Friday, January 24, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - January 24th

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - January 24th - Wednesday

Picked corn yesterday.  Sam Jones helped also Mark Wiley in P.M.

1969 - January 24th

Snow flurries & colder.  Defrosted refrigerator, baked cake & rice custard, Did some cleaning.  T.V. man here, Got load stone.  Betty fell and broke her ankle.

1970 - January 24th - Saturday

A little warmer today.  Baked a cake etc.  Hittle here this P.M.

1971 - January 24th - Sunday

Clarence went to church in morning.
Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - January 23rd

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - January 23rd - Tuesday

Ironed: Clarenced hen house.  Hittle picked 3 loads of corn.

1969 - January 23rd - Thursday

Clarence went to ' Recovery got two snow tires.  Been raining today and this evening.

1970 - January 23rd - Friday

Cleaned up house some.  Some snow again last night and today.  Snow plow went thru twice.

1971 - January 23rd - Saturday

Took Juanita's baby to hospital.  Seems like --- can't gain strengtht [sic]
Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Aunt Vera's Diary - January 22nd

In the summer of 2019, I was able to photograph the entries in the diary of my maternal great-aunt, Vera (Haley) Stuber.  The entries cover the years from 1968-1971 time frame and provide an interesting view of her daily activities. Items in brackets are my notes for further research.

Stuber, Vera Delphene (Haley). "Journal." MS. Fort Recovery, Ohio, 1968-1971. Privately held by Juanita (LeMaster) Steigerwalt, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Muncie, Indiana, 2020.

1968 - January 22nd - Monday

Washed today. Clarence got coal in A.M. and cobs in P.M.   Youth revival begins this eve.

1969 - January 22nd - Wednesday

Attended prayer meeting.  Clarence called on Bob Smith this P.M. he is coming along fine.

1970 - January 22nd - Thursday

Cleaned up the basement.  Ord & Ruth [LeMaster - sister] came in P.M. and got apples brot us groceries & chicken feed.  Fred Francks called toward evening.

1971 - January 22nd - Friday

Clarence went to Portland in P.M.  Cleaned part of house.

Vera Delphene (Haley) Stuber was born 10 March 1890 in Jay County, Indiana, daughter of Eli Weldon & Cora Belle (Metzner) Haley.  She married 14 February 1915 in Jay County, Indiana to Clarence Leroy Stuber.  Vera died 17 June 1987 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana. Clarence was born 4 February 1891 in Jay County, Indiana, son of Henry and Margaret (Metzger) Stuber.  Clarence died 20 May 1981 in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  They had no surviving children.