Nathan Thomas Beals (1856-1915) was my maternal 3rd-great grandfather. What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about him.
1. Vital Records
1.1. Birth Certificate
Nathan's birth occurred on the 2nd day of the 7th month in 18561. The Beals genealogy states that his birth occurred at Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana1. Indiana did not require birth certificates until 1907.
1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper
If Nathan's birth was recorded in the newspaper, I've not located it yet. Will need to check with local archives and state archives to see if they have any newspapers of the time period.
1.1.2. Bible Record
I am not aware of any surviving Beals family Bible that might record his birth. Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one might be found.
1.1.3. Baptismal Record
I am not aware of any baptismal record for Nathan. The family was members of the Society of Friends (Quaker) church.
1.1.4. Adoption Record
There is no indication that Nathan was adopted.
1.2. Marriage License
Nathan married Elizabeth Caroline Poe on September 26, 1876 in Hamilton County, Indiana2. Elizabeth was born September 26, 1856 in Morgan County, Indiana. They raised three daughters in Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska. Elizabeth died September 27, 1935 near Greentown, Howard County, Indiana.
1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper
Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if mention was made of Nathan and Elizabeth's nuptials.
1.2.2. Anniversary Notice
Nathan and Elizabeth's 25th wedding anniversary would have been September 26, 1901. Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if there was any mention of any anniversary celebration. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.2.3. Divorce Decree
Though there is no indication of divorce, will need to search court records in Hamilton County, Indiana to be sure there aren't records I've missed. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3. Death Certificate
Nathan died February 16, 1915 in Leola, Grant County, Arkansas, according to his obituary3. I've been unable to find a copy of his death certificate in online searches in Arkansas. Letters to the local historical society have not provided information either.
1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper
Nathan's obituary appeared in the February 19, 1915 edition of the Sheridan News3. I've previously blogged about his obituary here.
1.3.2. Funeral Home Records
I need to check with the local historical society to see what funeral home handled Nathan's arrangements. The funeral was held in Cicero at the M.E. church. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph
Nathan's tombstone in the Cicero Cemetery in Cicero, Indiana has been photographed4. The link to his memorial at FindAGrave is here.
2. Census Records
2.1. Federal Census Records
2.1.1. 1910 Federal Census
On April 16, 1910, Nathan was enumerated as head of household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana5, as Nathan T. Beals, age 53. He had been married for 33 years, and his occupation was listed as a lumber yard superintendent. He was born in Indiana, his father was born in Indiana and his mother born in North Carolina.
2.1.2. 1900 Federal Census
On June 1, 1900, Nathan was enumerated as head of household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana6, as Nathan T. Beals, age 44, married for 24 years, and his occupation was listed as a dealer in hardware. He was born in Indiana, his father was born in Ohio and his mother born in North Carolina.
2.1.3. 1880 Federal Census
On June 12, 1880, Nathan was enumerated as head of household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska7, as Nathan Beales, age 24, married, and his occupation was listed as farmer. He was born in Indiana, his father was born in Ohio, and his mother born in North Carolina.
2.1.4. 1870 Federal Census
On August 19, 1870, Nathan was enumerated in the John Beals household in Washington Township, Hamilton County, Indiana8, as Nathan T. Beals, age 14, working on the farm. He was born in Indiana.
2.1.5. 1860 Federal Census
On June 19, 1860, Nathan was enumerated in the John Bales household in Washington Township, Hamilton County, Indiana9, as Nathan T. Bales, age 4, born in Indiana.
2.2. State Census Records
On June 4, 1885, Nathan was enumerated as head of household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska10, as N.T. Beals, age 29, school teacher, born in Indiana.
The State of Indiana conducted state census in 1853, 1857, 1871, 1877, 1883, 1889, 1901, 1913, 1919 and 1931. These, however, were merely for the purposes of legislative apportionment.
2.3. Agricultural Census Records
I have not yet investigated these types of census records to see what information might be shed on the Beals farm.
3. Military Records
3.1. Draft Registration
Not applicable.
3.2. Pension Records
I have not found any evidence that Nathan was to receive pension benefits.
3.3. Service Records
I have not found any evidence of military service by Nathan.
4. Land Records
4.1. Deed Records
Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska.
4.2. Plat map / county map
Plat maps in Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska need to be thoroughly searched to see what information they might contain about the Beals family.
5. Supplemental Records
Supplemental records available for research on Nathan include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records. Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1. Beals, John, "Chronology of the Beals Family", Butler Printing House, Noblesville, Indiana, 1912, page 43.
2. "Indiana Marriages, 1811-1959," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Oct 2013), Nathan T Beal and Elizabeth E Poe, 1876.
3. Died in Arkansas, Sheridan News, Sheridan, Indiana, 19 February 1915, page 4. FindAGrave, Inc., FindAGrave ( : accessed 30 Mar 2015), Nathan T. Beals tombstone
5. Nathan T. Beals household, 1910 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, town of Cicero, ED 104, SD 9, sheet 2, dwelling 33, family 34, National Archives micropublication T624, roll 353.
6. Nathan T. Beals household, 1900 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Jackson Township, ED 85, SD 9, sheet 1, dwelling 15, family 18, National Archives micropublication T623, roll 375.
7. Nathan Beales household, 1880 U.S. census, Richardson County, Nebraska, population schedule, city of Humboldt, ED 320, SD 1, page 27, dwelling 61, family 63; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 754.
8. John Beals household, 1870 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Washington township, page 82, dwelling 633, family 621; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 319.
9. John Bales household, 1860 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Washington township, page 87, dwelling 112, family 112; National Archives micropublication M653, roll 263.
10. "Nebraska State Census, 1885," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 January 2015), N T Beals, 1885; citing NARA microfilm publication M532 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 499,573.
This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.
Showing posts with label Poe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poe. Show all posts
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Exploratory Data Analysis : Nathan Thomas Beals (1856-1915)
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Exploratory Data Analysis : Elizabeth Caroline (Poe) Beals (1856-1935)
Elizabeth Caroline (Poe) Beals (1856-1935) was my maternal 3rd-great grandmother. What follows is an exploratory analysis of the biographical data I have discovered about her.
1. Vital Records
1.1. Birth Certificate
Elizabeth was born September 28, 1856 in Morgan County, Indiana1. The State of Indiana did not require birth certificates until 1907.
1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper
If Elizabeth's birth was recorded in a newspaper, I've not located it yet. Will need to check with local libraries and state archives to see if they have any newspapers from the time period.
1.1.2. Bible Record
I'm not aware of any surviving Poe family Bible that might record her birth. Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one can be located.
1.1.3. Baptismal Record
I am not aware of any baptismal record for Elizabeth. The family were members of the Society of Friends (Quaker) church.
1.1.4. Adoption Record
There is no indication that Elizabeth was adopted.
1.2. Marriage License
Elizabeth married Nathan Thomas Beals on September 26, 1876 in Hamilton County, Indiana2. Nathan was born February 17, 1856 in Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana. They raised three daughters in Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska. Nathan died February 16, 1915 in Leola, Grant County, Arkansas.
1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper
Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if mention was made of Elizabeth and Nathan's nuptials.
1.2.2. Anniversary Notice
Elizabeth and Nathan's 25th wedding anniversary would have been September 26, 1901. Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if there was mention of any anniversary celebration. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.2.3. Divorce Decree
Though there is no indication of a divorce, will need to search court records in Hamilton County, Indiana to be sure there aren't records I've missed. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3. Death Certificate
Elizabeth died September 27, 1935 near Greentown, Howard County, Indiana3. I do not yet have a copy of her death certificate. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper
Elizabeth's obituary appeared in the September 28, 1935 edition of the Tipton, Indiana Daily Tribune3. The cause of death was listed as paralysis and the obituary stated that she died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Lambertson. This obituary was the subject of a previous post.
Elizabeth's obituary appeared in the September 30, 1935 edition of the Noblesville, Indiana Daily Ledger4.
1.3.2. Funeral Home Records
Will need to search for funeral home records at the local historical society to see if there is any more information I can obtain about Elizabeth's funeral. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph
Elizabeth's tombstone in the Cicero Cemetery in Cicero, Indiana has been photographed5. A link to her memorial at FindAGrave is located here.
2. Census Records
2.1. Federal Census Records
2.1.1. 1930 Federal Census
On April 22, 1930, Elizabeth was enumerated as head of household in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana6 as Elizabeth Beals, age 73, widow. She was renting her home for $23.00 per month. Also living in the household were her daughter, Nellie Stober, aged 40, widow, and her granddaughter, Ruby Stober, aged 16, single. Her address was 1963 Tallman Avenue. Elizabeth could read and write and spoke English. She was born in Indiana, her father was born in North Carolina and her mother was born in Indiana.
2.1.2. 1920 Federal Census
On January 27, 1920, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Marion Blanton household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana7, as Elizabeth Beals, age 63, widowed, servant. Elizabeth could read and write and speak English. She was born in Indiana, as were both of her parents.
2.1.3. 1910 Federal Census
On April 16, 1910, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Nathan T. Beals household in Cicero, Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana8, as Elizabeth C. Beals, wife, age 52. She had been married for 33 years, and was the mother of 1 child who was still living. She was born in Indiana, as were both of her parents.
2.1.4. 1900 Federal Census
On June 1, 1900, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Nathan T. Beals household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana9, as Elizabeth C. Beals, wife, born September 1856 in Indiana. She had been married 24 years and was the mother of 3 children, 2 of whom were living. Her father was born in South Carolina and her mother in Indiana. She could read and write and spoke English.
2.1.5. 1880 Federal Census
On June 12, 1880, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Nathan Beales household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska10, as Elizabeth Beales, wife, age 24, born Indiana. Her father was born in Indiana and her mother was born in North Carolina.
2.1.6. 1870 Federal Census
On August 17, 1870, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Isaac S. Poe household in Washington Township, Hamilton County, Indiana11, as Elizabeth Poe, age 13, born in Indiana. She had attended school within the year.
2.1.7. 1860 Federal Census
On August 3, 1860, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Isaac Poe household in Monroe Township, Morgan County, Indiana12, as Elizabeth Poe, age 3, female, born in Indiana.
