Sunday, July 17, 2011

Black Sheep Sunday: Laketon Bank Robbed Today

Call-Leader, Elwood, Indiana, March 31, 1925, page 1.

Laketon Bank Robbed Today

Wabash, March 31. – The unmasked bandits held up and robbed the Laketon State bank, north of here, shortly after it opened this morning, making away with between $1,000 and $1,800.  The bandits overlooked several thousand dollars in bonds.

The Laketon bank robbery in Wabash County, Indiana was one that was believed to be the work of Harry PIERPONT's gang.  However, after Harry's arrest, the clerk was unable to identify Harry as the robber.

I also received the following transcription from Wabash County Historian Ron Woodward, from his files on the robbery from the March 31, 1925 Wabash Plain Dealer:



     Armed with revolvers, two youthful bandits, calmly walked into the Lateton State Bank at 9 o’clock this morning and after covering E.L. Bright, cashier, and Mrs. Violet Ogden, assistant cashier, with guns, looted the money drawers of between $1,000 and $1,200.  they left the bank immediately and stepping into a Ford Touring car sped away to the north before an alarm could be given.
     Arriving at a point five miles northeast of Laketon the robbers abandoned the Ford and transferred their loot to a Willys-Knight coupe and proceeded on their way.  The Ford touring car was stolen in Milford, Ind., and it is presumed that the more powerful car was also a stolen machine.
     The bank opened about 8:15 this morning according to Mr. Bright and at about 9 o’clock, the young men stepped inside.  No one besides Mr. Bright and Mrs. Ogden were present at the time.  One of the bandits stepped around the counter and forced Mr. Bright and Mrs. Ogden to hold up their hands.  The other remained outside the cage to serve as a lookout.
     “I was backed up against the wall,” said Mr. Bright, “and told not to move unless I wanted to be shot.  The one fellow then scrapped the money off the counter and took change out of the vault and each drawers.  He passed it on to the other man and then the two of them backed out of the door and jumped into the Ford touring car.”

Loss Over $1000

     “I haven’t been able to make a check of the exact loss but it won’t run much over $1000,” said Mr. Bright.  Detectives operation Webster Bureau at Indianapolis informed the United Press today that they believed the loss would reach $2500 judging from the reports they had received.  Mr. Bright denied this statement.
     Residents of Laketon report that early in the morning they saw the Willys-Knight coupe in Laketon and that it contained three men.  The car was driven around the street and passed the bank several times.  The number of the license plates is known by authorities and may prove a big asset in locating the robbers.

Start Pursuit

     As soon as possible Robert Fulton, S.A. Pense and R. Stranglin, all of Laketon, jumped into a car and started in pursuit of the bandits but their efforts were of no avail.  The first car ahd too great an advantage in time and had disappeared.  Police in Northern Indiana cities were informed of the robbery shortly after it occurred an detectives are now at work on the rather meager clews.

Laketon in Turmoil

     Laketon was very much excited today.  The little hamlet which is accustomed to a peaceful existence suddenly became a hot bed.  The news of the robbery spread like wildfire and it was not long before autos bearing folks from surrounding towns began to arrive on the scene.
     Some of the depositors were anxious as to the amount taken thinking that perhaps the loss would seriously cripple the finances of the bank.  There was no cause for alarm as the bank was covered by insurance and business was carried on as usual following the excitement.

Bandits Show Craftiness

     The transfer from one machine to another in order to throw pursuers off the track was a craft move on the part of the bandits.  They had long before it was attempted, evidently carefully planed the job.
     Both were young men, judged by Mr. Bright, to have been ? ? of age.  They were of dark complexion and wore conventional clothes. 

Black Sheep Sunday – create a post with the main focus being an ancestor with a “shaded past.” Bring out your ne’er-do-wells, your cads, your black widows, your horse thieves and tell their stories. And don’t forget to check out the International Black Sheep Society of Genealogists (IBSSG). This is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.

Sunday's Obituary: Patricia Lou LeMaster (1932-1945)

Commercial-Review, Portland, Indiana, October 29, 1945, page 5


Two Weeks Illness Fatal To 12-Year-Old Portland Girl

Patty Lou LeMaster, 12, of West High street, died at the Jay County Hospital at 3:30 Saturday afternoon following a two weeks illness of flu and complications.  Her condition had been critical for the past week.

The child was born in Madison township on December 2, 1932, the daughter of Chesley and Clara (Burkey) LeMaster, who survive.

Also surviving are the three brothers; Donald in the Navy in the South Pacific; Ralph in the army now home on furlough and Dale in the Marines stationed at San Diego, Califf., one sister, Mrs. Doris Shaneyfelt of Salamonia and the grandfather, John Burkey of East Walnut street.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Salamonia Methodist church with Rev. H.G. Perry officiating.  Burial will be in the Salamonia cemetery.

The body will remain at the Williamson funeral home where friends may call until the hour of the funeral.

Sunday’s Obituary – if you have obituaries of family members and ancestors, consider posting them along with other information about that person as part of Sunday’s Obituary. This is an ongoing series developed by Leslie Ann at Ancestors Live Here.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Surname Saturday: Shelly

The SHELLY surname is in Eileen's maternal line.  The origins of the surname are unknown at this time.

Stories and history:

Ahnentafel # 31: Samantha Shelly (1848-1933).  Samantha was born December 16, 1848 in Dora, Wabash County, Indiana.  She married May 21, 1872 in Wabash County, Indiana to Christopher Sills (1840-1913).  Christopher was born February 15, 1840 in Jackson Township, Champaign County, Ohio.  They raised 5 children in Lagro Township, Wabash County, Indiana.  Christopher died March 19, 1913 in Dora, Wabash County, Indiana.  Samantha died March 20, 1933 in Grant County, Indiana.

Ahnentafel # 62: Jacob Shelly (c1794-1863).  Jacob was born circa 1794.  He married before 1841 to Elizabeth Rickert (c1818-1900).  Elizabeth was born circa 1818 in Ohio.  They raised 7 children in Lagro Township, Wabash County, Indiana.  Elizabeth died February 18, 1900 in Dora, Wabash County, Indiana.  Jacob died July 1863 in Dora, Wabash County, Indiana.

Surname Saturday – create a post in which you discuss a surname and mention its origins, its geographical location(s) and how it fits into your genealogy research. Surname Saturday is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers.