My maternal 2nd-great grandfather, William Francis PIERCE, widower, married secondly to Vida MADDOX on March 4, 1909 in Madison County, Indiana. His first wife, Clara PENNISTEN, had died in 1906. Family tradition states that Vida was the housekeeper, but I haven't verified that fact yet.
Their marriage license application in Madison County, Indiana Book 20, page 216 provides some interesting information. Unfortunately, this copy was very hard to read. Notice how Vida's surname is misspelled as Mattox. In fact, it is spelled both Mattox and Maddox throughout.
Application is hereby made for a license for the marriage of William F. Pierce to Vida Mattox upon the following statement of fact relative to said parties.
1. The full christian and surname of the man is William F. Pierce
2. Color White
3. Where born Madison Co. Ind.
4. When born July 10, 1866
5. Present residence Madison Co.
6. Present occupation Farmer
8. Is the male contracting party a nearer blood kin to the female contracting party than second cousin? No
9. Full christian and surname of father E. G. Pierce
10. His color White
11. His birthplace Wayne Co. Ind.
12. His occupation Farmer
13. His residence Deceased
14. Full christian and surname of mother Catherine Gronendyke
15. Her color White
16. Her occupation Housekeeper
17. Her birthplace Madison Co.
18. Her residence Madison Co.
19. Has the male contracting party been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons within the last five years No
21. Is this his first marriage? No
22. If not, how often has he been married Once
23. Has such prior marriage, or marriages, been dissolved? Yes
24. If so, how? Death
25. When? Two years
26. Is the male contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal, or any other contagious or transmissible disease? No
27. Is he an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is he under guardianship as person of unsound mind? No
William F. Pierce deposes and says that he has personal knowledge of the facts above stated and that they and each of them are true.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4 day of March 1909
Arthur E. Harlan, Clerk
Application is hereby made for a license for the marriage of Vida Mattox to William F. Pierce upon the following statement of fact relative to said parties:
1. The full christian and surname of the woman is Vida Mattox
2. Color White
3. Where born Ky
4. When born Oct 6 1886
5. Present residence Madison Co. Ind
6. Present occupation [blank]
7. Full christian and surname of father Charles Mattox
8. His color White
9. His birthplace Ky
10. His occupation Farmer
11. His residence Madison Co. Ind.
12. Full christian and surname of mother Sarah Powell
13. Her color White
14. Her occupation Housekeeper
15. Her birthplace Ky
16. Her residence Madison Co.
17. Has the female contracting party been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons within the last five years? No
18. Is this her first marriage? Yes
22. Is the female contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal, or any other contagious or transmissible disease? No
23. Is she an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is she under guardianship as a person of unsound mind? No
Vida Maddox deposes and says that she has personal knowledge of the facts above stated and that they and each of them are true.
Subscribed and sworn before me, this 4 day of March 1909.
Arthur E. Harlan, Clerk
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 4 day of March A.D. 1909, the following Marriage License was issued, to wit:
To any persons empowered by law to solemnize marriages in the county of Madison, greetings:
You are hereby authorized to join together as HUSBAND and WIFE William F. Pierce and Vida Maddox and of your Certificate of Marriage make due return within three months, according to the laws of the State of Indiana.
Witness, Arthur E. Harlan, Clerk of our Madison Circuit Court, and the seal thereof, affixed at the Clerk's office in Anderson, this 4 day of March 1909.
Arthur E. Harlan
And afterwards, to wit: On the 10 day of March 1909, the following Certificate of Marriage was returned to the Clerk's office, to wit:
I, A. G. Neal, hereby certify that on the 4 day of March A.D. 1909, I duly joined in marriage Wm. F. Pierce and Vida Maddox, by authority of law and of a license from the Clerk of Madison Circuit Court.
Given under my hand, this 4th, day of March A.D. 1909.
A. G. Neal
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