April Garden Tips
Timing is very important when planting a garden.
Plants started too early will be overgrown and leggy. Some
vegetable varieties will stand a freeze and cen be set out quite
early. Others can stand some cold weather without
injury. Others are stricly warm-weather plants They may
not freeze if set out too early, but they do not grow and could rot
off. Here are some general rules for planting:
* Hardy vegetables can be planted as soon as the ground can
be worked in the springs i.e. onions
*Semi-hardy vegetables can be planted 2-3 weeks before the
average date of the last frost (Indiana it is April 17th)
*Tender kinds sould be planted at the frost-free date
*Very tender vegetables should be planted no sooner than 3
weeks after the frost-free date
Planting tips:
Plant potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce*, radishes,
spinach, and green onions early in the month.
Plant asparagus crowns, horseradish, and rhubarb
Begin planting flowering perennials, trees, and shrubs
Fertlilizing tips:
Fertilize established perennials, clematis, irises, and
peonies, and ground covers; evergreens, trees, and shrubs.
Fertilize your lawn.
Maintaining tips:
Gradually remove winter protection around roses as new
growth appears. Prune rose canes that are week, crossed or damaged.
Divide and transplant crowded summer and fall blooming
Clean and aerate lawn.
Apply pre-emergent weed control in mid-April to mid-May,.
Spray pines for diseases.
Spray fruit trees when blossoms fall.
When new leaves appear, spray crab trees with fungicide to
prevent rust & scab.
Prune spring flowering shrubs after blooming.
Prune or mow winter damaged ground covers.
If you have not started a journal, it is time to do
so. Record the planting dates, varieties, and other pertinent
information. They can be a drag but will be very helpful, and
interesting later when your want to recall facts about your garden.
*a fence of chicken wire is protection from rabbits but you
don't put one up, I use moth balls to repel them.
Gardening has been such a big part of the family tradition that I thought I'd better get as much information written down from mom and dad as soon as possible to pass on.