Monday, February 13, 2012

On This Day : February 13

1622 - Hans RAUSCHENBERGER died in Egenhausen, Wurttemberg.  Hans was my 11x great-grandfather.

1665 - Hepzibah JANES born.  Hepzibah was the daughter of William JANES and Hannah BASCOM.

1689 - Phebe PIERCE born in Wobrun, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.  Phebe was the daughter of Thomas PIERCE and Rachel BACON.

1698/99 - George COLTON died in Springfield, Hampton County, Massachusetts.  George was my 9x great-grandfather.

1713 - George STILLMAN born.  George was the son of George STILLMAN and Deborah CRANDALL.

1726 - Cyllania WOOLSTON born in Burlington County, New Jersey.  Cyllania was the daughter of John WOOLSTON and Sarah POWELL.  Cyllania was my 6x great-grandmother.

1754 - Tacy MAXSON born.  Tacy was the daughter of Samuel MAXSON and Ruth ROGERS.

1772 - Tacy MAXSON married Ephraim ROGERS.  Tacy was the daughter of John MAXSON and Sarah BURDICK.

1787 - Josiah Ballinger SMITH born in Frederick County, Virginia.  Josiah was the son of Jacob SMITH and Patience BALLINGER.

1794 - Richard HIGGINS born in Flemington, Hunterdon County, New Jersey.  Richard was the son of Judiah H. HIGGINS and Mary HILL.

1798 - Charlotte HAINES married Michael WOOLSTON in Burlington County, New Jersey.  Charlotte was the daughter of Robert HAINES and Rachel VENICOMB.

1812 - Robert LOGAN born.  Robert was the son of John LOGAN and Rachel McPHEETERS.

1816 - Sarah SHERRICK married Samuel SAILOR.  Sarah was the daughter of David SHIRK and Barbara ERB.

1820 - Bowater BALES married Elizabeth MARSHALL.  Bowater was the son of Jacob BEALS and Mary ________.

1822 - Riley Wyatt NOSLER born in Indiana.  Riley was the son of John NOSLER and Nancy HIBBS.

1841 - Wyatt CUMMINGS born in Walker County, Alabama.  Wyatt was the son of Spencer CUMMINGS and Gincy ________.  Wyatt was Eileen's great-grandfather.

1847 - Mary Keziah CHEW born in Mt. Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey.  Mary was the daughter of Ezekiel Cooper CHEW and Caroline Bishop WOOLSTON.  Mary was my 2x great-grandmother.

1853 - Rachel Brown LEE born in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.  Rachel was the daughter of Burrell Russel LEE and Elizabeth W. NAIL.

1855 - Lavina Moore BROWN died in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Lavina was the daughter of William McPHEETERS and Lavina MOORE.

1862 - Edna BALDWIN married Matthew C. BROOKS in Wayne County, Indiana.  Edna was the daughter of Cyrus A. BALDWIN and Barbara SHERRICK.

1862 - William KING born in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana.  William was the son of John Wesley KING and Mary Catherine HENDRICKS.

1883 - Ida Laura WEHRLY born in Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana.  Ida was the daughter of William P. WEHRLY and Olive Jane SMITH.

1886 - Paul KING born in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.  Paul was the son of Eli KING and Laura Belle BLACK.

1887 - Frank LEE born.  Frank was the son of John Edward LEE and Sarah SWAFFORD.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

On This Day : February 12

1546 - Katherine COOKE born in Westhorpe, Suffolk, England.  Katherine was the daughter of John COOKE and Alice CARTER. Katherine was my 11x great-grandmother.

1641 - Sarah KELLEY born in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.  Sarah was my 10x great-grandmother.

1665 - Jannetje MONFOORT married Willem Gerritsen VAN COUVENHAVEN in New Amsterdam.  Jannetje was my 9x great-grandmother.

1670 - Thomas PIERCE born in Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.  Thomas was the son of Thomas PIERCE and Eliza ________.

1671 - Pieter Willemse VAN COUVENHAVEN born in Flatbush, New Amsterdam. Pieter was the son of Williem Gerritsen VAN COUVENHAVEN and Jannetje MONFOORT.  Pieter was my 8x-great grandfather.

1693 - Hans STICKEL died in Egenhausen, Wurttemberg.  Hans was the son of Peter STICKEL and Margaretha GROSSMAN.  Hans was my 9x great-grandfather.

