Located the marriage license of my paternal grandparetns, Ord Wehrly LeMaster and Ruth Pauline Haley at FamilySearch. Their marriage took place in Jay County, Indiana on February 21, 1932.
Application for Marriage License
Application is Hereby Made for a License for the Marriage of Words Wehrly LeMaster to Ruth Pauline Haley upon the following statement of facts relative to said parties.
1. The full christian and surname of the male is Ord Wehrly LeMaster.
2. Color White
3. Where born Jay Co., Ind.
4. When born 30th Sept., 1906
5. Present residence Jay Co. Indiana
6. Present occupation Farmer
7. If no occupation, what means has the male contracting party to support a family?
8. Is the male contracting party of nearer blood kin to the female contracting party than second cousin? No
9. Full christian name and surname of father Luman C. LeMaster
10. His color White
11. His birthplace Jay Co. Ind.
12. His occupation Farmer
13. His residence Jay Co., Indiana
14. Full christian and maiden name of mother Isabell Wehrly
15. Her color White
16. Her occupation Domestic
17. Her birthplace Jay Co., Indiana
18. Her residence Deceased
19. Has the male contracting party been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons within the last five years? No
20. If so, is he now able to support a family and likely to so continue?
21. Is this his first marriage? Yes
22. If not, how often has he been married?
23. Has such prior marriage or marriages been dissolved?
24. If so, how?
25. When?
26. Is the male contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal, or any other contagious or transmissible disease? No
27. Is he an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is he under guardianship as a person of unsound mind? No
Signature of applicant Ord Wehrly Lemaster
1. The full christian and surname of the woman is Ruth Pauline Haley
2. Color White
3. Where born Jay Co., Ind.
4. When born 12th April 1911
5. Present address Jay Co., Indiana
6. Present occupation at home
7. Full christian and surname of father Eli W. Haley
8. His color White
9. His birthplace Erie Co., Ohio
10. His occupation Farmer
11. His residence Jay Co. Indiana
12. Full christian and maiden name of mother Cora Belle Metzner
13. Her color White
14. Her occupation Domestic
15. Her birthplace Jay Co. Indiana
16. Her residence Jay Co. Indiana
17. Has the female contracting party been an inmate of county asylum or home for indigent persons within the last five years No
18. Is this her first marriage? Yes
19. If not, how often has she been married?
20. Has such prior marriage or marriages been dissolved?
21. If so, how and when?
22. Is the female contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal or other contagious or transmissible disease? No
23. Is she an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is she under guardianship as a person of unsound mind? No
Signature of applicant Ruth Pauline Haley
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of Feb. 1932
Oral H. Barr, Clerk Jay Circuit Court
Be it Remembered That heretofore, to wit: on the 20th day of Feb, A.D., 1932 the following Marriage License was issued, to wit:
State of Indiana, Jay County, ss:
To All Who Shall These Presents, Greeting:
Know Ye, That any person empowered by law to solemnize Marriages, is hereby authorized to join together as Husband and Wife, Ord Wehrly LeMaster and Ruth Pauline Haley, and for so doing this shall be his sufficient authority.
In testimony whereof, I, Oral H. Barr, Clerk of the Jay Circuit Court, hereunto subscribe my name and attach the seal of said Court, at Portland, this 20th day of Feb, A.D. 1932
Oral H. Barr Clerk
Be It Further Remembered, That on this 23 day of Feby, A.D. 1932, the following Certificate was filed in my office, to wit:
State of Indiana, Jay County, ss:
This Certifies, That I joined in marriage as Husband and Wife Ord Wehrly LeMaster and Ruth Pauline Haley on the 21st day of February A.D. 1932
Rev E.C. Kunce, Minister
The minister who married by grandparents was Eugene C. Kunce, brother-in-law of the bride, married to Clara Elnora Haley, just three years earlier. Eugene was a minister of the Evangelical Association.
Finding this record gives the exact date of my grandparents marriage. I'd earlier found a mention of it in the newspaper of Lima, Ohio were Ruth's other sister, Vera, and husband Clarence Stuber attended.
Grandpa signed his name with a small "m" on the marriage license.