2.2. State Census Records
On June 4, 1885, Elizabeth was enumerated in the N.T. Beals household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska13, as Elizabeth Beals, age 28, wife.
2.3. Agricultural Census Records
I have not yet investigated these types of census records to see what light they might shed on the Beals family.
3. Military Records
3.1. Draft Registration
Not applicable, as Elizabeth was female.
3.2. Pension Records
Elizabeth's father, Isaac S. Poe, served during the Civil War in Co E, 12th Indiana Infantry. I need to check and see if she received any benefits as a result of his service.
3.3. Service Records
Not applicable, as Elizabeth was female.
4. Land Records
4.1. Deed Records
Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska to see what records might mention Elizabeth. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
4.2. Plat map / county map
Plat maps of Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska to see what information might be relevant to my search for Elizabeth.
5. Supplemental Records
Supplemental records available for research on Elizabeth include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records. Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
Sources :
1. Beals, John, "Chronology of the Beals Family", Butler Printing House, Noblesville, Indiana, 1912, page 49.
2. "Indiana Marriage, 1811-1959," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Oct 2013), Nathan T Beal and Elizabeth E Poe, 1876
3. Mrs. Elizabeth Beals obituary, Tipton Daily Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, September 28, 1935, page 4.
4. Mrs. Elizabeth Beals obituary, Noblesville Daily Ledger, Noblesville, Indiana, September 30, 1935.
5. FindAGrave, Inc., FindAGrave ( : accessed 8 December 2014), Elizabeth Caroline Beals tombstone.
6. 1930 U.S. census, Marion County, Indiana, population schedule, Ward 1, Indianapolis, enumeration district 49-11, SD 8, page 20B, dwelling 312, family 317; digital images, ( : accessed 4 January 2015); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
7. Marion Blaton household, 1920 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Jackson township, ED 99, SD 9, sheet 5, dwelling 89, family 89; National Archives micropublication T625, roll 435.
8. Nathan T. Beals household, 1910 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Cicero, ED 104, SD 9, sheet 2, dwelling 33, family 34; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 353.
9. Nathan T. Beals household, 1900 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Jackson township, ED 85, SD 9, sheet 1, dwelling 15, family 18; National Archives micropublication T623, roll 375.
10. Nathan Beales household, 1880 U.S. census, Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska, population schedule, ED 320, SD 1, page 27, dwelling 61, family 63; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 754.
11. Isaac S. Poe household, 1870 U.S. census, population schedule, Washington Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, page 76, dwelling 597, family 583; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 319, page 216.
12. Isaac Poe household, 1860 U.S. census, Morgan County, Indiana, population schedule, Monroe Township, Mooresville P.O., page 62, dwelling 433, household 442; digital images, ( : accessed 17 January 2015); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
13. "Nebraska State Census, 1885," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 January 2015), N T Beals, 1885; citing NARA microfilm publication M352 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 499,573.
This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.
1. Vital Records
1.1. Birth Certificate
Elizabeth was born September 28, 1856 in Morgan County, Indiana1. The State of Indiana did not require birth certificates until 1907.
1.1.1. Birth Notice in Newspaper
If Elizabeth's birth was recorded in a newspaper, I've not located it yet. Will need to check with local libraries and state archives to see if they have any newspapers from the time period.
1.1.2. Bible Record
I'm not aware of any surviving Poe family Bible that might record her birth. Will continue to reach out to extended family in hopes that one can be located.
1.1.3. Baptismal Record
I am not aware of any baptismal record for Elizabeth. The family were members of the Society of Friends (Quaker) church.
1.1.4. Adoption Record
There is no indication that Elizabeth was adopted.
1.2. Marriage License
Elizabeth married Nathan Thomas Beals on September 26, 1876 in Hamilton County, Indiana2. Nathan was born February 17, 1856 in Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana. They raised three daughters in Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska. Nathan died February 16, 1915 in Leola, Grant County, Arkansas.
1.2.1 Marriage Notice in Newspaper
Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if mention was made of Elizabeth and Nathan's nuptials.
1.2.2. Anniversary Notice
Elizabeth and Nathan's 25th wedding anniversary would have been September 26, 1901. Will need to search contemporary newspaper accounts to see if there was mention of any anniversary celebration. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.2.3. Divorce Decree
Though there is no indication of a divorce, will need to search court records in Hamilton County, Indiana to be sure there aren't records I've missed. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3. Death Certificate
Elizabeth died September 27, 1935 near Greentown, Howard County, Indiana3. I do not yet have a copy of her death certificate. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3.1. Obituary in Newspaper
Elizabeth's obituary appeared in the September 28, 1935 edition of the Tipton, Indiana Daily Tribune3. The cause of death was listed as paralysis and the obituary stated that she died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Lambertson. This obituary was the subject of a previous post.
Elizabeth's obituary appeared in the September 30, 1935 edition of the Noblesville, Indiana Daily Ledger4.
1.3.2. Funeral Home Records
Will need to search for funeral home records at the local historical society to see if there is any more information I can obtain about Elizabeth's funeral. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
1.3.3. Tombstone Photograph
Elizabeth's tombstone in the Cicero Cemetery in Cicero, Indiana has been photographed5. A link to her memorial at FindAGrave is located here.
2. Census Records
2.1. Federal Census Records
2.1.1. 1930 Federal Census
On April 22, 1930, Elizabeth was enumerated as head of household in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana6 as Elizabeth Beals, age 73, widow. She was renting her home for $23.00 per month. Also living in the household were her daughter, Nellie Stober, aged 40, widow, and her granddaughter, Ruby Stober, aged 16, single. Her address was 1963 Tallman Avenue. Elizabeth could read and write and spoke English. She was born in Indiana, her father was born in North Carolina and her mother was born in Indiana.
2.1.2. 1920 Federal Census
On January 27, 1920, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Marion Blanton household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana7, as Elizabeth Beals, age 63, widowed, servant. Elizabeth could read and write and speak English. She was born in Indiana, as were both of her parents.
2.1.3. 1910 Federal Census
On April 16, 1910, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Nathan T. Beals household in Cicero, Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana8, as Elizabeth C. Beals, wife, age 52. She had been married for 33 years, and was the mother of 1 child who was still living. She was born in Indiana, as were both of her parents.
2.1.4. 1900 Federal Census
On June 1, 1900, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Nathan T. Beals household in Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana9, as Elizabeth C. Beals, wife, born September 1856 in Indiana. She had been married 24 years and was the mother of 3 children, 2 of whom were living. Her father was born in South Carolina and her mother in Indiana. She could read and write and spoke English.
2.1.5. 1880 Federal Census
On June 12, 1880, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Nathan Beales household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska10, as Elizabeth Beales, wife, age 24, born Indiana. Her father was born in Indiana and her mother was born in North Carolina.
2.1.6. 1870 Federal Census
On August 17, 1870, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Isaac S. Poe household in Washington Township, Hamilton County, Indiana11, as Elizabeth Poe, age 13, born in Indiana. She had attended school within the year.
2.1.7. 1860 Federal Census
On August 3, 1860, Elizabeth was enumerated in the Isaac Poe household in Monroe Township, Morgan County, Indiana12, as Elizabeth Poe, age 3, female, born in Indiana.
2.2. State Census Records
On June 4, 1885, Elizabeth was enumerated in the N.T. Beals household in Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska13, as Elizabeth Beals, age 28, wife.
2.3. Agricultural Census Records
I have not yet investigated these types of census records to see what light they might shed on the Beals family.
3. Military Records
3.1. Draft Registration
Not applicable, as Elizabeth was female.
3.2. Pension Records
Elizabeth's father, Isaac S. Poe, served during the Civil War in Co E, 12th Indiana Infantry. I need to check and see if she received any benefits as a result of his service.
3.3. Service Records
Not applicable, as Elizabeth was female.
4. Land Records
4.1. Deed Records
Deed records need to be thoroughly searched in Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska to see what records might mention Elizabeth. Will add this to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
4.2. Plat map / county map
Plat maps of Hamilton County, Indiana and Richardson County, Nebraska to see what information might be relevant to my search for Elizabeth.
5. Supplemental Records
Supplemental records available for research on Elizabeth include city/county directories, court records and will and probate records. Will add these to my list of "to-do" items for my next research trip.
Sources :
1. Beals, John, "Chronology of the Beals Family", Butler Printing House, Noblesville, Indiana, 1912, page 49.
2. "Indiana Marriage, 1811-1959," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Oct 2013), Nathan T Beal and Elizabeth E Poe, 1876
3. Mrs. Elizabeth Beals obituary, Tipton Daily Tribune, Tipton, Indiana, September 28, 1935, page 4.
4. Mrs. Elizabeth Beals obituary, Noblesville Daily Ledger, Noblesville, Indiana, September 30, 1935.
5. FindAGrave, Inc., FindAGrave ( : accessed 8 December 2014), Elizabeth Caroline Beals tombstone.
6. 1930 U.S. census, Marion County, Indiana, population schedule, Ward 1, Indianapolis, enumeration district 49-11, SD 8, page 20B, dwelling 312, family 317; digital images, ( : accessed 4 January 2015); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
7. Marion Blaton household, 1920 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Jackson township, ED 99, SD 9, sheet 5, dwelling 89, family 89; National Archives micropublication T625, roll 435.
8. Nathan T. Beals household, 1910 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Cicero, ED 104, SD 9, sheet 2, dwelling 33, family 34; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 353.
9. Nathan T. Beals household, 1900 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Indiana, population schedule, Jackson township, ED 85, SD 9, sheet 1, dwelling 15, family 18; National Archives micropublication T623, roll 375.
10. Nathan Beales household, 1880 U.S. census, Humboldt, Richardson County, Nebraska, population schedule, ED 320, SD 1, page 27, dwelling 61, family 63; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 754.
11. Isaac S. Poe household, 1870 U.S. census, population schedule, Washington Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, page 76, dwelling 597, family 583; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 319, page 216.
12. Isaac Poe household, 1860 U.S. census, Morgan County, Indiana, population schedule, Monroe Township, Mooresville P.O., page 62, dwelling 433, household 442; digital images, ( : accessed 17 January 2015); National Archives, Washington, D.C.
