Right away, I recognized which cousin this was because of who the administrator was. This match is my paternal first cousin on the LeMaster side.
Unfortunately, AncestryDNA doesn't offer a chromosome browser to show me exactly where we match and use that to compare against other matches.
My cousin's husband and I have been corresponding, they did they DNA test for the ethnicity results, and have a tree at the site. My cousin's results were updated to GEDMATCH, and below are the results.
GEDMatch predicts the estimated number of generations to a MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) to be 2 generations - which is correct, we share common grandparents.
We share DNA on 24 matching segments as detailed in the chart. I will use this data to begin mapping other matches against me and my cousin. I can check my other known paternal line matches and see where we all match and segment out the various lines to determine if the additional matches are through the LeMaster side or the Haley side.
Now I have DNA results from my paternal side at AncestryDNA and my maternal side at FamilyTreeDNA and both are uploaded to GEDMatch.