According to the calendar, their wedding occurred on a Sunday. Wonder if it was right after service?
Showing posts with label Kunce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kunce. Show all posts
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Census Sunday: Eugene Kunce household, 1940, Cass County, Indiana
My paternal grandaunt, Clara Elnora (Haley) Kunce, was enumerated in the 1940 census in Logansport, Cass County, Indiana, in her husband, Eugene's household. They were living in the 1st Ward of the city at 12 Columbia Street.
The family consisted of Eugene C, aged 38, and Elenora, age 39, and son Lowell, aged 12. All of them were born in Indiana, and their residence in 1935 was listed as Van Wert, Ohio. They were renting their home, and the monthly rent was $10. Eugene had completed 3 years of college, Elenora had completed the 8th grade, and son Lowell had completed the 5th grade. Eugene's occupation was listed as an Evangelical Minister.
Prior to this find, I didn't realize that they had a pastorate at this location. In 1930 they were in Huntington County, Indiana and must have had a pastorate in Van Wert, Ohio in between then.
Census Sunday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites.
State & Federal census sheets are filled with information for genealogists. Both the population & non-population schedules give us insights into the lives of our ancestors. What have you found that is Surprising? Reassuring? Bewildering? Census Sunday is a daily blogging prompt suggested by Colleen Pasquale of Leaves and Branches.
The family consisted of Eugene C, aged 38, and Elenora, age 39, and son Lowell, aged 12. All of them were born in Indiana, and their residence in 1935 was listed as Van Wert, Ohio. They were renting their home, and the monthly rent was $10. Eugene had completed 3 years of college, Elenora had completed the 8th grade, and son Lowell had completed the 5th grade. Eugene's occupation was listed as an Evangelical Minister.
Prior to this find, I didn't realize that they had a pastorate at this location. In 1930 they were in Huntington County, Indiana and must have had a pastorate in Van Wert, Ohio in between then.
Census Sunday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites.
State & Federal census sheets are filled with information for genealogists. Both the population & non-population schedules give us insights into the lives of our ancestors. What have you found that is Surprising? Reassuring? Bewildering? Census Sunday is a daily blogging prompt suggested by Colleen Pasquale of Leaves and Branches.
1940 census,
Census Sunday,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Greetings
March 29, 1929
Friday P.M.
Dear Vera & C. - Lowell rec'd his card yesterday. He even noticed the little lambs picture on it. Looks like we were going to get an Easter storm. Carrie wrote that maybe they, Galens, & the folks would come here week from Sun. You folks come too if you can. We are still going to meeting. C. is going to an Easter Service this P.M. at M.E. church
From Lowell
This postcard, postmarked March 29, 1929 from Markle, Indiana, was sent from my paternal great-uncle & aunt, Eugene C. and Clara Elnora (HALEY) KUNCE to Clarence and Vera (HALEY) STUBER. Clara and Vera were sisters of my paternal grandmother, Ruth. Eugene was a minister of the Evangelical church serving in Markle, Huntington County, Indiana at the time.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Funeral Record: Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley (1868-1955)
Source: Cora Belle Haley Funeral Record, Baird Funeral Home, Jay Co., Indiana 1954-1956, Saxman & Schindler, compiler, n.d.
At the Jay County Public Library I was able to locate the funeral record for my paternal great-grandmother, Cora Belle (METZNER) HALEY, who died April 28, 1955.
Cora died in Madison Township, at the Stuber residence. Vera (Mrs. Clarence) STUBER was her eldest daughter, and was taking care of her. It is my understanding that Cora had been blind in her later years.
Cora died April 28th at 6:40 p.m. in the evening, aged 86 years. She was born August 21, 1868 in Jay County.
The name of her father was given on this record as Adam Haley, an obvious error, as Haley was her married name. Her father's name was John Adam METZNER, known more often in records as Adam. Her mother is listed as Clara Metzner, which was her married name - her mother's maiden name was Clara MOULTON.
Cora was buried in an oak casket manufactured by Hutton. I'm wondering if this was the J.M. Hutton Company of nearby Richmond, Indiana.