13. "Nebraska State Census, 1885," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 January 2015), N T Beals, 1885; citing NARA microfilm publication M352 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 499,573.
This post was developed as part of the series relating to Building My 2011 Research Template, an attempt to systematically document and source the details of my ancestors' lives. Comments regarding this template and the conclusions drawn in this article are welcomed.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Church Record Sunday : Beals Family, Westfield MM, Hamilton County, Indiana
My maternal 4th-great grandparents, John and Mary (Davis) Beals, were members of the Westfield Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in Hamilton County, Indiana. Quaker membership records and monthly meeting minutes are available at
The record card of the family states:
John Beals, born Ohio, 6th month, 26th day, 1827; son of Nathan and Elizabeth Beals; received upon request at Westfield Monthly Meeting, married Mary Davis.
Mary Beals, born Holly Springs, North Carolina, 9th month, 9th day, 1825; daughter of John and Mary Davis; birthright member of Holly North Carolina Monthly Meeting, married John Beals.
Mary A. Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 3rd month, 27th day, 1859; daughter of John and Mary Beals; received upon request at Westfield Monthly Meeting, released by letter.
John F. Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 9th month, 21st day, 1866; son of John and Mary Beals; received upon request at Westfield Monthly Meeting.
Nathan Thos. Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 2nd month, 7th day, 1856; son of John and Mary Beals; received upon request of Westfield Monthly Meeting, married Elizabeth Powe.
Elizabeth Beals; born Whitelick, Indiana, 1856; daughter of Isaac and Hannah Powe, birthright member of Whitelick, Indiana Monthly Meeting, married Nathan T. Beals.
Pearley May Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 1877;daughter of N.T. and E. Beals, birthright member of Westfield Monthly Meeting.
Maggie Beals, born Westfield,Indiana, 9th month, 1880; daughter of N.T. and E. Beals, birthright member of Westfield Monthly Meeting.
Ethel Beals, born Westfield, Indiana; daughter of N.T. and Elizabeth Beals.
Nellie Beals
Some slight differences discovered in this membership record. John Beals birth date is recorded as the 26th day, while in the genealogy Chronology of the Beals Family, which he wrote, he gave his birth date as the 25th. John was not a birthright member of the Friends church, although his father (Nathan C. Beals) had been one, but he had been disowned. Mary (Davis) Beals birth date matches what I have in my database, her parents John and Mary (Barker) Davis had moved from North Carolina to Indiana.
Of the children of John and Mary (Davis) Beals listed in this membership, Mary, John F. and Nathan Thomas, I have just a couple of updates to my data. The birth date for John F. is listed as the 21st, when I had it as the 9th in my database, without a source, so there is one correction to make. Nathan Thomas was in my database being born on the 17th, without a source as well. So there are two corrections/updates to make.
Elizabeth Poe who married Nathan Thomas Beals was a birthright member of the Society from Whitelick Monthly Meeting in Morgan County, Indiana. Her parents were Isaac and Hannah (Mills) Poe.
The listings of the children of Nathan T. and Elizabeth (Poe) Beals is a bit confusing. Pearley May Beals was my 2nd-great grandmother, Pearl May Beals, who married Charles Wilson Lambertson. I only show three daughters in the family of Nathan T. and Elizabeth (Poe) Beals : Pearl May (1878), Nellie Myrtle (1880) and Ethel Mable (1885). This record gives the birth date of Pearl as 1877, when I show it was May 11, 1878. I show Nellie born August 30, 1880 and Ethel born November 27, 1885. This church membership record gives no birth dates for either Nellie or Ethel, but adds a Maggie Beals, born September 1880. Did they confuse Nellie's middle name as Maggie and have her birthdate off by a month, or could there have been another daughter, possibly a twin of Nellie? Being born August 30th, it's not a stretch to think the date could be recorded as September, especially since the birth took place in Nebraska and the membership role was created after the fact. More mysteries.
Not all of John and Mary (Davis) Beals' children are listed in this record. Left out are Elizabeth (b. 1849), Emma (b. 1851) and Sarah (b. 1854). I do not know if they were ever members of the Society of Friends.
Church Record Sunday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites.
To participate in Church Record Sunday, describe a specific church record or a set of church records held by a denomination and how they can assist genealogists. This is an on-going series developed by Gena Philbert Ortega at Gena's Genealogy.
The record card of the family states:
John Beals, born Ohio, 6th month, 26th day, 1827; son of Nathan and Elizabeth Beals; received upon request at Westfield Monthly Meeting, married Mary Davis.
Mary Beals, born Holly Springs, North Carolina, 9th month, 9th day, 1825; daughter of John and Mary Davis; birthright member of Holly North Carolina Monthly Meeting, married John Beals.
Mary A. Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 3rd month, 27th day, 1859; daughter of John and Mary Beals; received upon request at Westfield Monthly Meeting, released by letter.
John F. Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 9th month, 21st day, 1866; son of John and Mary Beals; received upon request at Westfield Monthly Meeting.
Nathan Thos. Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 2nd month, 7th day, 1856; son of John and Mary Beals; received upon request of Westfield Monthly Meeting, married Elizabeth Powe.
Elizabeth Beals; born Whitelick, Indiana, 1856; daughter of Isaac and Hannah Powe, birthright member of Whitelick, Indiana Monthly Meeting, married Nathan T. Beals.
Pearley May Beals, born Westfield, Indiana, 1877;daughter of N.T. and E. Beals, birthright member of Westfield Monthly Meeting.
Maggie Beals, born Westfield,Indiana, 9th month, 1880; daughter of N.T. and E. Beals, birthright member of Westfield Monthly Meeting.
Ethel Beals, born Westfield, Indiana; daughter of N.T. and Elizabeth Beals.
Nellie Beals
Some slight differences discovered in this membership record. John Beals birth date is recorded as the 26th day, while in the genealogy Chronology of the Beals Family, which he wrote, he gave his birth date as the 25th. John was not a birthright member of the Friends church, although his father (Nathan C. Beals) had been one, but he had been disowned. Mary (Davis) Beals birth date matches what I have in my database, her parents John and Mary (Barker) Davis had moved from North Carolina to Indiana.
Of the children of John and Mary (Davis) Beals listed in this membership, Mary, John F. and Nathan Thomas, I have just a couple of updates to my data. The birth date for John F. is listed as the 21st, when I had it as the 9th in my database, without a source, so there is one correction to make. Nathan Thomas was in my database being born on the 17th, without a source as well. So there are two corrections/updates to make.
Elizabeth Poe who married Nathan Thomas Beals was a birthright member of the Society from Whitelick Monthly Meeting in Morgan County, Indiana. Her parents were Isaac and Hannah (Mills) Poe.
The listings of the children of Nathan T. and Elizabeth (Poe) Beals is a bit confusing. Pearley May Beals was my 2nd-great grandmother, Pearl May Beals, who married Charles Wilson Lambertson. I only show three daughters in the family of Nathan T. and Elizabeth (Poe) Beals : Pearl May (1878), Nellie Myrtle (1880) and Ethel Mable (1885). This record gives the birth date of Pearl as 1877, when I show it was May 11, 1878. I show Nellie born August 30, 1880 and Ethel born November 27, 1885. This church membership record gives no birth dates for either Nellie or Ethel, but adds a Maggie Beals, born September 1880. Did they confuse Nellie's middle name as Maggie and have her birthdate off by a month, or could there have been another daughter, possibly a twin of Nellie? Being born August 30th, it's not a stretch to think the date could be recorded as September, especially since the birth took place in Nebraska and the membership role was created after the fact. More mysteries.
Not all of John and Mary (Davis) Beals' children are listed in this record. Left out are Elizabeth (b. 1849), Emma (b. 1851) and Sarah (b. 1854). I do not know if they were ever members of the Society of Friends.
Church Record Sunday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites.
To participate in Church Record Sunday, describe a specific church record or a set of church records held by a denomination and how they can assist genealogists. This is an on-going series developed by Gena Philbert Ortega at Gena's Genealogy.
Church Record Sunday,
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Pearl May Beals (1878-1970), Hamilton County, Indiana
Working on filling in some gaps in my database by utilizing the "Indiana Marriages, 1811-1959" database at to see what updates and corrections I could find.
Pearl May Beals (1878-1970) was the daughter of Nathan Thomas and Elizabeth Caroline (Poe) Beals. Her marriage on April 18, 1897 in Hamilton County, Indiana to Charles W. Lambertson was found in the database. Though indexed with a middle initial of "M", it actually is "W" for Wilson. Though I already had this fact in my database, I didn't actually have a copy of the record.
Pearl was my maternal great-great-grandmother. She died August 3, 1970 in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana. They were the parents of 8 children, all born in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Pearl May Beals (1878-1970) was the daughter of Nathan Thomas and Elizabeth Caroline (Poe) Beals. Her marriage on April 18, 1897 in Hamilton County, Indiana to Charles W. Lambertson was found in the database. Though indexed with a middle initial of "M", it actually is "W" for Wilson. Though I already had this fact in my database, I didn't actually have a copy of the record.
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"Indiana, Marriages, 1811-1959," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Oct 2013), Charles M Lambertson and Pearl May Beals, 1897. |
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Surname Saturday : Mills
The MILLS surname is in my maternal line. The origins of the surname appear to be English.
Stories and history :
Ahnentafel # 119 : Hannah Mills (1833-1914). Hannah was born January 9, 1833 in Morgan County, Indiana. Hannah married August 11, 1855 in Monrovia, Morgan County, Indiana to Isaac S. Poe (1830-1909). Isaac was born August 20, 1830 in Chatham County, North Carolina. He served in Company E, 12th Indiana Infantry during the Civil War. They raised 7 children in Morgan and Hamilton Counties, Indiana. Isaac died November 20, 1909 in Norton, Norton County, Kansas. Hannah died March 9, 1914 in Norton, Norton County, Kansas.
Ahnentafel # 238 : Henry Mills (1780-1833). Henry was born March 31, 1780 in Guilford County, North Carolina. Henry married January 10, 1810 in Jefferson County, Tennessee to Hannah Woodward (1790-1862). Hannah was born September 3, 1790 in Guilford County, North Carolina. They raised 10 children. Hannah died June 22, 1862 in Morgan County, Indiana. Henry died March 16, 1833 in Morgan County, Indiana.
