Thursday, March 17, 2011

Those Places Thursday : Top Hat Drive In, Alexandria Indiana

Mom shared her memories of an old Alexandria, Indiana landmark and a photo from her high school yearbook.

Source: Alexandria-Monroe High School Spectrum, 1964 edition

Top Hat Special

When I was in high school I worked as a carhop and payroll clerk for the Top Hat Drive-In.   Our special was the "Top Hat" Sandwich which was nothing more than a cheeseburger on toast with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise.   It was amazing how good a cheeseburger could be just by changing to toast and proved to be a popular item for customers.  If I recall they sold for 35 cents. 

Our other specials include hand-bread tenderloins and onion rings which were double dipped in a milk&egg mixture and then into cracker crumbs.   I remember "tater tots" being introduced and were served with sour cream.   

The Top Hat was owned locally by insurance man, Neal Johnson, teacher & coach, Shorty Burdsall, and Harry Jolliff.   Harry was the one who mainly managed and worked the grill.   Shorty would on occasion work the grill when Harry had to be off.

Those Places Thursday – do you often think back to places where you lived and worked at one time? What about those places where your ancestors spent time? Post about “those places” with photos and stories on Those Places Thursday. This has been an ongoing series by Cheryl Palmer of Heritage Happens.

Erin Go Bragh

Miss Vera Haley
Portland, Ind.
"Route 9"

Come and visit us.  This is a little remembrance.  My address is Mrs. __ __ 401 Franklin St. Lorain Ohio.

This postcard, postmarked March 15, 1909 in Lorain, Ohio was sent to my paternal great aunt, Vera HALEY.  The sender's name looks like Mrs. Chris Coder, but I'm not sure.  Any suggestions from readers is appreciated.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Update 3/18/11:  Thanks to reader comments, I checked for the name Ohio Coder in Lorain, Ohio.  There was an Ohio Coder in city directories and census records in the 2nd war. In 1910, it was indexed as Colter, but in other records it was definitely Coder.  Mrs. Coder's first name was Della.  I know of no relationship to Vera Haley at this time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photo: Ruby and Bob Walsh

Ruby and Bob Walsh
Ruby and Bob Walsh
Ruby and Bob Walsh
Bob Walsh
These photos from the collection of cousin Mike Walsh, show his parents, Robert and Ruby (LAMBERTSON) WALSH during the World War II years.  Most of the photos were not marked with locations, but I believe they were taken either in Florida or Texas.

Ruby Walsh, San Antonio, TX 1944
This photo was labeled as being taken in 1944 in San Antonio, TX.  Notice that the house is the same as the photo of uncle Bob above, so we can place that one in 1944 in San Antonio as well.