Tuesday, November 08, 2011

FindAGrave Success: Hannah Lemasters (1778-1849)

Belated thank-you to FindAGrave volunteer, Kenny LeMaster (no known relation), who located the gravesite of my paternal fourth great-grandmother, Hannah (________) LEMASTERS (1778-1849), wife of Jacob LEMASTERS.

Hannah and Jacob are buried in the Roberts Cemetery in Shelby Couny, Ohio, near Port Jefferson.  The cemetery is on private property, nearly inaccessible.  Several FindAGrave volunteers in the past have reported that they were unable to obtain access to this cemetery.

Kenny remembered seeing the gravesite when hunting, and contacted me.  He was very gracious to offer to locate it again and photograph.  

The book Memorial Records of Shelby County, Ohio 1819-1875 note her death date as June 16, 1849.  

The Candidate

Cast a vote for myself today - that was a new experience.

I'm one of six names on the ballot for five at-large seats on the Sweetser Town Council.  I've already been serving on the council since March, when I was appointed to complete the term of a member who resigned.  That started a season of turnover in town government, as right after I was appointed, another board member moved out of town and had to resign.  Then, the Clerk-Treasurer moved out of town and resigned.  A fellow board member took that spot, so that created yet another opening.  Basically, we've had full turnover this year without even having an election.  Today we have the opportunity to complete the process.

One of the names still on the ballot is a council member who resigned due to his job commitment.  It was too late to remove his name from the ballot.  If he's elected, it would make for an interesting story in the paper, as he would have to decide if he wants to keep the seat or resign again.

Our town has some big issues to deal with over the next few years - including building our own sewage treatment plant.  I'm looking forward to the opportunity to be able to see that project to completion.

There's an old adage that says if you want to find out about your family tree, run for office, so your opponents will dig up all of the skeletons.  I pretty much already know where all of them are buried, and if your read this blog, you do too.

[Update: I made the cut, election results are posted here.]