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1850 U.S. census, Shelby County, Ohio, population schedule, Salem Township, page 316, dwelling 161, family 161; digital images, Ancestry.com (www.ancestry.com : accessed 17 Nov 2014) |
The value of Hannah's real estate was listed as $600. She was listed as age 40, born in Pennsylvania. Others in the household include Hannah W, age 16, Marthy, age 13, Eliza, age 11, and Jacob, age 10, all born in Ohio. Also in the household is 4 year old Sarah E. Reed, born in Ohio.
The names line up with the children of Lemuel and Hannah, though Eliza I have in my data as Elgiva. The 4 year old Sarah Reed is the daughter of Jesse Reed and Phebe Ann Lemasters (1818-1849). Why she is not living with her father, I do not yet know. He is living in the next household, along with a 7 year old Lewis Reed (a brother?) in the John and Elizabeth Lorton household. Will need to do some more digging in the court records there.