Ahnentafel # 476 : Aaron Mills (1749-1794). Aaron was born December 22, 1749 in Virginia. Aaron married January 18, 1774 in Guilford County, North Carolina to Charity Mendenhall (1754-1836). Charity was born January, 19, 1754 in Guilford County, North Carolina. They raised 10 children. Charity died February 19, 1836. Aaron died December 15, 1794 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
Ahnentafel # 952 : Henry Mills (1720-1810). Henry was born September 23, 1720 in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Henry married January 18, 1740 in Virginia to Hannah Thornburg (1725-1791). Hannah was born in 1725. They raised 11 children. Hannah died March 27, 1791 in Guilford County, North Carolina. Henry died October 10, 1810 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
Ahnentafel # 1904 : John Mills (1688-1760). John was born in 1688, probably in England. John married in 1708 in Chester County, Pennsylvania to Rebecca ________. Rebecca was born circa 1688 and died in 1740 in Monocacy, Maryland. They were the parents of 5 children. John married secondly in 1742 to Rebecca ________. They were the parents of 7 children. John died November 24, 1760 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
Related blog posts :
Surname Saturday – create a post in which you discuss a surname and mention its origins, its geographical location(s) and how it fits into your genealogy research. Surname Saturday is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.
Stories and history :
Ahnentafel # 119 : Hannah Mills (1833-1914). Hannah was born January 9, 1833 in Morgan County, Indiana. Hannah married August 11, 1855 in Monrovia, Morgan County, Indiana to Isaac S. Poe (1830-1909). Isaac was born August 20, 1830 in Chatham County, North Carolina. He served in Company E, 12th Indiana Infantry during the Civil War. They raised 7 children in Morgan and Hamilton Counties, Indiana. Isaac died November 20, 1909 in Norton, Norton County, Kansas. Hannah died March 9, 1914 in Norton, Norton County, Kansas.
Ahnentafel # 238 : Henry Mills (1780-1833). Henry was born March 31, 1780 in Guilford County, North Carolina. Henry married January 10, 1810 in Jefferson County, Tennessee to Hannah Woodward (1790-1862). Hannah was born September 3, 1790 in Guilford County, North Carolina. They raised 10 children. Hannah died June 22, 1862 in Morgan County, Indiana. Henry died March 16, 1833 in Morgan County, Indiana.
Ahnentafel # 476 : Aaron Mills (1749-1794). Aaron was born December 22, 1749 in Virginia. Aaron married January 18, 1774 in Guilford County, North Carolina to Charity Mendenhall (1754-1836). Charity was born January, 19, 1754 in Guilford County, North Carolina. They raised 10 children. Charity died February 19, 1836. Aaron died December 15, 1794 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
Ahnentafel # 952 : Henry Mills (1720-1810). Henry was born September 23, 1720 in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Henry married January 18, 1740 in Virginia to Hannah Thornburg (1725-1791). Hannah was born in 1725. They raised 11 children. Hannah died March 27, 1791 in Guilford County, North Carolina. Henry died October 10, 1810 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
Ahnentafel # 1904 : John Mills (1688-1760). John was born in 1688, probably in England. John married in 1708 in Chester County, Pennsylvania to Rebecca ________. Rebecca was born circa 1688 and died in 1740 in Monocacy, Maryland. They were the parents of 5 children. John married secondly in 1742 to Rebecca ________. They were the parents of 7 children. John died November 24, 1760 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
Related blog posts :
Surname Saturday – create a post in which you discuss a surname and mention its origins, its geographical location(s) and how it fits into your genealogy research. Surname Saturday is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.
Surname Saturday,
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
On This Day : December 5
1684 - William PRICHARD born in Suffield, Connecticut. William was the son of William PRICHARD and Elizabeth ALLEN.
1700 - Deborah PIERCE born. Deborah was the daughter of Benjamin PIERCE and Mary REED.
1716 - Joseph STILLMAN born. Joseph was the son of George STILLMAN and Deborah CRANDALL.
1717 - Lydia PIERCE died in Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Lydia was the daughter of Daniel BACON and Mary READE. Lydia was my 9x-great grandmother.
1737 - Mary DAVIS born. Mary was the daughter of John DAVIS and Elizabeth MAXSON.
1774 - Martha HILYARD born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Martha was the daughter of Isaac HILLIER and Sarah HAINES.
1777 - Sarah HIGGINS born in Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Sarah was the daughter of Judiah H. HIGGINS and Mary HILL.
1794 - Seth PIERCE died. Seth was the son of Samuel PIERCE and Abigail JOHNSON. Seth was my 7x-great grandfather.
1796 - Betty KELSO born in Kentucky. Betty was the daughter of Charles KELSO and Mary McPHEETERS.
1800 - Sarah HILLIER died in Burlington County, New Jersey. Sarah was the daughter of Jeremiah HAINES and Hannah BONNELL.
1803 - Samuel KEENEY born. Samuel was the son of John S. KEENEY and Magdalena PETRY.
1814 - Sarah CHEW born in Union Township, Ross County, Ohio. Sarah was the daughter of Joseph CHEW and Elizabeth THOMAS.
1822 - Jane DAVIS born. Jane was the daughter of Nathan J. DAVIS and Keziah DAVIS.
1828 - Martha J. WELCH born. Martha was the daughter of Lucas WELCH and Alma PIERCE.
1830 - Daniel BEALS born. Daniel was the son of Thomas BEALS and Nancy STANLEY.
1836 - Jane MAXSON married Peter SMITH in Clark County, Ohio. Jane was the daughter of Jesse MAXSON and Sarah SUTTON.
1846 - Martha Ann BOTTS married Bluford REDDICK in Monroe County, Indiana. Martha was the daughter of Benjamin BOTTS and Frances PUTMAN.
1847 - Daniel KING married Elizabeth SHAW in Madison County, Indiana. Daniel was the son of William KING and Sarah SULLIVAN. Elizabeth was the daughter of William SHAW and Elizabeth HECK. They were my 3x-great grandparents.
1860 - John BOND died in Henry County, Indiana. John was the son of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1862 - Origin M. POE born in Morgan County, Indiana. Origin was the son of Isaac S. POE and Hannah MILLS.
1862 - Karl Heinrich KAHRE died. Karl was the son of Christian Friedrich KAHRE and Anna Marie Catherine BRINKHOFF.
1876 - Rebecca RINEHART died in Wabash County, Indiana. Rebecca was the daughter of Daniel ADNEY and Anna COGER.
1882 - Eugene B. HALEY died in Marion County, Ohio. Eugene was the son of William HALEY and Jane Elizabeth OWEN.
1899 - Della L. CHIVLARE born in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Della was the daughter of Isaac C. CHIVLARE and Florence FOLLOWAY.
1899 - Frank CHIVLARE born in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Frank was the daughter of Isaac C. CHIVLARE and Florence FOLLOWAY.
1902 - Joel C. JACKSON died. Joel was the son of Bowater JACKSON and Jennie MACE.
1906 - Helen Edith YEAGER born. Helen was the daughter of John Henry YEAGER and Bertha Fidelia LeMASTERS.
1935 - Nicholas Modest MIGUET died in Buchanan County, Iowa. Nicholas was the son of John Peter MIGUET and Frances ________.
1961 - Jacob Lee LeMASTERS died in Carthage, Missouri. Jacob was the son of Isaac LEMASTERS and Sarah Ann HESTON.
1700 - Deborah PIERCE born. Deborah was the daughter of Benjamin PIERCE and Mary REED.
1716 - Joseph STILLMAN born. Joseph was the son of George STILLMAN and Deborah CRANDALL.
1717 - Lydia PIERCE died in Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Lydia was the daughter of Daniel BACON and Mary READE. Lydia was my 9x-great grandmother.
1737 - Mary DAVIS born. Mary was the daughter of John DAVIS and Elizabeth MAXSON.
1774 - Martha HILYARD born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Martha was the daughter of Isaac HILLIER and Sarah HAINES.
1777 - Sarah HIGGINS born in Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Sarah was the daughter of Judiah H. HIGGINS and Mary HILL.
1794 - Seth PIERCE died. Seth was the son of Samuel PIERCE and Abigail JOHNSON. Seth was my 7x-great grandfather.
1796 - Betty KELSO born in Kentucky. Betty was the daughter of Charles KELSO and Mary McPHEETERS.
1800 - Sarah HILLIER died in Burlington County, New Jersey. Sarah was the daughter of Jeremiah HAINES and Hannah BONNELL.
1803 - Samuel KEENEY born. Samuel was the son of John S. KEENEY and Magdalena PETRY.
1814 - Sarah CHEW born in Union Township, Ross County, Ohio. Sarah was the daughter of Joseph CHEW and Elizabeth THOMAS.
1822 - Jane DAVIS born. Jane was the daughter of Nathan J. DAVIS and Keziah DAVIS.
1828 - Martha J. WELCH born. Martha was the daughter of Lucas WELCH and Alma PIERCE.
1830 - Daniel BEALS born. Daniel was the son of Thomas BEALS and Nancy STANLEY.
1836 - Jane MAXSON married Peter SMITH in Clark County, Ohio. Jane was the daughter of Jesse MAXSON and Sarah SUTTON.
1846 - Martha Ann BOTTS married Bluford REDDICK in Monroe County, Indiana. Martha was the daughter of Benjamin BOTTS and Frances PUTMAN.
1847 - Daniel KING married Elizabeth SHAW in Madison County, Indiana. Daniel was the son of William KING and Sarah SULLIVAN. Elizabeth was the daughter of William SHAW and Elizabeth HECK. They were my 3x-great grandparents.
1860 - John BOND died in Henry County, Indiana. John was the son of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1862 - Origin M. POE born in Morgan County, Indiana. Origin was the son of Isaac S. POE and Hannah MILLS.
1862 - Karl Heinrich KAHRE died. Karl was the son of Christian Friedrich KAHRE and Anna Marie Catherine BRINKHOFF.
1876 - Rebecca RINEHART died in Wabash County, Indiana. Rebecca was the daughter of Daniel ADNEY and Anna COGER.
1882 - Eugene B. HALEY died in Marion County, Ohio. Eugene was the son of William HALEY and Jane Elizabeth OWEN.
1899 - Della L. CHIVLARE born in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Della was the daughter of Isaac C. CHIVLARE and Florence FOLLOWAY.
1899 - Frank CHIVLARE born in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Frank was the daughter of Isaac C. CHIVLARE and Florence FOLLOWAY.
1902 - Joel C. JACKSON died. Joel was the son of Bowater JACKSON and Jennie MACE.
1906 - Helen Edith YEAGER born. Helen was the daughter of John Henry YEAGER and Bertha Fidelia LeMASTERS.
1935 - Nicholas Modest MIGUET died in Buchanan County, Iowa. Nicholas was the son of John Peter MIGUET and Frances ________.
1961 - Jacob Lee LeMASTERS died in Carthage, Missouri. Jacob was the son of Isaac LEMASTERS and Sarah Ann HESTON.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
On This Day : November 20
1660 - Abigail PIERCE born. Abigail was the daughter of Thomas PIERCE and Elizabeth COLE.
1662 - Hannah BASCOM married William JANES. Hannah was the daughter of Thomas BASCOM. Hannah was my 10x-great grandmother.
1717 - Jonathan HARROLD born in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Jonathan was the son of Richard HARROLD and Mary Ann BEALS.
1717 - Sarah WITTER born. Sarah was the daughter of John WITTER and Sarah TEFFT.
1732 - Jonathan MAXSON died in Westerly, Rhode Island. Jonathan was the son of John MAXSON and Mary MOSHER.
1752 - George Frederick PENCE born in Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. George was the son of Jacob PENCE and Barbara ________. George was Eileen's 5x great-grandfather.
1767 - Sarah PIERCE born. Sarah was the daughter of Seth PIERCE and Bethiah FIELD.
1772 - Elizabeth FIELD died in Mansfield, Windham County, Connecticut. Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas SPOFFORD and Bethiah HAZELTINE. Elizabeth was my 7x-great grandmother.
1772 - Michael JACOBS born. Michael was the son of Johann Michael JACOBS and Maria Catherine CHERDRON. Michael was my 5x-great grandfather.
1777 - Experience DAVIS married Hezekiah WEST. Experience was the daughter of John DAVIS and Bethia ROGERS.
1777 - Thomas DAVIS married Polly WEST. Thomas was the son of John DAVIS and Bethia ROGERS.
1779 - Rachel HAINES born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Rachel was the daughter of Robert HAINES and Rachel VENICOMB.
1798 - Robert Haines WOOLSTON born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Robert was the son of Samuel WOOLSTON and Hannah HAINES.
1807 - Margaret KIMMER born. Margaret was the daughter of Nicholas KIMMER and Sarah FAYLER.
1815 - Delila SILLS was born Champaign County, Ohio. Delila was the daughter of Michael SILLS and Rosanna FETTERS.
1835 - Barbara Helen HALEY born in Goshen, Hardin County, Ohio. Barbara was the daughter in George J. HALEY and Rachel H. GARY.
1845 - Anna Marie Ilsbein KAHRE born in Tengern, Westphalia. Anna was the daughter of Heinrich Hermann KAHRE and Anna Maria Sophia RULLMANN.
1855 - Joel PHILBRICK married Carrie E. BROWN. Joel was the son of Joel PHILBRICK and Sally FOX.
1870 - Sarah Elnora LeMASTERS born in Jay County, Indiana. Sarah was the daughter of William Wesley LeMASTERS and Milinda Margaret HALFHILL.
1881 - Willie DAVIS born. Willie was the son of Reuben H. DAVIS and Sarah McCLOY.
1887 - Rebecca HALL died in Des Moines, Iowa. Rebecca was the daughter of William CAMPBELL and Elizabeth McPHEETERS.
1891 - Ulysses Grant LeMASTERS married Lizzie FLOYD. Ulysses was the son of Isaac LEMASTERS and Sarah Ann HESTON.
1902 - Imo C. CHEW born in Jay County, Indiana. Imo was the daughter of William Anderson CHEW and Emma Susan STRAIGHT.
1909 - Isaac S. POE died in Norton, Norton County, Kansas. Isaac was the son of John W. POE and Elizabeth RAINS. Isaac was my 4x-great grandfather.
1910 - Charles Valentine SWAFFORD married Ulva WRAY. Charles was the son of Landon Marcellus SWAFFORD and Bertie Belle MARSH.
1910 - George Walker YAEGER born in Brazil, Clay County, Indiana. George was the son of John Henry YAEGER and Bertha Fidelia LeMASTERS.
1932 - Frances ELLIOTT died in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. Frances was the daughter of Elijah W. CHEW and Sarah MILLER.
1936 - Pleasant MILLS died in Mooresville, Indiana. Pleasant was the son of Aaron MILLS and Catherine FARMER.
1966 - Anna Margaret NICHOLS died in Mt. Morris, Greene County, Pennsylvania. Anna was the daughter of Thomas Alexander MAXON and Lenora Belle BROWN.
2009 - Vicki Lynn SEAMANS died in Florida. Vicki was the daughter of Robert Earl WALSH and Ruby Jane LAMBERTSON.
1662 - Hannah BASCOM married William JANES. Hannah was the daughter of Thomas BASCOM. Hannah was my 10x-great grandmother.
1717 - Jonathan HARROLD born in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Jonathan was the son of Richard HARROLD and Mary Ann BEALS.
1717 - Sarah WITTER born. Sarah was the daughter of John WITTER and Sarah TEFFT.
1732 - Jonathan MAXSON died in Westerly, Rhode Island. Jonathan was the son of John MAXSON and Mary MOSHER.
1752 - George Frederick PENCE born in Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. George was the son of Jacob PENCE and Barbara ________. George was Eileen's 5x great-grandfather.
1767 - Sarah PIERCE born. Sarah was the daughter of Seth PIERCE and Bethiah FIELD.
1772 - Elizabeth FIELD died in Mansfield, Windham County, Connecticut. Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas SPOFFORD and Bethiah HAZELTINE. Elizabeth was my 7x-great grandmother.
1772 - Michael JACOBS born. Michael was the son of Johann Michael JACOBS and Maria Catherine CHERDRON. Michael was my 5x-great grandfather.
1777 - Experience DAVIS married Hezekiah WEST. Experience was the daughter of John DAVIS and Bethia ROGERS.
1777 - Thomas DAVIS married Polly WEST. Thomas was the son of John DAVIS and Bethia ROGERS.
1779 - Rachel HAINES born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Rachel was the daughter of Robert HAINES and Rachel VENICOMB.
1798 - Robert Haines WOOLSTON born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Robert was the son of Samuel WOOLSTON and Hannah HAINES.
1807 - Margaret KIMMER born. Margaret was the daughter of Nicholas KIMMER and Sarah FAYLER.
1815 - Delila SILLS was born Champaign County, Ohio. Delila was the daughter of Michael SILLS and Rosanna FETTERS.
1835 - Barbara Helen HALEY born in Goshen, Hardin County, Ohio. Barbara was the daughter in George J. HALEY and Rachel H. GARY.
1845 - Anna Marie Ilsbein KAHRE born in Tengern, Westphalia. Anna was the daughter of Heinrich Hermann KAHRE and Anna Maria Sophia RULLMANN.
1855 - Joel PHILBRICK married Carrie E. BROWN. Joel was the son of Joel PHILBRICK and Sally FOX.
1870 - Sarah Elnora LeMASTERS born in Jay County, Indiana. Sarah was the daughter of William Wesley LeMASTERS and Milinda Margaret HALFHILL.
1881 - Willie DAVIS born. Willie was the son of Reuben H. DAVIS and Sarah McCLOY.
1887 - Rebecca HALL died in Des Moines, Iowa. Rebecca was the daughter of William CAMPBELL and Elizabeth McPHEETERS.
1891 - Ulysses Grant LeMASTERS married Lizzie FLOYD. Ulysses was the son of Isaac LEMASTERS and Sarah Ann HESTON.
1902 - Imo C. CHEW born in Jay County, Indiana. Imo was the daughter of William Anderson CHEW and Emma Susan STRAIGHT.
1909 - Isaac S. POE died in Norton, Norton County, Kansas. Isaac was the son of John W. POE and Elizabeth RAINS. Isaac was my 4x-great grandfather.
1910 - Charles Valentine SWAFFORD married Ulva WRAY. Charles was the son of Landon Marcellus SWAFFORD and Bertie Belle MARSH.
1910 - George Walker YAEGER born in Brazil, Clay County, Indiana. George was the son of John Henry YAEGER and Bertha Fidelia LeMASTERS.
1932 - Frances ELLIOTT died in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. Frances was the daughter of Elijah W. CHEW and Sarah MILLER.
1936 - Pleasant MILLS died in Mooresville, Indiana. Pleasant was the son of Aaron MILLS and Catherine FARMER.
1966 - Anna Margaret NICHOLS died in Mt. Morris, Greene County, Pennsylvania. Anna was the daughter of Thomas Alexander MAXON and Lenora Belle BROWN.
2009 - Vicki Lynn SEAMANS died in Florida. Vicki was the daughter of Robert Earl WALSH and Ruby Jane LAMBERTSON.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
On This Day : November 17
1694 - Thomas BROWN born. Thomas was the son of William BROWN and Ann MERCER.
1724 - Benjamin HURLBUT born in Woodbury, Connecticut. Benjamin was the son of Joseph HURLBUT and Mary CASTLE.
1743 - Josiah PIERCE married Miriam COOK. Josiah was the son of Samuel PIERCE and Abigail JOHNSON.
1763 - Cornelius ANTONIDES born. Cornelius was the son of Pieter ANTONIDES and Catherine VANDERVEER.
1776 - Anna Catherine Louisa KAHRE died. Anna was the daughter of Johann Friedrich KAHRE and Anna Maria Wilhelmine KIRSCHOFF.
1785 - Anna Marie Ilsbein KAHRE born in Kummerdingsen, Westphalia. Anna was the daughter of Johann Karl Ludwig KAHRE and Anna Marie Ilsbein KROEGER.
