Sunday, December 08, 2013

Greene Township Teacher's Institute, Jay County, Indiana, 1874

Jay County Granger, Portland, Indiana, February 5, 1874, page 3.

Teachers Institute

Green Township Teacher's Institute convened at Union school house No. 8, January 17, 1874.

Superintendent Bell took the Chair, after which Jesse A. Smith was chosen Secretary and A.J. Haynes Critic.  Roll called, Teachers present : D.M. Bunch, R.A. Bunch, W.P. Hiatt, A.J. Haynes, T.C. Stephenson, J. Lemaster, and J.A. Smith.  The township Trustee, and a goodly number of Patrons was present.

My paternal 2nd-great granduncle, Jacob Lemasters (1845-1922), the son of Rev. Luman Walker and Nancy (Young) Lemasters, was a teacher in Jay County for a number of years before relocating to Valley County, Nebraska.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Wardlow & Wright Guardianships, Clermont County, Ohio

During my last visit to the Genealogy Center, I located the book Clermont County Ohio Wills, Estates & Guardianships, 1800-1851 an index by Aileen Whitt of New Richland, Ohio, 1986 which contained some information relative to my Wardlow and Wright ancestors.  The surname Wardlaw became Wardlow when they moved into Ohio, and both are alternative spellings.

Page 191 – March 1813 Common Pleas Court  Book B-64
                Wardlow, James               guardianship
                Wardlow, Jane                  guardianship
                Wardlow, Mary                 guardianship
                Wardlow, Matilda            guardianship
                Wardlow, Philander        guardianship
                Wardlow, Robert             guardianship
                Wardlow, Samuel            guardianship

These were all the children of William Wardlaw (1771-1812) and Isabel Nesbit.  William was killed during the War of 1812.

Page 191 – December 1817 Common Pleas Court Book C-152

                Wardlow, Samuel            estate

Page 191 – July 1818 Common Pleas Court Book C-367

                Wardlow, Samuel            estate

Page 191 – March 1818 Common Pleas Court Book C-344

                Wardlow, Samuel            estate

Not sure just yet which Samuel this might be, but all these cases are probably related.  Will have to request the records to find out.

Page 191 – November 1812 Common Pleas Court B-4

                Wardlow, William             estate

Page 191 – August 1814 Common Pleas Court Book B-248

                Wardlow, William             estate

Page 191 – Jun 1819 Probate Court Will Book B-330

                Wardlow, William             estate

Page 192 – Probate Court Microfilm Book 6-875

                Wardlow, William             estate

Page 192 – August 1814 Common Pleas Book B-293

                Wardlow, William             estate

Page 192 – March 1814 Common Pleas Book B-229

                Wardlow, William             estate

Page 192 – March 1813 Probate Court Will Book A-75

                Wardlow, William             estate

Page 192 – Probate Court Microfilm Book 8-1604

                Wardlow, William             estate

These three all likely relate to William Wardlaw (1771-1812), killed during the War of 1812.

Page 205 – October 1824 Probate Court Will Book C-284

                Wright, George                 estate

Page 205 – Probate Court Microfilm Book 6-918

                Wright, George                 estate

I’m not sure how this George Wright might be related to my family.  Will have to request the records to find out.

Page 205 – August 1814 Common Pleas Book B-247

                Zumwalt, Henry                estate

Page 205 – August 1814 Common Pleas Book B-286

                Zumwalt, Henry                estate

Page 205 – March 1819 Probate Will Book B-301

                Zumwalt, Henry                estate

Page 205 – November 1815 Common Pleas Book B-539

                Zumwalt, Henry                estate

Page 205 – September 1814 Probate Will Book A-232

                Zumwalt, Henry                estate

Page 205 – early 1818 Probate Will Book B-170

                Zumwalt, Henry                estate

Page 205 – August 1814 Probate Will Book A-193

                Zumwalt, Henry                estate

Henry Zumwalt was the husband of Martha Wardlaw (1776-1855).  He was a colonel of the Ohio Militia during the War of 1812.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Teachers Institute, December 27, 1873, Jay County, Indiana

Jay County Granger, Portland, Indiana, January 15, 1874, page 4

Penmanship by T.W. Fields, subject, Spacing and Shading, giving the standard measure for spacing, giving the distance between letters, words and sentences.  Thinks he would not teach beginner shading on account of blotting theis books.  Physiology, T.W. Fields. Gave a description of the circulation.  Mr. J. Lemaster, conducted a recitation in History.  Has pupils to arise and give all the events relating to some particular period, other members arise, correct all mistakes and give additional thoughts, omitted by the first.  Sometimes has pupils to read the lesson before reciting.  Remarks on the subject by McLaughlin also by Walters, and Whitsel.  Remarks by the Trustee, does not approve of History taking the place of readers in the school.  Recess.

This article recites how Jacob Lemasters (1845-1922), son of Rev. Luman Walker and Nancy (Young) Lemasters, gave a presentation as a history teacher at the Teachers Institute held December 27, 1873 at School House No. 4 in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana.  Jacob was my paternal 2nd-great granduncle.