her husband, Daniel. This opens a whole other can of worms because I've seen other records for Daniel that place his birthplace as either Ohio or Indiana.
My source for her birthplace as Ohio was an email from a third researcher - a source, but obviously not a primary source. Because I didn't know where this researcher had received their information, I began to look at what I did have on Mary.
According to my database, Mary was the daughter of Godfrey & Elizabeth (Kimmer) Heck, and had married William Shaw on August 29, 1822 in Brown County, Ohio. William died in Madison County, Indiana in 1849 and Mary died August 12, 1890 in Madison County, Indiana. Both William and Mary are buried in the Prewitt Cemetery in Pipe Creek Township, Madison County, Indiana. I have been to their graves and have posted photographs at FindAGrave for both of them.
Ok, so far I had a source for Mary's death date and birth date - her tombstone states that she died August 12, 1890 aged 87 years, 4 months and 27 days. If this age is correct, then subtracting backwards would give her a birth date of March 16, 1803. However, that doesn't give me the birthplace.
Noticing that I didn't have the 1850 census record sourced for Mary, I began browsing through the records until I found her - in Jackson Township, Madison County, Indiana. There I found her listed as a farmer with a real estate valued at $1500, born in Kentucky. All of the known children were living with her, exact for oldest daughter, Elizabeth, who had married Daniel King and was living right next door.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Virgil Lee & Edna Muriel (Pierce) Wright: Death Certificates
Recently I obtained copies of the death certificates of my maternal great-grandparents, Virgil Lee and Edna Muriel (Pierce) Wright from the Madison County, Indiana Health Department:

I already knew their date of death and places of burial, but for some reason had not bothered to obtain the official copies of the death certificates.
In doing so, I discovered that Virgil suffered from diabetes, something I didn't know.
The next step in documenting their lives will be to obtain a copy of their birth certificates. I'm going back through my files and filling in the gaps in the paper trail of my research.

I already knew their date of death and places of burial, but for some reason had not bothered to obtain the official copies of the death certificates.
In doing so, I discovered that Virgil suffered from diabetes, something I didn't know.
The next step in documenting their lives will be to obtain a copy of their birth certificates. I'm going back through my files and filling in the gaps in the paper trail of my research.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Obituary: Samuel Lambertson (1875-1911)
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Thursday, October 19, 1911, page 3.
Mrs. Omer Whisler and daughter Edna and son Harry were called to the bedside of her brother, Sam Lambertson of Elwood, who died at 10 o'clock Sunday night. Mr. Lambertson had been a sufferer from Bright's disease for some time, but his friends did not think he was in so serious a condition. Mr. Lambertson was a resident of this community for a number of years, and was well known and well respected young man. He leaves a wife, father, mother, two brothers and two sisters and many friends from this vicinity. His parents live in Elwood, one brother, Bert in North Dakota, Charles of Cicero and sisters, Mrs. Maude Fischer of Cicero and Mrs. Omer Whisler of the Albright vicinity. Relatives will leave for Elwood Wednesday morning and the funeral will be held at two o'clock in the afternoon. The remains was laid to rest in the Elwood cemetery the funeral being conducted at the Catholic church of that place of which he was a member.
Mrs. Omer Whisler and daughter Edna and son Harry were called to the bedside of her brother, Sam Lambertson of Elwood, who died at 10 o'clock Sunday night. Mr. Lambertson had been a sufferer from Bright's disease for some time, but his friends did not think he was in so serious a condition. Mr. Lambertson was a resident of this community for a number of years, and was well known and well respected young man. He leaves a wife, father, mother, two brothers and two sisters and many friends from this vicinity. His parents live in Elwood, one brother, Bert in North Dakota, Charles of Cicero and sisters, Mrs. Maude Fischer of Cicero and Mrs. Omer Whisler of the Albright vicinity. Relatives will leave for Elwood Wednesday morning and the funeral will be held at two o'clock in the afternoon. The remains was laid to rest in the Elwood cemetery the funeral being conducted at the Catholic church of that place of which he was a member.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Charles Lambertson feted
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Tuesday, January 31, 1928, page 6.
Mrs. Charles Lambertson gave a birthday dinner for her husband Sunday being his fifty-sixth birthday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lambertson and sons, Robert and Frank of Alexandria, M.A. Jack and Paul Lambertson of Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Clemon Lambertson of Elwood, Mrs. Forest Vaines [sic] and son of Elwood, and also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Rariden of Sharpsville.
Mrs. Charles Lambertson gave a birthday dinner for her husband Sunday being his fifty-sixth birthday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lambertson and sons, Robert and Frank of Alexandria, M.A. Jack and Paul Lambertson of Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Clemon Lambertson of Elwood, Mrs. Forest Vaines [sic] and son of Elwood, and also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Rariden of Sharpsville.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Clara Lambertson breaks hip
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Tuesday, April 26, 1932, page 4.
A broken hip.
Mrs. Clara Lambertson, who makes her home with her son, Bert Lambertson in Anderson is suffering neck pain as the result of her fall last Thursday in which she broke her hip. She is past 80 years of age and it is feared she will never have the use of her limb and it may be she will never be able to walk again.
Mrs. Lambertson is the mother of Mrs. Omer Whisler who resides west of Atlanta.
A broken hip.
Mrs. Clara Lambertson, who makes her home with her son, Bert Lambertson in Anderson is suffering neck pain as the result of her fall last Thursday in which she broke her hip. She is past 80 years of age and it is feared she will never have the use of her limb and it may be she will never be able to walk again.
Mrs. Lambertson is the mother of Mrs. Omer Whisler who resides west of Atlanta.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Clemon Lambertson seriously burned
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Tuesday, April 15, 1930, page 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson received word Tuesday evening of serious burns to their son, Clemon Lambertson, of Elwood. He is at the Mercy hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson spent Wednesday in their son's home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson received word Tuesday evening of serious burns to their son, Clemon Lambertson, of Elwood. He is at the Mercy hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson spent Wednesday in their son's home.
Tombstone Tuesday : Luman W. & Mary K. (Chew) LeMasters
Luman was born in Shelby County, Ohio on October 19, 1842, the son of Rev. Luman Walker and Nancy (Young) Lemasters Sr.
Mary was born in Mt. Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey on February 13, 1847, the daughter of Dr. Ezekiel Cooper and Caroline Bishop (Woolston) Chew.
Luman and Mary were married in Versailles, Darke County, Ohio on October 2, 1864 while Luman was on leave during the Civil War. Luman served as a private in Company C, 39th Indiana Infanty, which was later turned into a mounted unit and renamed the 8th Regiment Indiana Cavalry.
Luman and Mary lived out their lives in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana in the village of Salamonia. Mary died February 22, 1927 in Salamonia, and Luman followed on November 18, 1931.
Luman and Mary were the parents of ten children, most of whom were born in Jay County, Indiana:
- Beulah Sarah LeMasters (1866-1940) married Lynn Lumas Rockwell, had 4 children.
- Luman Cooper LeMasters (1867-1933) married Barbara Isabelle Wehrly, had 13 children. They are my great-grandparents.
- Phillip D. LeMasters (1869-1869) was about four months old when he died.
- William Clifford LeMasters (1871-1922) married Lella Edith Lewis, had 4 children.
- Mary Elsie LeMasters (1872-1942) married Matthias J. Atkinson, had 1 child.
- Bertha Fidelia LeMasters (1874-1922) married John Henry Yaeger, had 6 children.
- Ord Otterbein LeMasters (1876-1937) married Emma W.G. Garmhausen, had 1 child.
- Edith Mabel LeMasters (1879-1949) married Henry Meinholtz, had 4 children.
- Una Maude LeMasters (1884-1968) married Senator Winfield Phillips, had 2 children.
- Arthur Raymond LeMasters (1885-1971) married Maude Gertrude McLaughlin, had 1 child.
- Vernon Walker LeMasters (1888-1955) married Helene Garmhausen, had 2 children.
Tombstone Tuesday,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lambertson on Okinawa
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, April 30, 1945, page 6.
Floyd (Wimp) Lambertson, S 1 c, is on Okinawa, according to word received by his wife, Mrs. Nellie Lambertson of South West street. Seaman Lambertson has been overseas since August 1944, and took part in the invasion of Iwo Jima. He was on the first LST boat to land on Iwo Jima and the American flag that was raised on Mt. Suribachi was taken from his boat.
Mrs. Lambertson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Barr, 208 South West street.
Floyd (Wimp) Lambertson, S 1 c, is on Okinawa, according to word received by his wife, Mrs. Nellie Lambertson of South West street. Seaman Lambertson has been overseas since August 1944, and took part in the invasion of Iwo Jima. He was on the first LST boat to land on Iwo Jima and the American flag that was raised on Mt. Suribachi was taken from his boat.
Mrs. Lambertson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Barr, 208 South West street.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Clara Lambertson confined to bed
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, January 19, 1933, page 3.
Mrs. Clara Lambertson at the home of Omer Whisler is confined to her bed with flu and complications. Charles Lambertson visited Sunday with his mother and Clemon Lambertson, wife and sister Leona of Elwood were Tuesday guests.
Mrs. Clara Lambertson at the home of Omer Whisler is confined to her bed with flu and complications. Charles Lambertson visited Sunday with his mother and Clemon Lambertson, wife and sister Leona of Elwood were Tuesday guests.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Lambertson Easter News
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Wednesday, April 23, 1930, page 3.
Paul Lambertson, of South Bend, spent Wednesday to Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson and daughter and Paul Lambertson spent Thursday evening with Clemon Lambertson and family at Elwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson and daughter were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambertson, of South Bend.
Paul Lambertson, of South Bend, spent Wednesday to Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson and daughter and Paul Lambertson spent Thursday evening with Clemon Lambertson and family at Elwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson and daughter were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambertson, of South Bend.
Lambertson dinner guests
Source: Tipton Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, Wednesday, September 14, 1927, page 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Clemon Lambertson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willon of Elwood were the Monday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lambertson and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dulin of Alexandria were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quear and children of Noblesville spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clemon Lambertson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willon of Elwood were the Monday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lambertson and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dulin of Alexandria were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quear and children of Noblesville spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambertson.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Arlington National Cemetery
Wordless Wednesday
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