Friday, April 10, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 10th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 10th - Wednesday

We were to the "Cases" farewell party.  Our S.S. class, Rev. & Mrs. Ballmer Mr. Hauk.  19 in all.  I took an angel food cake.  Served ice cream, cake, coffee.

1969 - April 10th - Thursday

Cleaned upstairs.  Took Leona golden wedding gift this P.M.  Towel set & fancy doll.  Ready to go to revival.

1970 - April 10th - Friday

We went to Portland in A.M.  I cleaned up house in P.M.  Clarence disked & harrowed garden.

1971 - April 10th - Saturday

Were to Portland in A.M.  Baked cake, cleaned up some and sowed peas & lettuce & raddishes.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 9th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 9th - Tuesday

Made hot bed and sowed petunia seed.  Attended King funeral on T.V. this P.M.  Also sowed tomato & mango seed.

1969 - April 9th - Wednesday

Made hot bed and ironed today.  Joan here for eggs & Huntsmans got hay.  Revival meeting began this eve.

1970 - April 9th - Thursday

Cleaned basement.  Clarence went to 'Recovery then called on Rose, she came back home last week.

1971 - April 9th - Friday

(Good Friday)  We attended services at our church.  We planted potatoes and I cleaned up sitting room.  Hittle sowed our oats today.  Not so warm today & windy.


Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - April 8th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - April 8th - Monday

A nice day but windy.  Washed and ironed.

1969 - April 8th - Tuesday

We went with Ruths to Ft. Wayne today.

1970 - April 8th - Wednesday

Washed bed clothes and cleaned bed room.  Attended missionary meeting in eve.  Been a very nice day.

1971 - April 8th - Thursday

Warmest day since last Oct.  I baked cookies, sowed some lettuce & radish seed.  Mrs. Francks brot [sic] us some fish. Joan & Susie here awhile.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children.