1796 - Piety MAXSON married Jonathan DAVIS. Piety was the daughter of Ephraim MAXSON and Elisabeth DAVIS.
1802 - Coleby CHEW born in New London, Connecticut. Coleby was the son of Coleby CHEW and Frances LEARNED.
1823 - Samuel SWAFFORD born. Samuel was the son of Thomas SWAFFORD and Nellie HOWARD.
1836 - Catherine JACOBS married Josiah Jeremiah KANAGY in Wayne County, Ohio. Catherine was the daughter of David JACOBS and Barbara BYERS.
1839 - Elsie Ann YOUNG born in Sandusky County, Ohio. Elsie was the daughter of Charles YOUNG and Nancy SCOTHORN.
1847 - Ruth Anne DUFFEY born in Logan, Hocking County, Ohio. Ruth was the daughter of Daniel DUFFEY and Susanna FREEZE. Ruth was Eileen's 2x-great grandmother.
1850 - Ethan DAVIS died. Ethan was the son of Joseph DAVIS and Dorcas ________.
1861 - Cordelia Jane BECKETT born in Humboldt County, California. Cordelia was the daughter of Lemuel Daugherty BECKETT and Sarah Springer CHEW.
1894 - Ruby Alice POE born in Norton, Kansas. Ruby was the daughter of Curtis W. POE and Lillian S. PHEBUS.
1894 - Della Jane CRAWFORD born in Van Zandt, Texas. Della was the daughter of George Newton CRAWFORD and Mary Elizabeth BIRDWELL.
1919 - James WARDLAW died in Scott Township, Brown County, Ohio. James was the son of Henry WARDLAW and Mary L. PURDUM.
1953 - James Thomas CAMERON died in Cook County, Illinois. James was the son of John Francis CAMERON and Rebecca LOUDERBACK.
1973 - Trena Katherine MINOR died in Greene County, Pennsylvania. Trena was the daughter of George Crawford BAER and Edith Alene MAXON.
1975 - John Henry SWAFFORD died in Richmond, Missouri. John was the son of James Wesley SWAFFORD and Emma SETH.
1980 - Alvin Edward SWAFFORD died in Ray County, Missouri. Alvin was the son of Albert SWAFFORD and Della Mae BURGESS.
1724 - Benjamin HURLBUT born in Woodbury, Connecticut. Benjamin was the son of Joseph HURLBUT and Mary CASTLE.
1743 - Josiah PIERCE married Miriam COOK. Josiah was the son of Samuel PIERCE and Abigail JOHNSON.
1763 - Cornelius ANTONIDES born. Cornelius was the son of Pieter ANTONIDES and Catherine VANDERVEER.
1776 - Anna Catherine Louisa KAHRE died. Anna was the daughter of Johann Friedrich KAHRE and Anna Maria Wilhelmine KIRSCHOFF.
1785 - Anna Marie Ilsbein KAHRE born in Kummerdingsen, Westphalia. Anna was the daughter of Johann Karl Ludwig KAHRE and Anna Marie Ilsbein KROEGER.
1796 - Piety MAXSON married Jonathan DAVIS. Piety was the daughter of Ephraim MAXSON and Elisabeth DAVIS.
1802 - Coleby CHEW born in New London, Connecticut. Coleby was the son of Coleby CHEW and Frances LEARNED.
1823 - Samuel SWAFFORD born. Samuel was the son of Thomas SWAFFORD and Nellie HOWARD.
1836 - Catherine JACOBS married Josiah Jeremiah KANAGY in Wayne County, Ohio. Catherine was the daughter of David JACOBS and Barbara BYERS.
1839 - Elsie Ann YOUNG born in Sandusky County, Ohio. Elsie was the daughter of Charles YOUNG and Nancy SCOTHORN.
1847 - Ruth Anne DUFFEY born in Logan, Hocking County, Ohio. Ruth was the daughter of Daniel DUFFEY and Susanna FREEZE. Ruth was Eileen's 2x-great grandmother.
1850 - Ethan DAVIS died. Ethan was the son of Joseph DAVIS and Dorcas ________.
1861 - Cordelia Jane BECKETT born in Humboldt County, California. Cordelia was the daughter of Lemuel Daugherty BECKETT and Sarah Springer CHEW.
1894 - Ruby Alice POE born in Norton, Kansas. Ruby was the daughter of Curtis W. POE and Lillian S. PHEBUS.
1894 - Della Jane CRAWFORD born in Van Zandt, Texas. Della was the daughter of George Newton CRAWFORD and Mary Elizabeth BIRDWELL.
1919 - James WARDLAW died in Scott Township, Brown County, Ohio. James was the son of Henry WARDLAW and Mary L. PURDUM.
1953 - James Thomas CAMERON died in Cook County, Illinois. James was the son of John Francis CAMERON and Rebecca LOUDERBACK.
1973 - Trena Katherine MINOR died in Greene County, Pennsylvania. Trena was the daughter of George Crawford BAER and Edith Alene MAXON.
1975 - John Henry SWAFFORD died in Richmond, Missouri. John was the son of James Wesley SWAFFORD and Emma SETH.
1980 - Alvin Edward SWAFFORD died in Ray County, Missouri. Alvin was the son of Albert SWAFFORD and Della Mae BURGESS.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
On This Day : November 4
1722 - Phebe SCARLETT born in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Phebe was my 8x-great grandmother.
1743 - Moses MILLS born. Moses was the son of Henry MILLS and Hannah THORNBURG.
1756 - Ann CHAMNESS born in Orange County, North Carolina. Ann was the daughter of Anthony CHAMNESS and Sarah COLE.
1779 - Reuben TAYLOR born. Reuben was the son of James TAYLOR and Ann HUBBARD.
1785 - Rachel SUMNER born in Surry County, North Carolina. Rachel was the daughter of Bowater SUMNER and Rebeckah BURRAS.
1792 - George TAYLOR died. George was the son of James TAYLOR and Martha THOMPSON.
1802 - Anna BOND married Abram BUNKER. Anna was the daughter of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1814 - John WRIGHT born in Pleasant Township, Brown County, Ohio. John was the son of George WRIGHT and Elizabeth ROBINS. John was my 4x-great grandfather.
1818 - John HECK married Catherine HECK in Bracken County, Kentucky. John was the son of Jacob HECK and Elizabeth ________.
1839 - John METZNER married Catharine YOUNG in Newark, Licking County, Ohio. John was the son of Jasper METZNER and Hannah REISENBURG. Catharine was the daughter of Nicholas YOUNG and Salome ________. They were my 3x-great grandparents.
1848 - Franklin MILLHOUS born near Colerain, Ohio. Franklin was the son of Joshua Vickers MILLHOUS and Elizabeth Price GRIFFITH.
1849 - Matilda POE married William SHAWVER in Morgan County, Indiana. Matilda was the daughter of John W. POE and Elizabeth RAINS.
1862 - Jesse BOND died. Jesse was the son of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1865 - Silas HIATT died. Silas was the son of William HIATT and Charity WILLIAMS.
1869 - Townsend HEATON married Nancy Jane HALE in Schuyler County, Missouri. Townsend was the son of James R. HEATON and Elizabeth JACOBS.
1872 - Elijah CHEW died. Elijah was the son of Nathaniel CHEW and Sarah SPRINGER.
1873 - Israel LEE born. Israel was the son of William M. LEE and Elizabeth BROWN.
1877 - John Hubert SWAFFORD born. John was the son of John Hubert SWAFFORD and Eliza WOODEN.
1893 - Mary Adoline SWAFFORD born in Brunswick, Missouri. Mary was the daughter of Landon Marcellus SWAFFORD and Bertie Belle MARSH.
1906 - Albert SWAFFORD married Della Mae BURGESS in Ray County, Missouri. Albert was the son of Allen Aaron SWAFFORD and Meda LILES.
1907 - Jesse Clarence LEE married Hattie Deana SMART. Jesse was the son of William Burrell LEE and Margaret Jane SWAFFORD.
1932 - George COOK died in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. George was the son of George COOK and Matilda JACOBS.
1743 - Moses MILLS born. Moses was the son of Henry MILLS and Hannah THORNBURG.
1756 - Ann CHAMNESS born in Orange County, North Carolina. Ann was the daughter of Anthony CHAMNESS and Sarah COLE.
1779 - Reuben TAYLOR born. Reuben was the son of James TAYLOR and Ann HUBBARD.
1785 - Rachel SUMNER born in Surry County, North Carolina. Rachel was the daughter of Bowater SUMNER and Rebeckah BURRAS.
1792 - George TAYLOR died. George was the son of James TAYLOR and Martha THOMPSON.
1802 - Anna BOND married Abram BUNKER. Anna was the daughter of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1814 - John WRIGHT born in Pleasant Township, Brown County, Ohio. John was the son of George WRIGHT and Elizabeth ROBINS. John was my 4x-great grandfather.
1818 - John HECK married Catherine HECK in Bracken County, Kentucky. John was the son of Jacob HECK and Elizabeth ________.
1839 - John METZNER married Catharine YOUNG in Newark, Licking County, Ohio. John was the son of Jasper METZNER and Hannah REISENBURG. Catharine was the daughter of Nicholas YOUNG and Salome ________. They were my 3x-great grandparents.
1848 - Franklin MILLHOUS born near Colerain, Ohio. Franklin was the son of Joshua Vickers MILLHOUS and Elizabeth Price GRIFFITH.
1849 - Matilda POE married William SHAWVER in Morgan County, Indiana. Matilda was the daughter of John W. POE and Elizabeth RAINS.
1862 - Jesse BOND died. Jesse was the son of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1865 - Silas HIATT died. Silas was the son of William HIATT and Charity WILLIAMS.
1869 - Townsend HEATON married Nancy Jane HALE in Schuyler County, Missouri. Townsend was the son of James R. HEATON and Elizabeth JACOBS.
1872 - Elijah CHEW died. Elijah was the son of Nathaniel CHEW and Sarah SPRINGER.
1873 - Israel LEE born. Israel was the son of William M. LEE and Elizabeth BROWN.
