Bloomington World Bloomington, Indiana April 26, 1894, page 3
Located this notice of the filing of the divorce of Ida B. (Davis) Hancock (1874-1900), my maternal 2nd great-grandmother. This is the first time I've seen her name with a middle initial of "B".
New Suits Filed : The following suits have been filed since the last term of court:.....Ida B. Hancock vs. Samuel J. Hancock, Divorce.
I've not been able to locate a copy of the divorce record yet. Several years ago I wrote requesting a copy of it, but was unsuccessful. I may need to pay a courthouse visit. Now that I have a better date of the filing, I might have better luck in finding the record.
A letter in my files on Ida states they filed for divorce May 1894, were married August 27, 1892 and lived together until February 3, 1893, when he abandoned her. For past two years she was a resident of Bean Blossom Township.
Will continue my search for more on Ida's short life.