1688 - Nicholas LONGHORNE died in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts.  Nicholas was my 10x great-grandfather.

1715 - Rebecca PIERCE married Nathaniel WINSHIP.  Rebecca was the daughter of James PIERCE and Elizabeth KENDALL.

1716 - Joseph CHEW died in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.  Joseph was the son of John CHEW and Sarah GALE.

1759 - Thomas BABCOCK born in Monmouth County, New Jersey.  Thomas was the son of Thomas BABCOCK and Judith DAVIS.

1778 - Martha MILLS married Obediah OVERMAN.  Martha was the daughter of Thomas MILLS and Elizabeth HARROLD.

1787 - Ulrich RINEHART died.  Ulrich was Eileen's 7x great-grandfather.

1806 - John CHEW died.  John was the son of Robert CHEW and Mary PERROTT.

1807 - Daniel PIERCE born.  Daniel was the son of Elijah PIERCE and Patty MOULTON.

1808 - Mary MILLS married Valentine PEGG in North Carolina.  Mary was the daughter of John MILLS and Sarah BEALS.

1832 - Diana Y. YOUNG born.  Diana was the daughter of Adam YOUNG and Sarah CRUM.

1843 - Lucinda WARDLAW married Isaac WRIGHT in Brown County, Ohio.  Lucinda was the daughter of Samuel WARDLAW and Elizabeth NESBIT.

1844 - Susannah WEHRLY married Charles PETRY.  Susannah was the daughter of Johannes WEHRLY and Barbara PETRY.

1852 - Arana WARDLOW married Mary DENNIS in Brown County, Ohio.  Arana was the son of Samuel WARDLAW and Elizabeth NESBIT.

1861 - James Robert LEE born.  James was the son of William M. LEE and Elizabeth BROWN.

1888 - Fred A. LEE born in Ray County, Missouri.  Fred was the son of William Burrell LEE and Margaret Jane SWAFFORD.

1893 - Fina SWAFFORD married William Eli COFFELT.  Fina was the daughter of John B. SWAFFORD and Nancy Rowena MILLARD.

1894 - Abigail STEVENSON died in Knox County, Illinois.  Abigail was the daughter of Thomas SUMNER and Hannah HIATT.

1897 - Roliff SIGLER born in Madison County, Indiana.  Roliff was the son of John H. SIGLER and Nelia KIMMERLING.

1908 - Mary Adoline SWAFFORD married Calvin HATFIELD.  Mary was the daughter of Landon Marcellus SWAFFORD and Bertie Belle MARSH.

1911 - Hampton WARDLAW died in Scott Township, Brown County, Indiana.  Hampton was the son of Hugh WARDLAW and Rebecca HIRONS.

1926 - Sarah C. GEGENHEIMER died in Portland, Jay County, Indiana.  Sarah was the daughter of George J. HALEY and Rachel H. GARY.

1962 - John R. SWAFFORD died in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.  John was the s on of George W. SWAFFORD and Elizabeth HAMILTON.

1982 - Floyd LeMASTERS died in Union City, Randolph County, Indiana.  Floyd was the son of Luman Cooper LeMASTERS and Barbara Isabel WEHRLY.

1998 - Lula Mae WILKINS died in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.  Lula Mae was the daughter of Isaac C. CHIVLARE and Viola FOLLOWAY.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy : Family Heirlooms

Week 6 - Family Heirlooms. For which family heirloom are you most thankful? How did you acquire this treasure and what does it mean to you and your family?

Most of the heirlooms of my family still remain with my parents for a number of reason, not the least of which is the fact that I have a small house.  But there is one family heirloom that I recently acquired that I am thankful for - the Bible carried by my paternal great-grandfather, Eli Weldon Haley (1866-1957).

It isn't the kind of Bible that most genealogists would hope for - there aren't names and dates of births, marriages, etc. within its pages.  It is valuable to me because it was one that he carried and used at church, as its well-worn cover and pages can attest.  It is a connection to the past and evidence of the role of faith in my ancestors life.  

I acquired this treasure within the past year from my father, who has been providing me with all sorts of family treasures and epherma.  The Haleys were members of the Evangelical Association, which merged after my ancestor's death into the United Methodist Church.  The church they worshiped in, Mt. Zion, is still an active church.

Just holding an everyday item that held value to him helps me feel a bit more connected.