Sunday, January 08, 2012

Cousin Bait : The First Week

It's been one week since I started my "cousin bait" posts entitled "On This Day..."  As mentioned previously, the purpose of these posts is to generate leads, discussion and hopefully make some connections with new cousins.

Though these posts make my blog look a bit odd, they are also revealing to me how much more information I need to document.

Though it's way to early to tell if these will be successful, I did receive three nibbles this week - though not sure if they were directly related to these posts.  Instead of receiving comments directly on the posts, I received emails and comments on other older posts relating to the surname, which lead me to believe that the "On This Day..." post led to a search of the blog.  If so, that would make my efforts worth it.

I made contact with a distant cousin on the HECK line - whose line comes through Nicholas HECK (1811-1891), son of Godfrey.  My direct line is through Mary (HECK) SHAW (1803-1890), Nicholas' older sister.  We are in the beginning stages of trading information.

I also made contact with a distant cousin on the PIERCE line - whose line comes through Albert Orlando PIERCE (1839-1920), son of Francis.  My direct line is through Edmund G. PIERCE (1837-1875), Albert's older brother.  

Another comment came from a distant cousin on the ALLEN line - whose line comes through John BARKER (1771-1849), son of Hannah Allen Barker.  My direct line is through Abner BARKER (1768-    ), John's older brother.

So far, the fishing is fine...

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