There were miscellaneous charges for wires to Chicago and Marine City (Michigan), and a phone call to what looks like Evast, Michigan. These were probably to notify relatives. More than likely, these were relatives on the Haley side, as I haven't discovered any surviving out-of-town Metzner relatives.
The bill for the funeral was to be charged to Mrs. Clarence Stuber, Route 3 Ft. Recovery, Ohio; Mrs. Galen Miller, Muncie; Mrs. E.C. Kunce, Lawrenceville, Illinois; Mrs. Waymon Thornburg; and Mrs. Ord LeMaster. These were the surviving children (all daughters) of Cora and Eli Haley.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Funeral Record: Eli Weldon Haley (1866-1957)
Source: Eli Haley Funeral Record, Baird Freeman Funeral Home, Jay County, Indiana 1956-1958, Schindler & Saxman, ed., 1996
The Jay County Public Library in Portland, Indiana has several books of funeral home records of the Baird Freeman Funeral Home, compiled by local editors. I was glad to find the records of my paternal great-grandfather, Eli Weldon HALEY (1866-1957). Eli died July 14, 1957 in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana. His wife, Cora, had died in 1955.
I was glad to have located this record, as I found out that I had his death in the wrong month (I had it as June) in my database. I need to go to the Health Department and obtain an official death certificate on my next visit.
Eli's date of death was July 14th at 6 a.m. He was 91 years of age, being born March 24, 1866 in Erie County, Ohio.
His residence was listed as Madison Township, and his death occurred at the Stuber residence. Vera (Mrs. Clarence) Stuber was his eldest daughter, and I know that they were taking care of them in their older years.
The record lists his father as George W. Haley and mother as Mary Jane Sherrick, which correlates to records that I have found. He was buried in the Mt. Zion cemetery in a casket manufactured by the Batesville Casket Co., an Indiana company still in operation today.
I found it interesting to see the miscellaneous charges listed on the record, including charges for wires to Troy, Ohio and Cleveland(?) and a phone call to Marine City, Michigan. I assume that these were made to notify relatives. The phone call to Marine City, Michigan could have been to Eli's sister, Carrie Mae (HALEY) GRAVES, wife of Arthur GRAVES. The Haley's were from the Cleveland area, so this might be to some other relatives. I'm not sure who may have been in Troy, Ohio.
The funeral record lists who to charge the bill to : Mrs. Clarence STUBER, Route 3 Ft. Recovery (Ohio); Mrs. Galen Miller, Muncie; Mrs. E.C. Kunce, Danville, Illinois; Mrs. Waymon Thornburg; and Mrs. Ord LeMaster. These are the surviving children, all daughters.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Amanuensis Monday: Wishes For Your Recovery
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Wishes for Your Recovery
Until you're well completely And your health is back to stay, Good wishes will be with you To cheer you on your way!
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed in Thee..." Is. 26:3
Your brother-in-law
E.C. Kunce
July 10, 1964
Bradley, Illinois
Dear Vera,
Hope this finds you feeling much better in every way. That you are able to sit and get about and to be eating better. Suppose you will be going home sometime after Sunday July 12 or not later than Tuesday or Wednesday. Suppose Clarence will be ready for you to get back home. Hope Elnora will know how to cook and wait on you when you get home. I am getting along OK. Cooking and washing dishes each meal so far. I may go out today yet I don't have time to go out as I have been busy typing and getting ready for Sunday and the Broadcast taping this Friday P.M. These pens don't want to work on this paper I have used 4 different pens. I will write a note to Elnora & put in the save postage. Ha! Hope you are Better. Eugene.
This "get well" card was sent to my maternal great-aunt, Vera (HALEY) STUBER, by her brother-in-law, Rev. Eugene C. KUNCE, who was married to Elnora, Vera's younger sister. Elnora must have been staying with Vera and helping to take care of her. The broadcast referenced must refer to a religious service that was taped. Sure would be interested to locate one of those on tape. Clarence was Vera's husband.
This card was found among some papers that my father located.
Until you're well completely And your health is back to stay, Good wishes will be with you To cheer you on your way!
