Wednesday, December 27, 2017

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday : Playing Santa

Piper & Brayden with Santa

Had a great Christmas this year, and especially enjoyed the opportunity to play Santa to my grandchildren.  Hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas!


Randy Seaver said...

What a great experience and photo, Travis. I wish I had done that with mine - four of them are too old now.

Didn't they recognize your voice? I always worried about that. I got a cold call several years ago from my daughter who had threatened her oldest with a lump of coal, and told her she was going to call Santa Claus to report her. She called me, and with little prep I ho-hoed my way through it, extracting a promise from my granddaughter that she would be a good girl. My daughter said her eyes got so big when she was talking to Santa. don't know if she remembers it, but I sure do.

Have fun -- Randy

Travis LeMaster said...

Hi Randy - The youngest, Brayden (2 yrs), didn't realize it was me. When I later changed and came back into to room, he rushed over to tell me what he got from Santa as if I wasn't there. Piper (5 yrs), when getting ready to go home said to my wife "I think Papaw is Santa." Later, we FaceTimed and she asked if I was Santa. I asked her what she thought and she said she thought it sounded like me. I told her it was our secret and I was one of Santa's helpers. I hope that keeps the mystery alive.

It made my Christmas to role-play, even the bigger kids and my daughter and fiancée got a kick out of it.