Sunday, October 22, 2006

June Kirk Davis / Gilliland

June Kirk Davis (aka June Gilliland) was born June 11, 1898 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN. Her birth certificate lists her parents as Atkinson and Ida Davis. Ida Davis, June's mother, was quite an interesting story, and I am still working to track down all of the details - but at the time, Ida was not married that I'm aware of, and I have found no evidence that anyone named Atkinson Davis existed.

June was raised by her maternal grandmother and step-grandfather, Mary Ellen (Swafford) and Robert Farrell Gilliland, after the death of her mother on August 2, 1900. After that, she was known as June Gilliland. Her marriage license in Monroe Co., IN listed her as June Gilliland when she married my great-grandfather, Clemon Beals Lambertson on June 28, 1917.

These photographs came from cousin Lloyd Adams of Florida, and what is striking to me is the close resemblance between my neice, Ally, and my great-grandmother's photograph above.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Today in my database : Mathias Miller (b. October 20, 1861)

Today's featured relative in my database is my daughter's 2nd great-grandfather, Mathias Miller.

Mathias was born October 20, 1861 in Indiana, probably Vanderburgh Co., IN, the son of William and Elizabeth (Schafer) Miller. Mathias married on January 20, 1894 in Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., IN to Elizabeth Schaeffer. Elizabeth was born March 1873 in Indiana and died July 28, 1937 in Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., IN. Mathias died September 15, 1936 in Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., IN.

Children of Mathias and Elizabeth (Schaeffer) Miller :
i. Lily Schaefer Miller
ii. William Mathias Miller m. Thelma McNeal
iii. Carl Miller
iv. Fred Miller m. Bessie ________
v. Mary Miller
vi. Helen Louise Miller m. ________ Gregg
vii. Eva Louise Miller m. S.E. Dever
viii. Arthur Miller m. Hallie Marie Chivlare
ix. Sadie K. Miller m. ________ Hoover
x. Lawrence Sylvester Miller

My daughter descends from Mathias and Elizabeth (Schaeffer) Miller through their son, Arthur, as follows :
Mathias Miller and Elizabeth Schaeffer
Arthur Miller and Hallie Marie Chivlare (her great-grandparents)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ezekiel Chew household, 1860 U.S. Census Darke Co., OH

There is an unidentified female in the Ezekiel Chew household of the 1860 census of Neave Twp., Darke Co., OH. If anyone can identify or more clearly decipher the name, please let me know.

The name appears to be Dilah Trace, age 5, female, born in Ohio.

The Ezekiel Chew family is dwelling number 1166, family number 1128 on page 164 of the Neave Twp., census.