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed in Thee..." Is. 26:3
Your brother-in-law
E.C. Kunce
July 10, 1964
Bradley, Illinois
Dear Vera,
Hope this finds you feeling much better in every way. That you are able to sit and get about and to be eating better. Suppose you will be going home sometime after Sunday July 12 or not later than Tuesday or Wednesday. Suppose Clarence will be ready for you to get back home. Hope Elnora will know how to cook and wait on you when you get home. I am getting along OK. Cooking and washing dishes each meal so far. I may go out today yet I don't have time to go out as I have been busy typing and getting ready for Sunday and the Broadcast taping this Friday P.M. These pens don't want to work on this paper I have used 4 different pens. I will write a note to Elnora & put in the save postage. Ha! Hope you are Better. Eugene.
This "get well" card was sent to my maternal great-aunt, Vera (HALEY) STUBER, by her brother-in-law, Rev. Eugene C. KUNCE, who was married to Elnora, Vera's younger sister. Elnora must have been staying with Vera and helping to take care of her. The broadcast referenced must refer to a religious service that was taped. Sure would be interested to locate one of those on tape. Clarence was Vera's husband.
This card was found among some papers that my father located.
John Newmark at TransylvanianDutch started this Monday genealogy meme, which has quickly spread throughout the Geneablogger community. I am excited to be a participant and transcribe the records of my family.
Amanuensis Monday,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Family Milestones: July 21st
My paternal grandaunt, Dorothy Dot LeMASTER, was married on this date in 1921 to Charles Glendon HUNT. Dorothy was the daughter of Luman Cooper and Barbara Isabel (WEHRLY) LeMASTERS, and the older sister of my Ord Wehrly LeMASTER. Charles was the son of William Allen and Mary Leota (WEBER) HUNT. Dorothy was born March 19, 1900 in Salamonia, Jay County, Indiana. Charles was born July 13, 1900 in Abington, Indiana. They had 3 children. Charles died February 11, 1956 in Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana. Dorothy died October 1984 in Centerville, Wayne County, Indiana.
My paternal great-grandparents, Eli Weldon HALEY and Cora Belle METZNER, were married on this date in 1888 in Jay County, Indiana. Eli was the son of George Washington and Mary Jane (SHERRICK) HALEY. Cora was the daughter of John Adam and Clara (MOULTON) METZNER. Eli was born March 24, 1866 in Erie County, Ohio. Cora was born August 21, 1868 in Jay County, Indiana. They lived in Noble Township, Jay County, Indiana. Eli died June 14, 1957 in Jay County, Indiana. Cora died April 28, 1955 in Jay County, Indiana. Both are buried in the Mt. Zion Cemetery, Jay County, Indiana.
My paternal grandaunt, Clara Elnora HALEY, married on this date in 1925 to Eugene C. KUNCE. Clara was the daughter of Eli Weldon and Cora Belle (METZNER) HALEY, and the older sister of my Ruth Pauline HALEY. Eugene was the son of William and Minnie (________) KUNCE. Clara was born October 31, 1900 in Jay County, Indiana. Eugene was born January 15, 1901 in Jay County, Indiana. Eugene was a minister. They had 1 son. Eugene died October 1984 in Marshall, Clark County, Illinois. Clara died June 19, 2001 in Marshall, Clark County, Illinois.
My paternal great-grandparents, Eli Weldon HALEY and Cora Belle METZNER, were married on this date in 1888 in Jay County, Indiana. Eli was the son of George Washington and Mary Jane (SHERRICK) HALEY. Cora was the daughter of John Adam and Clara (MOULTON) METZNER. Eli was born March 24, 1866 in Erie County, Ohio. Cora was born August 21, 1868 in Jay County, Indiana. They lived in Noble Township, Jay County, Indiana. Eli died June 14, 1957 in Jay County, Indiana. Cora died April 28, 1955 in Jay County, Indiana. Both are buried in the Mt. Zion Cemetery, Jay County, Indiana.
