Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Strange Days

Strange days indeed.  Haven't been keeping up on our daily items since the COVID-19 shelter in place happened as I had hoped.  

The President gave updated guidance that we should expect to be at home until April 30th.  I wasn't suprised at that recommendation, and had told my work team as much.  The media is trying to make hay out of the President's Easter hope - they are always looking for a way to put a negative spin on everything.  It makes me wonder if they have forgotten what country they are from.

This is now week two working remote - thankful that we still have jobs.  Have been hearing antecdotal reports of others who have lost their jobs.  These are truly unprecedented times.  It will get worse before it gets better.  Every company will have to restate their projections - and you can kiss the 2nd Quarter of this year goodbye.

Today happens to be dad's birthday - we are going to try to do a Zoom call.  This will be the second birthday in the family since this all began.  Seems weird to not be able to get together, go out for dinner, etc. 

Locally, the virus has low numbers here - but social media is full of stories of other suspected cases.  There is a lot of fear out there.  Best to stay away from the media or you will be depressed.

Trying to make sure that when I'm working remote that I remember to take a lunch, stretch my legs and not be "on the job" all the time.  In many ways I'm more productive from home, but it also makes it hard to shut off.

Social media is full of friends and associates that know someone who has been affected by the virus - I hope the measures that have been put in place reduce the projected number of fatalities.

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