1877 - John Hubert SWAFFORD born. John was the son of John Hubert SWAFFORD and Eliza WOODEN.
1893 - Mary Adoline SWAFFORD born in Brunswick, Missouri. Mary was the daughter of Landon Marcellus SWAFFORD and Bertie Belle MARSH.
1906 - Albert SWAFFORD married Della Mae BURGESS in Ray County, Missouri. Albert was the son of Allen Aaron SWAFFORD and Meda LILES.
1907 - Jesse Clarence LEE married Hattie Deana SMART. Jesse was the son of William Burrell LEE and Margaret Jane SWAFFORD.
1932 - George COOK died in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. George was the son of George COOK and Matilda JACOBS.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
On This Day : October 18
1724 - Anna FESSENDEN married John CHIPMAN. Anna was the daughter of Nicholas FESSENDEN and Margaret CHENEY.
1724 - Benjamin FESSENDEN married Rebecca SMITH. Benjamin was the son of Nicholas FESSENDEN and Margaret CHENEY.
1752 - Sarah HADLEY married Joseph FREDD. Sarah was the daughter of Joshua HADLEY and Mary ROWLAND.
1766 - Shephard BURDICK born. Shephard was the son of Nathan BURDICK and Goodeth MAXSON.
1769 - Stephen MENDENHALL married Elizabeth RICH in Guilford County, North Carolina. Stephen was the son of Mordecai MENDENHALL and Charity BEESON.
1800 - George MAXSON married Elizabeth READ. George was the son of Simeon MAXSON and Mary BABCOCK.
1802 - John GROENENDYKE born in New Jersey. John was the son of James GROENENDYKE and Joannah ANTONIDES.
1827 - Amelia FISHER born. Amelia was the daughter of Daniel FISHER and Susannah REEVES.
1827 - Lucy Ann BOTTS born. Lucy was the daughter of Benjamin BOTTS and Frances PUTMAN.
1830 - James Harvey IVEY born in Tennessee. James was the son of George Washington IVEY and Susan SADLER.
1832 - Ann MAXSON born. Ann was the daughter of Jonathan MAXSON and Christiana DAVIS.
1842 - Isam HIATT died. Isam was the son of William HIATT and Charity WILLIAMS.
1849 - Amos YOUNG married Delila CURTNER. Amos was the son of Adam YOUNG and Sarah CRUM.
1849 - Elizabeth Emily POE married William ALLEN in Morgan County, Indiana. Elizabeth was the daughter of John W. POE and Elizabeth RAINS.
1854 - Joseph Wesley HEATON born in Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa. Joseph was the son of Alexander S. HEATON and Jemima SHAW.
1868 - George David Ellsworth HALEY born in Burbank, Wayne County, Ohio. George was the son of George Washington HALEY and Mary Jane SHERRICK.
1872 - William Tatem CHEW born. William was the son of Jesse Leonard CHEW and Susanna Tatem WOOD.
1877 - William MAXSON died in West Liberty, Muscatine County, Iowa. William was the son of Jonathan MAXSON and Mary MAGDILINE.
1878 - John Lawrence METZNER born in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. John was the son of William Henry METZNER and Angeline MEED.
1879 - Lulu Branch HUBER died. Lulu was the daughter of Walter F. HUBER and Emeline YOUNG.
1881 - Herbert Deacon CHEW born. Herbert was the son of Ezekiel Cooper CHEW and Laura V. SKEGGS.
1892 - Aaron Elmer BRADLEY born in Hardin, Ray County, Missouri. Aaron was the son of Isaac M. BRADLEY and Manerva Lavonia SWAFFORD.
1724 - Benjamin FESSENDEN married Rebecca SMITH. Benjamin was the son of Nicholas FESSENDEN and Margaret CHENEY.
1752 - Sarah HADLEY married Joseph FREDD. Sarah was the daughter of Joshua HADLEY and Mary ROWLAND.
1766 - Shephard BURDICK born. Shephard was the son of Nathan BURDICK and Goodeth MAXSON.
1769 - Stephen MENDENHALL married Elizabeth RICH in Guilford County, North Carolina. Stephen was the son of Mordecai MENDENHALL and Charity BEESON.
1800 - George MAXSON married Elizabeth READ. George was the son of Simeon MAXSON and Mary BABCOCK.
1802 - John GROENENDYKE born in New Jersey. John was the son of James GROENENDYKE and Joannah ANTONIDES.
1827 - Amelia FISHER born. Amelia was the daughter of Daniel FISHER and Susannah REEVES.
1827 - Lucy Ann BOTTS born. Lucy was the daughter of Benjamin BOTTS and Frances PUTMAN.
1830 - James Harvey IVEY born in Tennessee. James was the son of George Washington IVEY and Susan SADLER.
1832 - Ann MAXSON born. Ann was the daughter of Jonathan MAXSON and Christiana DAVIS.
1842 - Isam HIATT died. Isam was the son of William HIATT and Charity WILLIAMS.
1849 - Amos YOUNG married Delila CURTNER. Amos was the son of Adam YOUNG and Sarah CRUM.
1849 - Elizabeth Emily POE married William ALLEN in Morgan County, Indiana. Elizabeth was the daughter of John W. POE and Elizabeth RAINS.
1854 - Joseph Wesley HEATON born in Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa. Joseph was the son of Alexander S. HEATON and Jemima SHAW.
1868 - George David Ellsworth HALEY born in Burbank, Wayne County, Ohio. George was the son of George Washington HALEY and Mary Jane SHERRICK.
1872 - William Tatem CHEW born. William was the son of Jesse Leonard CHEW and Susanna Tatem WOOD.
1877 - William MAXSON died in West Liberty, Muscatine County, Iowa. William was the son of Jonathan MAXSON and Mary MAGDILINE.
1878 - John Lawrence METZNER born in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. John was the son of William Henry METZNER and Angeline MEED.
1879 - Lulu Branch HUBER died. Lulu was the daughter of Walter F. HUBER and Emeline YOUNG.
1881 - Herbert Deacon CHEW born. Herbert was the son of Ezekiel Cooper CHEW and Laura V. SKEGGS.
1892 - Aaron Elmer BRADLEY born in Hardin, Ray County, Missouri. Aaron was the son of Isaac M. BRADLEY and Manerva Lavonia SWAFFORD.
Monday, October 15, 2012
On This Day : October 15
1635 - John DODGE died in Middlechinnock, Somerset, England. John was my 12x-great grandfather.
1708 - Richard BEESON born in Frederick County, Virginia. Richard was the son of Richard BEESON and Charity GRUBB.
1727 - Joshua CRANDALL born. Joshua was the son of Joseph CRANDALL and Ann LANGWORTHY.
1752 - Lettice WOOLSTON born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Lettice was the daughter of Samuel WOOLSTON and Cyllania WOOLSTON. Lettice was my 6x-great grandmother.
1754 - Henry DAVIS born. Henry was the son of Joseph DAVIS and Mary BABCOCK.
1785 - Richard CHEW married Susannah MONEY in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Richard was the son of John CHEW and Ann JENNINGS.
1785 - David MIZE born in Kentucky. David was the son of Isaac MIZE and Elizabeth ________. David was Eileen's 5x-great grandfather.
1798 - Sarah ADNEY born in Virginia. Sarah was the daughter of Daniel ADNEY and Anna COGER.
1807 - John W. POE married Elizabeth RAINS in Randolph County, North Carolina. Elizabeth was the daughter of Anthony RAINS and Nancy GRAHAM. They were my 5x-great grandparents.
1810 - John WRIGHT died in Clermont County, Ohio. John was the son of John WRIGHT and Hannah FESSENDEN. John was my 6x-great grandfather.
1827 - Mary CARSON married Abraham COOK. Mary was the daughter of John CARSON and Abigail SUMNER.
1830 - Susan HECK married John WINTERS in Bracken County, Kentucky. Susan was the daughter of John HECK and Catherine KIMMER.
1836 - Josiah MILLS married Martha HADLEY. Josiah was the son of Henry MILLS and Hannah WOODWARD.
1839 - Elizabeth W. LAMBERTSON married Carey Kinkead GILLILAND in Butler County, Ohio. Elizabeth was the daughter of John LAMBERTSON and Sarah A. WILLSON.
1848 - Isaac B. BOYER married Elizabeth Jane BAKER. Isaac was the son of Martin BOYER and Anna BENNETT.
1851 - Jacob S. PEFLEY died in Wabash County, Indiana. Jacob was the son of Solomon PEFLEY and Frances ROOF.
1871 - Benjamin Zellen KING born in Frankton, Madison County, Indiana. Benjamin was the son of Daniel KING and Elizabeth SHAW.
1892 - Josephine SIGLER married Oris H. WAYMIRE in Madison County, Indiana. Josephine was the daughter of Andrew Jackson SIGLER and Almira P. PIERCE.
1903 - David JACKLEY born. David was the son of Mark O. JACKLEY and Cora Della KING.
1903 - Arabel SWAFFORD born Leslie, Searcy County, Arkansas. Arabel was the daughter of John Marlin SWAFFORD and Octavia Elmira HAYES.
1907 - Effie Damsel GOSNELL born. Effie was the daughter of David Madison GOSNELL and Frankie Cleveland KING.
1911 - Samuel S. LAMBERTSON died in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana. Samuel was the son of Carey W. LAMBERTSON and Clara E. COOK.
1916 - Jacob RIEBER died in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Jacob was the son of Petrus Theodore RIEBER and Elizabeth SCHUHMACHER.
1935 - David COOK died in Winfield, Kansas. David was the son of George COOK and Matilda JACOBS.
1978 - William Arden LeMASTER died in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. William was the son of John Leland LeMASTER and Dortha LeEtta DeLAUTER.
1708 - Richard BEESON born in Frederick County, Virginia. Richard was the son of Richard BEESON and Charity GRUBB.
1727 - Joshua CRANDALL born. Joshua was the son of Joseph CRANDALL and Ann LANGWORTHY.
1752 - Lettice WOOLSTON born in Burlington County, New Jersey. Lettice was the daughter of Samuel WOOLSTON and Cyllania WOOLSTON. Lettice was my 6x-great grandmother.