My paternal grandaunt, Clara Elnora HALEY, married on this date in 1925 to Eugene C. KUNCE. Clara was the daughter of Eli Weldon and Cora Belle (METZNER) HALEY, and the older sister of my Ruth Pauline HALEY. Eugene was the son of William and Minnie (________) KUNCE. Clara was born October 31, 1900 in Jay County, Indiana. Eugene was born January 15, 1901 in Jay County, Indiana. Eugene was a minister. They had 1 son. Eugene died October 1984 in Marshall, Clark County, Illinois. Clara died June 19, 2001 in Marshall, Clark County, Illinois.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Obituary: Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley (1868-1955)
Source: The Commercial-Review, Portland, Indiana, April 29, 1955, page 1
Mrs. Cora B. Haley Dies On Thursday; Funeral On Sunday
Mrs. Cora Belle Haley, 86, lifelong resident of Jay County, died Thursday at 6:40 p.m. at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Stuber, in Madison Twp., following an extended illness.
The body was removed to the Baird Funeral Home, where friends may call until the hour of the service. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Mt. Zion EUB Church, in charge of Rev. George Gocker, with interment in Mt. Zion cemetery.
Mrs. Haley was born in Wayne Twp., on Aug. 21, 1868, the daughter of Adam and Clara (Moulton) Metzner. She was married July 21, 1888, to Eli W. Haley, who survives, with five daughters: Mrs. Clarence Stuber, with whom she made her home for the past six years; Mrs. Galen Miller, of Muncie; Mrs. E.C. Kunce, of Lawrenceville, Illinois; Mrs. Waymon Thornburg, and Mrs. Ord Lemaster, of Portland; eight grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Two children and two brothers are deceased. Mrs. Haley was a member of the Mt. Zion EUB church for many years.
Comment: Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley was my paternal great-grandmother.
Mrs. Cora B. Haley Dies On Thursday; Funeral On Sunday
Mrs. Cora Belle Haley, 86, lifelong resident of Jay County, died Thursday at 6:40 p.m. at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Stuber, in Madison Twp., following an extended illness.
The body was removed to the Baird Funeral Home, where friends may call until the hour of the service. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Mt. Zion EUB Church, in charge of Rev. George Gocker, with interment in Mt. Zion cemetery.
Mrs. Haley was born in Wayne Twp., on Aug. 21, 1868, the daughter of Adam and Clara (Moulton) Metzner. She was married July 21, 1888, to Eli W. Haley, who survives, with five daughters: Mrs. Clarence Stuber, with whom she made her home for the past six years; Mrs. Galen Miller, of Muncie; Mrs. E.C. Kunce, of Lawrenceville, Illinois; Mrs. Waymon Thornburg, and Mrs. Ord Lemaster, of Portland; eight grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Two children and two brothers are deceased. Mrs. Haley was a member of the Mt. Zion EUB church for many years.
Comment: Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley was my paternal great-grandmother.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Eli Weldon and Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley

My paternal great-grandparents, Eli Weldon and Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley, are buried in the Mt. Zion Cemetery, Jay County, Indiana.
Eli was born March 24, 1866 in Erie County, Ohio, the son of George Washington and Mary Jane (Sherrick) Haley.
Cora was born August 21, 1868 in Jay County, Indiana, the daughter of John Adam and Clara (Moulton) Metzner.
Eli and Cora were married on July 21, 1888 in Jay County, Indiana. They lived out their lives on a farm in Noble Township, Jay County, Indiana.
Cora died on April 28, 1955 in Jay County, Indiana, and Eli followed on June 14, 1957 in Jay County, Indiana.
Eli and Cora were the parents of the following children, all born in Jay County, Indiana:
- Vera Delphene Haley (1890-1987), married Clarence Stuber, 1 child
- Orpha Mable Haley (1892-1899)
- Mary Annetttie Haley (1895-), married Galen Miller, 2 children
- Clara Elnora Haley (1900-), married Eugune Kunce, 1 child
- Charles L. Haley (1902-1903)
- Carrie Verle Haley (1905-2003), married Waymon Thornburg
- Ruth Pauline Haley (1906-1971), married Ord Wehrly LeMaster, 6 children
Saturday, July 11, 2009
LeMaster - Haley marriage: Jay County, Indiana
My paternal grandparents' application for a marriage license in Jay County, Indiana is below. There are a lot of interesting facts you can learn from a marriage license application, provided that the informants know their mother's maiden name, etc.