1754 - Henry DAVIS born. Henry was the son of Joseph DAVIS and Mary BABCOCK.
1785 - Richard CHEW married Susannah MONEY in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Richard was the son of John CHEW and Ann JENNINGS.
1785 - David MIZE born in Kentucky. David was the son of Isaac MIZE and Elizabeth ________. David was Eileen's 5x-great grandfather.
1798 - Sarah ADNEY born in Virginia. Sarah was the daughter of Daniel ADNEY and Anna COGER.
1807 - John W. POE married Elizabeth RAINS in Randolph County, North Carolina. Elizabeth was the daughter of Anthony RAINS and Nancy GRAHAM. They were my 5x-great grandparents.
1810 - John WRIGHT died in Clermont County, Ohio. John was the son of John WRIGHT and Hannah FESSENDEN. John was my 6x-great grandfather.
1827 - Mary CARSON married Abraham COOK. Mary was the daughter of John CARSON and Abigail SUMNER.
1830 - Susan HECK married John WINTERS in Bracken County, Kentucky. Susan was the daughter of John HECK and Catherine KIMMER.
1836 - Josiah MILLS married Martha HADLEY. Josiah was the son of Henry MILLS and Hannah WOODWARD.
1839 - Elizabeth W. LAMBERTSON married Carey Kinkead GILLILAND in Butler County, Ohio. Elizabeth was the daughter of John LAMBERTSON and Sarah A. WILLSON.
1848 - Isaac B. BOYER married Elizabeth Jane BAKER. Isaac was the son of Martin BOYER and Anna BENNETT.
1851 - Jacob S. PEFLEY died in Wabash County, Indiana. Jacob was the son of Solomon PEFLEY and Frances ROOF.
1871 - Benjamin Zellen KING born in Frankton, Madison County, Indiana. Benjamin was the son of Daniel KING and Elizabeth SHAW.
1892 - Josephine SIGLER married Oris H. WAYMIRE in Madison County, Indiana. Josephine was the daughter of Andrew Jackson SIGLER and Almira P. PIERCE.
1903 - David JACKLEY born. David was the son of Mark O. JACKLEY and Cora Della KING.
1903 - Arabel SWAFFORD born Leslie, Searcy County, Arkansas. Arabel was the daughter of John Marlin SWAFFORD and Octavia Elmira HAYES.
1907 - Effie Damsel GOSNELL born. Effie was the daughter of David Madison GOSNELL and Frankie Cleveland KING.
1911 - Samuel S. LAMBERTSON died in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana. Samuel was the son of Carey W. LAMBERTSON and Clara E. COOK.
1916 - Jacob RIEBER died in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Jacob was the son of Petrus Theodore RIEBER and Elizabeth SCHUHMACHER.
1935 - David COOK died in Winfield, Kansas. David was the son of George COOK and Matilda JACOBS.
1978 - William Arden LeMASTER died in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. William was the son of John Leland LeMASTER and Dortha LeEtta DeLAUTER.
Saturday, October 06, 2012
On This Day : October 6
1639 - Peter SCHÃœRCH born. Peter was the son of Ulrich SCHÃœRCH and Barbara KUPFERSCHMID. Peter was my 8x-great grandfather.
1689 - Mary BUTTON born. Mary was the daughter of Peter BUTTON and Sarah CRANDALL.
1753 - Sarah MILLS married William HUNT in Orange County, North Carolina. Sarah was the daughter of John MILLS and Sarah BEALS.
1797 - William PUTNAM born. William was the son of Henry PUTNAM and Elizabeth KENDRICK.
1789 - Joel HUNT born in Guilford County, North Carolina. Joel was the son of Isaiah HUNT and Elizabeth FLOYD.
1791 - John HIGGINS born in Flemington, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. John was the son of Judiah H. HIGGINS and Mary HILL.
1805 - Joshua BOND married Ruth COFFIN. Joshua was the daughter of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1808 - S. Austin PIERCE born. Austin was the son of Samuel PIERCE and Persis BARROWS.
1827 - John GRAHAM died in Tennessee. John was the son of Richard GRAHAM and Asenath ________.
1836 - Catherine WEHRLY married John B. BUCHER. Catherine was the daughter of Johannes WEHRLY and Barbara PETRY.
1836 - Sutton MAXSON married Vienna SUTTON. Sutton was the son of Jesse MAXSON and Sarah SUTTON.
1851 - Mary EASTLACK died. Mary was the daughter of Jesse CHEW and Mary RICHARDS.
1860 - Margaret L. KING born in Madison County, Indiana. Margaret was the daughter of George Washington KING and Elizabeth HOWARD.
1862 - Francis W. POE died in Morgan County, Indiana. Francis was the son of Isaac S. POE and Hannah MILLS.
1865 - Doris Elisabeth SCHUTTE married John M. DOELITSCH in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Doris was Corinne's 4x-great grandmother.
1867 - James J. HEATON married Sarah A. MERIDETH in Schuyler County, Missouri. James was the son of James R. HEATON and Elizabeth JACOBS.
1868 - Annie Evalista BURCHFIEL born in Dandridge, Jefferson County, Tennessee. Annie was the daughter of Joseph Rmenia BURCHFIEL and Louisa LEE.
1869 - Mary Elizabeth BIRDWELL born in Pine Hill, Rusk County, Texas. Mary was the daughter of William Ezekiel BIRDWELL and Dora Alice FLANAGAN.
1877 - Elias P. SNYDER married Nancy E. BELL in Delaware County, Indiana. Elias was the son of Edwin Clark Anthony SNYDER and Amanda GROENENDYKE.
1880 - Peter Miller YOUNG married Annie E. CUMMINS. Peter was the son of Phillip YOUNG and Keziah CURTIS.
1906 - Francis C. BOYER born. Francis was the son of Benjamin BOYER and Docia WHITE.
1927 - John Jacob HALEY died in Lima, Allen County, Ohio. John was the son of George J. HALEY and Rachel H. GARY.
1930 - Betty Jean SWAFFORD died Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Betty was the daughter of Landon Marselles SWAFFORD and Goldie Amanda RUSSELL.
1945 - George Thomas WILDT died in Lincoln, Nebraska. George was the son of Johannes Heinrich WILD and Emilie DEUTSCH.
1964 - Alva A. MAXON died. Alva was the son of Joseph Lancaster MAXON and Josephine Agnes May GAMBLE.
1977 - Fleta BARTLET died in Mt. Ayre, Iowa. Fleta was the daughter of James J. SWAFFORD and Elizabeth Ann Gant HANKINS.
1978 - Donald Acree SWAFFORD died in Richmond, Missouri. Donald was the son of Arthur Clyde SWAFFORD and Katherine ACREE.
1689 - Mary BUTTON born. Mary was the daughter of Peter BUTTON and Sarah CRANDALL.
1753 - Sarah MILLS married William HUNT in Orange County, North Carolina. Sarah was the daughter of John MILLS and Sarah BEALS.
1797 - William PUTNAM born. William was the son of Henry PUTNAM and Elizabeth KENDRICK.
1789 - Joel HUNT born in Guilford County, North Carolina. Joel was the son of Isaiah HUNT and Elizabeth FLOYD.
1791 - John HIGGINS born in Flemington, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. John was the son of Judiah H. HIGGINS and Mary HILL.
1805 - Joshua BOND married Ruth COFFIN. Joshua was the daughter of Edward BOND and Elizabeth Ann MILLS.
1808 - S. Austin PIERCE born. Austin was the son of Samuel PIERCE and Persis BARROWS.
1827 - John GRAHAM died in Tennessee. John was the son of Richard GRAHAM and Asenath ________.
1836 - Catherine WEHRLY married John B. BUCHER. Catherine was the daughter of Johannes WEHRLY and Barbara PETRY.
1836 - Sutton MAXSON married Vienna SUTTON. Sutton was the son of Jesse MAXSON and Sarah SUTTON.
1851 - Mary EASTLACK died. Mary was the daughter of Jesse CHEW and Mary RICHARDS.
1860 - Margaret L. KING born in Madison County, Indiana. Margaret was the daughter of George Washington KING and Elizabeth HOWARD.
1862 - Francis W. POE died in Morgan County, Indiana. Francis was the son of Isaac S. POE and Hannah MILLS.
1865 - Doris Elisabeth SCHUTTE married John M. DOELITSCH in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Doris was Corinne's 4x-great grandmother.
1867 - James J. HEATON married Sarah A. MERIDETH in Schuyler County, Missouri. James was the son of James R. HEATON and Elizabeth JACOBS.
1868 - Annie Evalista BURCHFIEL born in Dandridge, Jefferson County, Tennessee. Annie was the daughter of Joseph Rmenia BURCHFIEL and Louisa LEE.
1869 - Mary Elizabeth BIRDWELL born in Pine Hill, Rusk County, Texas. Mary was the daughter of William Ezekiel BIRDWELL and Dora Alice FLANAGAN.
1877 - Elias P. SNYDER married Nancy E. BELL in Delaware County, Indiana. Elias was the son of Edwin Clark Anthony SNYDER and Amanda GROENENDYKE.
1880 - Peter Miller YOUNG married Annie E. CUMMINS. Peter was the son of Phillip YOUNG and Keziah CURTIS.
1906 - Francis C. BOYER born. Francis was the son of Benjamin BOYER and Docia WHITE.
1927 - John Jacob HALEY died in Lima, Allen County, Ohio. John was the son of George J. HALEY and Rachel H. GARY.
1930 - Betty Jean SWAFFORD died Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Betty was the daughter of Landon Marselles SWAFFORD and Goldie Amanda RUSSELL.
1945 - George Thomas WILDT died in Lincoln, Nebraska. George was the son of Johannes Heinrich WILD and Emilie DEUTSCH.
1964 - Alva A. MAXON died. Alva was the son of Joseph Lancaster MAXON and Josephine Agnes May GAMBLE.
1977 - Fleta BARTLET died in Mt. Ayre, Iowa. Fleta was the daughter of James J. SWAFFORD and Elizabeth Ann Gant HANKINS.
1978 - Donald Acree SWAFFORD died in Richmond, Missouri. Donald was the son of Arthur Clyde SWAFFORD and Katherine ACREE.
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