My grandfather listed his occupation as a farmer, my grandmother as a domestic. Both were born in Jay County, Indiana. Her birthdate of April 12, 1911 contradicts other information I have in my database, where I showed her as born on April 11. Will have to investigate that discrepancy.
Although I already knew the information, I appreciate the fact that this application gave the names and places of birth for their parents. Grandpa's parents, Luman C. LeMaster and (Barbara) Isabelle Wehrly were both born in Jay County, while grandma's parents, Eli W. Haley was born in Erie County, Ohio and Cora Belle Metzner was born in Jay County, Indiana. At the time of the marriage, great-grandmother LeMaster was deceased, she having died in 1930.
I find it interesting to look at their signatures on the application. Although the name is spelled LeMaster with a capital 'm' throughout the application, the signature shows that grandfather signed his name Lemaster with a lower case 'm' in this case.
The marriage was performed on February 20, 1932 by Ruth's brother-in-law, Eugene Kunce, who had married her sister, Clara Elnora Haley.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Today in my database : Cora Belle Metzner (b. August 21, 1868)
Today's featured relative in my database is my maternal great-grandmother, Cora Belle Metzner.
Cora was born August 21, 1868 in Jay Co., IN, the daughter of John Adam and Clara (Moulton) Metzner. Cora married on July 21, 1888 in Jay Co., IN to Eli Weldon Haley, son of George Washington and Mary Jane (Sherrick) Haley. Eli was born March 24, 1866 in Erie Co., OH and died June 14, 1957 in Jay Co., IN. Cora died April 28, 1955 in Jay Co., IN. Both are buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery, Jay Co., IN.
Children of Eli Weldon and Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley :
i. Vera Delphene Haley m. Clarence Stuber
ii. Orpha Mable Haley
iii. Mary Annettie Haley m. Galen Miller
iv. Clara Elnora Haley m. Eugene Kunce
v. Charles L. Haley
vi. Carrie Verle Haley m. Waymon Thornburg
vii. Ruth Pauline Haley m. Ord Wehrly LeMaster
Cora was born August 21, 1868 in Jay Co., IN, the daughter of John Adam and Clara (Moulton) Metzner. Cora married on July 21, 1888 in Jay Co., IN to Eli Weldon Haley, son of George Washington and Mary Jane (Sherrick) Haley. Eli was born March 24, 1866 in Erie Co., OH and died June 14, 1957 in Jay Co., IN. Cora died April 28, 1955 in Jay Co., IN. Both are buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery, Jay Co., IN.
Children of Eli Weldon and Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley :
i. Vera Delphene Haley m. Clarence Stuber
ii. Orpha Mable Haley
iii. Mary Annettie Haley m. Galen Miller
iv. Clara Elnora Haley m. Eugene Kunce
v. Charles L. Haley
vi. Carrie Verle Haley m. Waymon Thornburg
vii. Ruth Pauline Haley m. Ord Wehrly LeMaster
Friday, July 21, 2006
Happy Anniversary : Eli Weldon Haley & Cora Belle Metzner
Happy Anniversary to my paternal great-grandparents, Eli Weldon Haley & Cora Belle Metzner, married July 21, 1888 in Jay Co., IN.
Children of Eli Weldon Haley & Cora Belle Metzner :
Vera Delphene Haley m. Clarence Stuber
Orpha Mable Haley
Mary Annettie Haley m. Galen Miller
Clara Elnora Haley m. Eugene Kunce
Charles L. Haley
Carrie Verle Haley m. Waymon Thornburg
Ruth Pauline Haley m. Ord Wehrly LeMaster
Children of Eli Weldon Haley & Cora Belle Metzner :
Vera Delphene Haley m. Clarence Stuber
Orpha Mable Haley
Mary Annettie Haley m. Galen Miller
Clara Elnora Haley m. Eugene Kunce
Charles L. Haley
Carrie Verle Haley m. Waymon Thornburg
Ruth Pauline Haley m. Ord Wehrly LeMaster
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